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Over 40 European Projects Found

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SiliconLaser (SiLAS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Our research aims to revolutionize the electronics industry by adding intra-chip and chip-to-chip communication at the speed of light, offering a significantly reduced energy consumption. Cubic crystal phase SiGe is known to be great for electronics. We propose to develop hexagonal crystal phase SiGe (Hex-SiGe) which features a direct bandgap and will add photonic capabilities to electronics. Dire ...
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RISE Women with disabilities In Social Engagement (RISEWISE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2020,

Women with disabilities have more difficulties to find an employment and to integrate in social day life activities than men with disabilities.This project focuses on the collective of women with disabilities from different perspectives, trying to identify needs and best practices in several EU countries, representing different cultural and socio-economic environments, for the integration and impr ...
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ARCADES aims at disrupting the traditional paradigm in Computer-Aided Design (CAD) by exploiting cutting-edge research in mathematics and algorithm design. Geometry is now a critical tool in a large number of key applications; somewhat surprisingly, however, several approaches of the CAD industry are outdated, and 3D geometry processing is becoming increasingly the weak link. This is alarming in s ...
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Aiding Culturally Responsive Assessment in Schools

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Immigration has dramatically increased in recent years; meeting and satisfying the demands of a diverse multicultural classroom is taxing educators at all levels of the Irish educational spectrum as well as across Europe and internationally. The theory of culturally responsive assessment suggests that ethnic minorities may suffer discrimination through the modes of assessment of learning. The eff ...
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Developing and implementing European Public Sector Accounting modules

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

...sis of reference. As public sector accounting in Europe is currently very heterogenous, professionals and academics in Europe face tremendous challenges. In particular, there will be a large need for university graduates that are knowledgable in public sector accounting and that are aware of the differing public sector accounting regimes accross Europe. In order to account for this development, th ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The proposed work will address the problem of encouraging and nurturing digital take-up amongst older citizens who have not previously had access to digital technology. The target group (over 55 years and not digitally literate) typically consists of individuals who have reached an advanced stage in their lives without learning to use any digital technology. Our approach will use touch-table game ...
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ENABLE-S3 will pave the way for accelerated application of highly automated and autonomous systems in the mobility domains automotive, aerospace, rail and maritime as well as in the health care domain. Virtual testing, verification and coverage-oriented test selection methods will enable validation with reasonable efforts. The resulting validation framework will ensure Europeans Industry competiti ...
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The use of advanced methods to solve practical and industrially relevant problems by computers has a long history. Whereas Symbolic Computation is concerned with the algorithmic determination of exact solutions to complex mathematical problems, more recent developments in the area of Satisfiability Checking tackle similar problems but with different algorithmic and technological solutions. Though ...
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The recent experience with ocean wave energy have revealed issues with reliability of technical components, survivability, high development costs and risks, long time to market, as well as industrial scalability of proposed and tested technologies. However the potential of wave energy is vast, and also positive conclusions have been drawn, in particular that wave energy is generally technically fe ...
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MOOC Accessibility Partnership

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The purpose of the project is to implement a sustainable strategic partnership between European universities that excel in both teaching accessible design in ICT and providing an inclusive learning environment to students with disabilities. The project will devise and implement a joint curriculum framework on accessible design in ICT, by means of massive open online courses (MOOCs) directed to the ...
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PRACE 4th Implementation Phase Project (PRACE-4IP)

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing, was established in May 2010 as a permanent pan-European High Performance Computing service providing world-class systems for world-class science. Six systems at the highest performance level (Tier-0) are deployed by Germany, France, Italy and Spain providing researchers with over 9 billion core hours of compute time. HPC experts from twenty-five membe ...
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Hybrid Risk Management for Utility Networks (HYRIM)

Start date: Apr 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

Risk management is a core duty in critical infrastructures as operated by utility providers. Despite the existence of numerous risk assessment tools to support the utility providers in estimating the nature and impact of possible incidents, risk management up till now is mostly a matter of best practice approaches. Risk management tools are mostly focused on one of two major topics:- the utility n ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Game Jams have been organised for several years around the world and are a powerful instrument to stimulate innovation in the creation, development and deployment of educational games. Game Jam events are typically organised for 48 hours and simultaneously conducted in various locations. They offer the possibility to develop an idea into a potentially innovative solution around specific themes wh ...
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Current applications of microwave technologies in communications, remote sensing and in industry are based on the properties of the interaction of microwaves with matter at supra-wave length scales (above centimetres). The developments performed in Nanotechnology in recent years makes now conceivable to explore the interaction of microwaves with matter at much smaller scales, from micrometres to n ...
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"The Crop, Livestock and Forest Integrated system (CLAFIS) will develop and demonstrate a pre-commercial intelligent integrated solution prototype based on a cross platform OPC unified architecture (OPC UA) specification entitling standards and related technologies for communication between automation systems and IT systems in farms and forest related process. The project is centred on a Use Case ...
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PRACE - Third Implementation Phase Project (PRACE-3IP)

Start date: Jul 1, 2012, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

PRACE-3IP supports the accelerated implementation of the pan-European HPC Research Infrastructure (RI) created in April 2010. It continues, complements, and extends the work of the PRACE-1IP and -2IP projects.PRACE-3IP addresses the computational and simulation needs of European scientific communities and of industry to keep them at the forefront of discovery. Our vision is the formation of an int ...
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Neuro-Enhancement: Responsible Research and Innovation (NERRI)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: May 31, 2016,

This project aims to contribute to the introduction of Responsible Research and Innovation in neuro-enhancement (NE) in the European Research Area and to the shaping of a normative framework underpinning the governance of NE technologies. These will be achieved through mobilization and mutual learning (MML) activities engaging scientists, policy-makers, industry, civil society groups and the wider ...
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"Windows are critical elements to control the energy performance of buildings especially for zero-energy buildings. It is of paramount importance to develop windows which show reduced U-value, weight and costs and certain features to control and harvest energy. Such a window will have a high impact in the window industry and will reduce green house gas emissions as long as the window is affordable ...
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Ensuring STABiLIty in organic Solar cells (ESTABLIS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

...roups to increase the stability of strong, flexible, low-cost OSCs to 10 years so that they can be sold on a mass-market basis.ESTABLIS is an exceptionally complementary consortium of field-leading University groups and the world’s chief Industrial companies, namely, the world’s foremost producers of OSCs, Konarka, of conducting polymers, Heraeus, and of semiconducting polymers, Merck. These key E ...
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The objective of this ITN is to develop the next generation methods integrating numerical simulation and geometric design technology. Currently, geometric design and simulation is based on different geometry representation hampering the effective design of Engineering structures, materials and components. Isogeometric analysis developed recently tries to remove those drawbacks by integrating CAD s ...
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“Social Innovation–Empowering the Young (SocIEtY) for the Common Good” will both focus on and integrate disadvantaged young people into the research process to improve their quality of life and to foster social innovation. Therefore SocIEtY will extend the given informational basis for designing and implementing policies to reduce inequalities by giving voice and opportunities for developing aspir ...
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"Today, attackers are using more sophisticated technologies, making existing “add-on” security solutions obsolete or insufficient, and the number of stakeholders involved –both human and machines– is always increasing. Thus, design and embedding of new security mechanisms directly into the systems is needed to drastically increase reliability and security levels, and provide higher levels of resil ...
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moting Cross-Innovation in European Cities and Regions (Cross-Innovation)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

ABOUT PROJECT CROSS-INNOVATIONProject Cross-Innovation focusses on experience exchange between 11 leading European cities in relation to the promotion of collaborative and user-driven innovation that happens across sectoral, organisational, technological and geographic boundaries (= cross-innovation). In this context, a specific focus rests on policies and support measures that enable cross-innova ...
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"The overall aim of NERA is to achieve a measurable improvement and a long-term impact in the assessment and reduction of the vulnerability of constructions and citizens to earthquakes. NERA will integrate the key research infrastructures in Europe to monitor earthquakes and assess their hazard and risk, and will combine expertise in observational and strong-motion seismology, modeling, geotechnic ...
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"Threats for the supply of electricity have changed dramatically throughout the last decade: additional to the natural and accidental ones, the new threat of malicious attacks needs to be considered. Such attacks might be jointly imparted so as to affect large portions of the European grid, make repair difficult and cause huge societal impact. The outstanding importance and the far more complex le ...
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PRACE - Second Implementation Phase Project (PRACE-2IP)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Aug 31, 2014,

PRACE-2IP supports the accelerated implementation of the pan-European HPC Research Infrastructure created in April 2010 as the result of the preparatory phase PRACE project. It complements and extends the work of the PRACE-1IP project that was started in July 2010.PRACE-2IP addresses the computational and simulation needs of European scientific communities to keep them at the forefront of discover ...
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European Clearing House for Open Robotics Development (ECHORD)

Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

Description Strengthening the knowledge transfer between scientific research and industry in robotics and stimulating their cooperation In Europe the robotics industry is strong, but still fragmented and dispersed. The objective of ECHORD is to provide new opportunities for coordinated and target- ...
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This Thematic Network will facilitate and co-ordinate the implementation of a European Web Portal able to provide information on ICT-based Assistive products which are available in Europe, and on related organisations and services. The Portal will also allow access to repositories of freeware, open source software products and tools for developers of accessibility and assistive solutions, or for m ...
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PRACE - First Implementation Phase Project (PRACE-1IP)

Start date: Jul 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

Large scale simulations are the third pillar of science today alongside theory and experiment. They produce scientific insights, technological advances, and solve problems in many fields of society. Their tools are high-end computers and effective software. PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing, has been created as a not for profit association in May 2010 as a permanent pan-European High P ...
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Self-aware Pervasive Service Ecosystems (SAPERE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

The objective of SAPERE is the development of a highly-innovative theoretical and practical framework for the decentralized deployment and execution of self-aware and adaptive services for future and emerging pervasive network scenarios. The framework will be grounded on a foundational re-thinking of current service models and of associated infrastructures and algorithms. In particular, getting in ...
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eACCESS+: the eAccessibility Network (eAccess+)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2013,

Description Much expertise, many guidelines and tools exist on e-accessibility but they are of a highly fragmented nature. As announced in the Communication of December 2008 on eAccessibility, the Thematic Network eAccess+ will create a platform for collecting and providing guidance on how to use in practice this body of knowledge. eAccess+ ...
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"The European Commission and other funding agencies make a large investment in child health research. The health of our children is satisfactory, but there are serious concerns, for example, obesity, mental health, alcohol abuse, and sexuality. We know that there are strong links between the health of young people and their social inclusion and level of education. Our objective is to establish a s ...
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The primary objective of this project is to demonstrate integrated on-chip thermoelectric energy harvesting using micro-/nano-fabricated Si/SiGe nanostructures with improved efficiencies through the use of band-structure and phonon engineering. High performance thermoelectric materials require high electrical conductivity and low thermal conductivity. Our approach is to engineer thermoelectric mat ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

Description ‘‘Digitising Contemporary Art’ (DCA) is a 30-month digitisation project for contemporary art, i.e. art made after 1945 - a kind of cultural heritage still largely missing from Europeana which is a single access point for European culture.  DCA will create a digital body of high-quality reproductions of 26,921 artworks - paintings ...
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Lipids are central to the regulation and control of cellular processes by acting as basic building units for biomembranes, the platforms for the vast majority of cellular functions. Recent developments in lipid mass spectrometry have set the scene for a completely new way to understand the composition of membranes, cells and tissues in space and time by allowing the precise identification and quan ...
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"Globalization, Investment, and Services Trade" (GIST)

Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Aug 31, 2012,

"Services are currently of great interest and importance to both policy-makers and businesses in Europe, and are a major factor in maintaining European growth and competitiveness over the coming decades. Previously, data relating to the interactions between trade flows, regulatory regimes and the European political economy has been inconsistent and fragmented. Now, thanks to the efforts of the EC, ...
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A New Agenda for European Security Economics (EUSECON)

Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2012,

"EUSECON analyses the newly emerging field of European security economics by identifying the nature and scope of this research field, by bringing together the leading European research players in this field and by building new analytical and conceptual insights on the most pressing research needs in this field. By implementing these research activities, EUSECON will establish an operational networ ...
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"This project focuses on computational tools for the optimized design of functional free-form surfaces. Specific applications are ship hulls and propellers in naval engineering and car components, frames, and turbochargers in the automotive and railway transportation industries. The functionality of these products depends on the shape of the surfaces, and even small variations may have significant ...
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Integrated European Industrial Risk Reduction System (IRIS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2012,

Current practices in risk assessment and management for industrial systems are characterized by its methodical diversity and fragmented approaches. In retrospect these risk and safety paradigms resulted from diverse industries driven and limited by available knowledge and technologies. A change based on industry driven R&D work is needed. At present the European Industry recognised their obligatio ...
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Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

"This proposal is to establish a Consortium to provide academic input into the planned Eurobarometer Survey on the Life Sciences and Sensitive Technologies in 2008. It is also intended to add value to the survey and thereby enhance its impact and policy relevance with extensions of a conceptual, contextual and a methodological nature. First, we introduce the concept ‘public ethics’, moving beyond ...
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