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IMMUNOSABR is geared towards opening up a new paradigm in treating metastatic cancer by obtaining clinical proof of concept for a novel bi-modal curative treatment strategy. High precision stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) is combined with immunotherapy to form a powerful synergistic anti-tumour strategy. The approach relies on the direct cytotoxic effect of SABR, the abscopal effect of ra ...
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Many technologically and societally important mathematical problems are intractable for conventional, serial computers. Therefore, a significant need exists for parallel-computing approaches that are capable to solve such problems within reasonable time frames. Recently, part of our consortium demonstrated proof-of-principle of a parallel-computation system in which a given combinatorial problem i ...
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Neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a major cause of death or long-term disability in infants born at term in the western world, affecting about 1-4 per 1.000 life births and consequently about 5-20.000 infants per year in Europe.Hypothermic treatment became the only established therapy to improve outcome after perinatal hypoxic-ischemic insults. Despite hypothermia and neonatal inte ...
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SECRET is a collaborative European Training Network (ETN) committed to create an “excellent” educational training platform; that is multi-disciplinary and intersectoral in nature, for Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) in the field of wireless communications and networking. In this dynamic field, the challenges are always evolving and more stringent in line with market expectation, and socio-economica ...
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Organic solar cells (OSCs) have the potential to become an environmental friendly, inexpensive, large area and flexible photovoltaics technology. Their main advantages are low process temperatures, the potential for very low cost due to abundant materials and scalable processing, and the possibility of producing flexible devices on plastic substrates. To improve their commercialization capacity, t ...
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The adult mammalian stomach can be divided into three distinct parts: From the proximal fore-stomach over the corpus to the distal pylorus. Due to constant exposure to mechanical stress and to hostile contents of the lumen, highly specialized cell types have to be constantly reproduced in order to maintain the function of the gastrointestinal tract. Recently, the applicant identified Troy+ chief c ...
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Arterial hypertension affects up to 45% of the general population and is responsible for 7.1 million deaths per year worldwide. Although a large therapeutic arsenal exists, blood pressure control is sub-optimal in up to two thirds of patients. Yet, even small increments in blood pressure are associated with increased cardiovascular risk, with 62% of cerebrovascular disease and 49% of ischemic hear ...
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Eradicating minimal residual disease (MRD) in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is an area of high unmet medical need. AML is a deadly rare disease that affects both children and adults. Approximately 45% of younger AML patients who are treated will be cured, and in older patients (>60 years of age), 85% will relapse and die within 2 years.Immunotherapy has great potential for treating M ...
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This project aims to help people with dementia engage in social contexts to improve psychosocial wellbeing. People who are affected by Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias often face cognitive, behavioural and psychosocial difficulties, including impairment and degeneration of memory and of perceptions of identity. In a social context, this can cause difficulties of recognizing, relating to and ...
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Wireless In-Body Environment (WiBEC)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

WiBEC (Wireless In-Body Environment Communications) is an Innovative Training Network for 16 young researchers, who will be recruited and trained in coordinated manner by Academia, Industry, and Medical Centres. This training will address the Social, Health, and Technology challenges of the H2020:Wireless In-Body Devices. WiBEC’s main objective is to provide high quality and innovative doctoral tr ...
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Orchestration and Reconfguration Control Architecture (ORCA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

ORCA offers experimentation facilities to promote wireless innovation in several market segments, including manufacturing, automotive industry, healthcare, ambient assistant living, public events, home automation, and utilities. Within the manufacturing market, for instance, application requirements vary from very low latency, up to real-time 3D video-driven interaction between collaborative robot ...
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Muon campus in US and Europe contribution (MUSE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

The Muon Campus at FNAL, USA, will host in the next few years two world class experiments dedicated to the search for signals of new physics. Muon g-2 will determine with unprecedented precision the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon while Mu2e will improve by four orders of magnitude the sensitivity on the search for the as-yet unobserved Charged Lepton Flavour Violating process of a neutrinol ...
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LASERLAB-EUROPE is the European consortium of major national laser research infrastructures, covering advanced laser science and applications in most domains of research and technology, with particular emphasis on areas with high industrial and social impact, such as bio- and nanophotonics, material analyses, biology and medicine. Recently the field of advanced lasers has experienced remarkable ad ...
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The GOFLEX project will innovate, integrate, further develop and demonstrate a group of electricity smart-grid technologies, enabling the cost-effective use of demand response in distribution grids, increasing the grids’ available adaptation capacity and safely supporting an increasing share of renewable electricity generation. The GOFLEX smart grid solution will deliver flexibility that is both g ...
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...twork - Develop innovative course materials on Vietnamese KTT The VETEC Consortium consists of Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Lead, BE), Universidad de Aveiro (PT), TU Dresden (DE), Hanoi University of Sciences and Technology (VN), Hué University (VN) and Can Tho University (VN) as well as a 6 Associated Partners and 1 Supporting Partner.
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The ability of cells to polarize underlies the most basic biological functions such as motility and response to external challenges, but also the formation and maintenance of tissues in a multicellular organism. The importance of cell polarity is underscored by the fact that cell polarity is essential for animal development and is perturbed in disease states such as cancer. Understanding cell pola ...
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In response to the increasing problem of water shortage, the reuse of treated urban wastewater is considered the most suitable and reliable alternative for sustainable water management and agricultural development. In spite of the benefits associated with this practice, major concerns currently exist, related to the adverse effects regarding chemical and biological contaminants of emerging concern ...
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The last half century has seen a tremendous advancement in adhesives technology and has led to widespread replacement of mechanical fasteners with adhesive bonds (e.g. aircraft, automobile, construction, etc.). Bonding to wet, rough and fouled surfaces, however, remains challenging and adhesive technology is rarely applied for bonding in wet conditions, such as in (orthopaedic) medicine. Therefore ...
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The European industry is currently a world leader in aviation and to maintain its leading position and competitiveness in the dynamic global market, Europe’s industry must develop quickly and efficiently high quality products by meeting time-critical market demands and customers’ needs. Industrial competition is becoming fiercer not only from established regions, such as the USA, but from new eme ...
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The overall aim of the SOTERIA project is to improve the understanding of the ageing phenomena occurring in reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steels and in the internal steels (internals) in order to provide crucial information to regulators and operators to ensure safe long-term operation (LTO) of existing European nuclear power plants (NPPs). SOTERIA has set up a collaborative research consortium wh ...
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The Feel4Diabetes project addresses “HCO5-2014: Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases: prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes”. The aim of this project is to develop, implement and evaluate a community-based intervention aiming to create a more supportive social and physical environment to promote lifestyle and behaviour change to prevent type 2 diabetes among families from low and middle inco ...
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Today, industrial markets demand highly added value products offering new features at a low-cost. To this extent, technologies to modify surfaces instead of creating composites or applying coatings on surfaces can offer new industrial opportunities. Current state of the art identifies short pulsed(SP)/ultra-short pulsed(USP) laser-material processing as a promising technology for structuring surfa ...
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Currently there is no truly sustainable pathway for the production of plastics, an industry which in the EU employs 1.45M people, has a turnover of €89B but consumes ~778GWh of energy per annum. This is an opportunity for industry with pressure increasing to develop low energy, high-quality, wet-processing techniques for consumer products. Here Nature may provide us with inspiration, as over hundr ...
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The AquaNES project will catalyse innovations in water and wastewater treatment processes and management through improved combinations of natural and engineered components. Among the demonstrated solutions are natural treatment processes such as bank filtration (BF), managed aquifer recharge (MAR) and constructed wetlands (CW) plus engineered pre- and post-treatment options. The project focuses on ...
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The multidisciplinary project will address key technical issues that must be tackled to support the implementation of planned geological disposal projects for higher-level radioactive wastes across the EU. Our current understanding of the impact of microbial metabolism on the safety of geological repositories remains tenuous, even though microorganisms may have controlling influences on wasteform ...
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The HORIZON 2020 EURATOM Collaborative Project “Cement-based materials, properties, evolution, barrier functions (Cebama)” is developed with the overall objective to support implementation of geological disposal of nuclear waste by improving the knowledge base for the Safety Case. Cement-based materials are highly relevant in this context, being used as waste forms, liners and structural component ...
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Critical Transitions in Complex Systems (CRITICS)

Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2019,

Complex systems research has been on the forefront of scientific priorities of many national research councils and the EU for more than a decade. Many very interesting phenomena have been identified and explored, but the development of the underpinning mathematical theory has been lagging behind. The proposed training network builds on an emerging development in applied mathematics to provide prop ...
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...s multicentre clinical trial and assess our innovative therapeutic concept in this deadly disease. Our consortium consists of national clinical trial groups in gynaecological oncology and high-volume University centres as well as noted p53 scientists and 3 innovative SMEs. Since ovarian cancer is defined as a rare cancer a scale at the European level is crucial for the planned clinical trial."
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MOVING is an innovative training platform that enables users from all societal sectors to fundamentally improve their information literacy by training how to use, choose, reflect and evaluate data mining methods in connection with their daily research tasks and to become data-savvy information professionals. The platform provides users with technical support as well as social advice and learning i ...
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Radiation Innovations for Therapy and Education (RADIATE)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

Approximately 45-60% of all cancer patients are treated with radiotherapy. Some of these patients have a good outcome, but in other cases their illness fails to be cured. This may result from distant metastases or from regrowth of the primary tumor. This training network is built on the premise that considerable advances in understanding radiobiology will open novel routes for effective therapeuti ...
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Background By end of February 2016, Europe has experienced over 1.1 million refugees, displaced persons and other migrants escaping from serious threats in their country or in search of better lives. At the same time, there is a historical high level of NEETs in Europe; youth aged 15-29 and Not in Employment, Education or Training. Many migrants are young men competing for jobs in line with the al ...
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The fifth-generation (5G) is coming.Quo vadis 5G?What architectures, network topologies and technologies will define it?Are methodologies to the analysis, design and optimization of current cellular networks still applicable to 5G? 5Gwireless is the first integrated and multi-disciplinary training-through-research network of ESRs and Senior Supervisors fully committed to re-architecting current ce ...
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The share of renewable energy is growing rapidly driven by the objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The amount of electric power which can be supplied to the grid depends on the time of the day and weather conditions. A conventional fleet of thermal power plants is required to compensate for these fluctuations before large scale energy storage technologies will be mature and economically ...
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The Process Industries require a high degree of automation, monitoring, and advanced simulation and control for their often complex manufacturing processes and operations. Emphasis is on continuous or batch production, mixing, reaction and separation of materials of higher value. Indeed, increased globalisation and competition are drivers for process analytical technologies (PAT) that enable seaml ...
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Biochemical and mechanochemical mechanisms in polarized cells (BIOPOL)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

BIOPOL is an interdisciplinary European training network at the interface of cell biology, physics and engineering. BIOPOL aims specifically at the understanding of fundamental mechanochemical principles guiding cellular behaviour and function and their relevance to human disease. A new supra-disciplinary research field is emerging bringing together the fields of molecular cell biology, physics an ...
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...S2 will be led by one large European industry (Abengoa) who is a world leader in the development of CSP plants. The other FRIENDS2 participants are two well-recognized academic organizations (the University of Cranfield and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf e.V.), and one SME (Metal Estalki). The purpose of FRIENDS2 is to strengthen the inter-sectoral capabilities in research and developm ...
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Towards a EU framework for the security of Widezones (ZONESEC)

Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

The advancement of 24/7 surveillance systems for the security of WideZones with multiple assets at localized scales is of extreme strategic relevance to European economies, industries, authorities and Citizens. Nevertheless, the cost for large deployments and maintenance of ground sensing networks for local surveillance across these WideZones is extremely high. Hence, large areas of high economic ...
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Novel treatment options and associated personalised, patient-tailored therapies need to be explored and developed for highly heterogeneous and chemotherapy resistant cancers, such as malignant melanoma. This can only be achieved by industry-academia collaborations in newly emerging, innovative research disciplines such as translational cancer systems biology and systems medicine. These disciplines ...
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Introducing Transdisciplinary European Studies in Tajikistan

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

he project primarily aims on the modernization of Tajik humanities by developing, implementing and accreditation a trans-disciplinary Master degree program “European studies” at Tajik National University (TNU), and by developing European Studies modules for implementation into existing programs at Tajik State University for Law, Business and Politics Khujand, and State Universities of Khorog and D ...
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...ed at HEIs in beneficiary countries. In this context, this project aims at developing and implementing interdisciplinary teaching modules and training courses on the socio-economic impacts of REEE on university teaching level. While the teaching materials target graduate and post-graduate students, the training courses are designed to train the teachers involved in the process. The teaching module ...
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