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31 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

NEXTOWER shall introduce a set of innovative materials to boost the performance of atmospheric air-based concentrated solar power (CSP) systems to make them commercially viable. In particular, tower systems are appealing for the great environmental compatibility and offer tremendous potential for efficient (electrical and thermal) power generation. Yet, their industrial exploitation has been so fa ...
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NanoMaterials safety is of great societal concern and raises many questions for the general public, governments, industry, scientists and regulators. Identifying and controlling the hazards associated with NMs is required to ensure the safety in parallel to exploiting the technological benefits.NANOGENTOOLS answers this challenge by creating a collaborative excellence-based knowledge exchange netw ...
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The demand for lower dependency on critical raw materials (CRM) such as rare earths (RE) is not only a European but a global problem that demands immediate action. The purpose of this project is to exploit advanced theoretical and computation methods together with state-of-the-art materials preparation and characterization techniques, to develop the next generation RE-free/lean permanent magnets ( ...
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Since the publication of the first list of Critical Raw Materials (CRM) in 2010 by the Ad-hoc Working Group on CRM, numerous European projects have addressed (part of) the CRMs value and several initiatives have contributed to gather (part of) the related community into clusters and associations. This led to the production of important knowledge, unfortunately disseminated. Numerous databases have ...
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Using Profiling and Publishing for the upping of Scientific Approaches

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2019,

UPPScience falls squarely within EU strategies for fostering research, better quality education and a stronger European Research Area. It will build on a Community of Practice (CoP) for managers, teachers and trainers of STEM and IT subjects in Vocational Education and Training (VET) that has been successfully initiated in a previous Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership for VET called VISConti. UP ...
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The main objective of the proposal is to create a virtual centre to boost IMNR position in Bucharest-Ilfov region and Romania by increasing the knowledge and technology degree of innovation potential for sustainable advanced materials operating under extreme condition. Development and understanding of these materials open new opportunities to enhance the competitiveness of regional and National SM ...
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EVENT will develop, demonstrate and validate a cost effective, high energy efficient, low CO2 emissions, replicable, low intrusive, systemic approach for retrofitting of residential and commercial buildings, able to achieve NZEB retrofit standard levels, through the integration of an innovative adaptive ventilated façade system, including: • Embedded, breakthrough smart modular heat recovery units ...
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Open up entrepreneurship

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

...f new product design and/or new means of promotion. The identification of this skill and training gap is the outcome of a past research collaboration between the lead partner IME GSEVEE and the University of Patras partner.The Open up Entrepreneurship (OpEn) project fills this identified knowledge gap where existing and prospective entrepreneurs seek for business solutions into the digital technol ...
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Refractory metals (tungsten, tantalum, rhenium, molybdenum and niobium) are highly strategic metals today mainly imported from a few countries. The European primary production remains below a few percentage. However, resources exist in Europe, as primary resources but mainly as secondary resources (industrial waste, urban mines). Valorizing these resources requires coordination and networking betw ...
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High-Resolution Solar Physics Network (SOLARNET)

Start date: Apr 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

This project aims at integrating the major European infrastructures in the field of high-resolution solar physics. The following actions will be taken: (i) realise Trans-national Access to external European users; (ii) enhance and spread data acquisition and processing expertise to the Europe-wide community; (iii) increase the impact of high-resolution data by offering science-ready data and facil ...
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Optical Infrared Co-ordination Network for Astronomy (OPTICON)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Optical-infrared astronomy in Europe is in a state of transition and opportunity, with the goal of a viable structured European scale community in sight. A strong astronomical community requires access to state of the art infrastructures (telescopes), equipped with the best possible instrumentation, and with that access being open to all on a basis of competitive excellence. Further, the community ...
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Observations of oscillations on the solar and stellar surfaces have emerged as a unique and extremely powerful tool to gain information on, and understanding of, the processes in the Sun and stars, and the origin of the variability in the solar and stellar output.Through helio- and asteroseismology detailed inferences of the internal structure and rotation of the Sun, and extensive information on ...
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VISConti is a network of 17 partner organisations from 9 countries including 3 universities, 7 VET schools, one network of schools, one association of professionals in education management, one policy maker, one IT company and three organisations engaged in research and promotion in industry. It is a partnership that has come together to create a virtual working space for structured interaction be ...
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Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT And Beyond (GRAPHENE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

This Flagship aims to take graphene and related layered materials from a state of raw potential to a point where they can revolutionize multiple industries – from flexible, wearable and transparent electronics, to new energy applications and novel functional composites.Our main scientific and technological objectives in the different tiers of the value chain are to develop material technologies fo ...
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"The general objectives of PROMISE are:PROMISE strives for multidimensional networking thus fostering integrationThe primary strategic objective of PROMISE is to improve and increase the integration, collaboration and knowledge transfer between the new member states, old member states (EU15) and candidate countries through a collaborative workplan of exchange of expertise and regional training and ...
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GLObal Robotic telescopes Intelligent Array for e-Science (GLORIA)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2014,

GLORIA is an innovative citizen-science network of robotic telescopes, which will give free access and research to a virtual community via the Internet. The GLORIA partners will offer access to a growing collection of robotic telescopes via a Web 2.0 environment - 17 telescopes on 4 continents by the project's end.\nThe GLORIA partners can do this because most of the telescopes are already robotiz ...
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Piedpiper (PIEDPIPER)

Start date: Dec 1, 2011, End date: Nov 30, 2013,

Rodents have always been a risk to mankind. Rats and mice carry over 70 diseases that can be transmitted to humans, they also cause economic damage to crops, buildings and infrastructure that runs into billions of Euro’s per year. The rat population of the world is expanding rapidly and our current control systems are just not effective. All of the current electro mechanical devices have a carbon ...
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Description DigiBIC is a 30 months project focused on the deployment of best practice, tools and results from FP6, FP7 and national research projects in cultural heritage, digital libraries and preservation to the wider Creative Industry (CI) sector and in particular to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).The following activities are p ...
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Rocky Planets Around Cool Stars (RoPACS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2008, End date: Nov 30, 2012,

The search for life bearing planets elsewhere is one of the major themes in contemporary astronomy, and much science investment is committed or being directed to seek and study extra-solar planets, with projects like Corot, Kepler, JWST, and Darwin. Previous search efforts focus on finding earth-like planets around Sun-like stars, however, cool stars are by far the most populous potential planet h ...
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Description Network of Excellence STELLAR is developing new agenda for Technology Enhanced Learning research and stimulates knowledge exchange between the key European research teams.STELLAR represents the effort of the leading institutions and projects in European TEL to unify our diverse TEL community. This Network of Excellence is moti ...
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"SAFE-COMMS aims to provide effective communication strategies for the aftermath of terror attacks. By analyzing the communication activities that followed terror attacks in many different countries, as well as the requirements for effective crisis communications, the project will develop a comprehensive and flexible communication strategy for authorities to react after terror attacks. The strat ...
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SUD-UE is focused on 5 pillars:- Strong awareness of the importance to include New Partners in Erasmus Mundus, providing an opportunity for 11 new universities to participate for the first time in this mobility experience.- Union of two political regions (South America and Europe), providing awareness of it to the countries and universities involved.- Degree recognition abroad as one of the crucia ...
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The CareNet project is aimed at developing a critical set of ICT competences in 2 identified ‘at risk’ target groups: care-workers and older persons. The project is designed to work in a synergistic way to tackle identified problems in the low skilled and under professionalised care-worker sector while at the same time promoting social inclusion and enhancing the quality of life of older people. W ...
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...ting in the awarding procedures. The impact envisaged is actually encompassing all chemistry departments of the European Higher Education Area delivering doctoral degrees, as well as any non-European university interested in a European quality label.
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This TN project brings together within a single network all actors in HE in chemistry and chemical engineering in Europe. There are schools, universities, industries, national chemical societies, and accreditation bodies. The project brings all these actors together to collaborate in the development of a knowledge based economy, specifically in chemistry and chemical engineering. The project:- wil ...
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New Bridges to Autism

Start date: Jan 1, 2008,

Building upon the outcomes of 2 previously-funded Grundtvig projects, the New Bridges to Autism project aimed at raising awareness of the lifelong educational needs of adults with autism, and their families, through a wide range of primarily promotional activities. Actively promoting innovative teaching and learning approaches, activities centred round the hosting of a series of events, including ...
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European Master in Computer Science

Start date: Oct 1, 2007,

We wish to expand the socio-technical infrastructure that we have developed for the bachelors’ course to support a similar international masters’ level course, suited not only to traditional learning but also as a source of material for lifelong learning. This project will enable the partners to fully investigate, design and implement a set of provisions that will support graduates, particularly o ...
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This network of cooperating institutions has successfully developed a European Computer Science (ECS) course delivering a bachelors’ degree in 3 years encouraging mobility amongst students at this level. Experience shows that mobility at the masters’ level is lower. Because of their high degree of specialization existing masters’ courses do not encourage students to pursue part of their studies ab ...
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The Migrapass project proposes a tool and a method, a portfolio and a collaborative training, to help migrants understand and promote the value of their backgrounds and to help them promote themselves on the labour market and evoluting in their professional careers. It is based on the identification of the knowledge and competences gained through the different experiences.ome of the possible types ...
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The premise is that effective learning and teaching require better than normal skills in dialogue. This has been the result of, for example, many studies concerning cooperative learning. Dialogical competence include many sub-skills which support shared thinking and performing.The goal of the project is to develop the dialogical competence of trainers, teachers, teacher trainers and in-company thr ...
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DIAMEE project - "Dialogical Methodologies for Entrepreneurs" would be the continuation of successful DIALE (Deep Learning through Dialogue) project (, after the decission of wo partners of DIALE project, CEEI-Burgos and HAMK, by further developing and adapting the methodology created to entrepreneurship environment.
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