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Background Sardinia’s population of griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) is listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive and represents the last autochthonous breeding population of vultures in Italy. The Natura 2000 network sites around Bosa, Capo Marargiu and Porto Tangone (SPA ITB023037 and SCI ITB020041) and Capo Caccia (SPA ITB013044 and SCI ITB010042) are tw ...
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Background The agricultural sector and climate change are strongly interlinked. On the one hand, climate change has a significant impact on the quality and quantity of agricultural production and related revenues while, on the other hand, agricultural practices generate considerable amounts of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that contribute to global warmi ...
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Background Improving the environmental performance of sheep farming could help combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and maximising ecosystem services. It could also promote the socio-economic sustainability of local supply chains, adding value by connecting products with the environment and land use and enabling business diversificat ...
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Land, food, energy, water and climate are interconnected, comprising a coherent system (the ‘Nexus’), dominated by complexity and feedback. The integrated management of the Nexus is critical to secure the efficient and sustainable use of resources. Barriers to a resource efficient Europe are policy inconsistencies and incoherence, knowledge gaps, especially regarding integration methodologies and ...
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Sustainable Market Actors for Responsible Trade (SMART)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

This Project aims to address an increasingly pressing global challenge: How to achieve the EU’s development goals and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, while meeting the global target of staying within two degrees global warming and avoid transgressing other planetary boundaries.EU policies must align with sustainable development goals (Article 11 TFEU). The impacts of climate change and glo ...
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European societies face rapid social changes, challenges and benefits, which can be studied with traditional tools of analysis, but with serious limitations. This rapid transformation covers changes in family forms, fertility, the decline of mortality and increase of longevity, and periods of economic and social instability. Owing to population ageing across Europe, countries are now the experienc ...
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ICT is embedded and pervasive into our daily lives. The notion of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) has emerged: embedded computational collaborating devices, capable of controlling physical elements and responding to humans.The Cross-layer modEl-based fRamework for multi-oBjective dEsign of Reconfigurable systems in unceRtain hybRid envirOnments (CERBERO) project aims at developing a design environmen ...
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Forensics is a well-established science that aims at applying various disciplines to the law, both civil and criminal, in order to solve questions related to crime. It is mainly concerned with proving and investigating infringements, identifying perpetrators and describing modus operandi. Biometrics, on the other hand, is a relatively new science that aims at measuring and analysing a person's uni ...
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Background Within the EU, southern Europe, and the Mediterranean basin in particular, will be most affected by global climate change. Strategies and plans for adaption to climate change are developed at national and regional level in the EU. Italy launched its National Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change (SNAC) in 2014, and officially adopted it in June ...
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FLOWERED objective is to contribute to the development of a sustainable water management system in areas affected by fluoride (F) contamination in water, soils and food in the African Rift Valley countries (Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania), thus to improve living standards (environmental, health and food security) of its population. FLOWERED aims to study, test and implement innovative defluoridation te ...
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Productive land resources in Egypt are under multiple natural and human pressure that are leading to soil degradation and desertification. Agriculture land conservation is a high priority for Egypt. Several efforts have been undertaken by the government authorities of Egypt to reduce desertification processes and preserve land productivity but they have faced a wide range of obstacles, mostly rela ...
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Background Coppicing is a traditional way of forest management that has been adopted across Europe, particularly in southern countries. In Italy, there are around 3.7 million hectares of coppice (42% of the total forest area according to the FAO definition). Coppice forests provided a number of forest ecosystem goods and services (FGS), from energy (fire ...
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Since its inception, the European Community has been involved in conflict prevention and crisis management to protect human life and to promote human security. The Treaties of Maastricht and Amsterdam introduced new instruments for political/diplomatic and security/military action under the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP). Gangs and gan ...
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The world of irrigation requires innovative solutions, less water and energy dependant. UPM developed in 2013 solutions for large power photovoltaic (PV) pumping systems at TRL5 that was successfully tested in a real Irrigators Community (IC) of Alto Vinalopó (Spain). The results showed great technical reliability (solving the problem of the variability of solar energy), matching the IC irrigation ...
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This is a project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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The Enhancing Responsible Research and Innovation through Curricula in Higher Education (EnRRICH) project will build the capacity of staff in higher education to facilitate their students’ development of knowledge, skills and attitudes and competencies in responsible research and innovation, and respond to the research needs of society, particularly underserved civil society organisations (CSOs).I ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Innovation in teaching, training and dissemination of virology

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Like viruses themselves, the scientific discipline of Virology has evolved from the study of viruses, to overlap and intertwine with many other scientific disciplines, both traditional and contemporary. As these developments into new areas of science such as gene therapy in treating cancers, reverse genetics in biotechnological assay development and nanotechnology in vaccine design continue to gr ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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"Falls are a major public health concern that directly affects millions of elderly Europeans, the healthcare system, and the adult children and caregivers of older people. The V-TIME approach combines cutting edge technology with emerging concepts from gerontology, neuroscience and rehabilitation to reduce fall risk in a unique way. The V-TIME multi-modal intervention consists of treadmill traini ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The University of Sassari, being deeply rooted in a complex island environment in the heart of the Mediterranean, has decided to focus on the internationalization of education and research. This approach aims at fostering the acquisition of skills (which are exploitable in the labour market) and the employability of its graduates through policies centred on international exchange and mobility. The ...
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La thématique principale de la proposition PROTERINA-Due est la prévention des risques naturels.Lobjectif général du projet est en effet daméliorer la capacité de prévoir et de prévenir les risques naturels, en particulier les risques hydrologiques et des ceux des incendies de forêt.Les bénéficiaires (directs ou indirects) sont les administrations régionales compétentes dans les domaines de la pro ...
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Innolabs + concerne le thème du développement et de la promotion des modèles innovants de gouvernance territoriales et de la compétitivité dans le domaine socio-économique, notamment en ce qui concerne le tissu entrepreneurial, selon les principes énoncés par les stratégies de Lisbonne, Göteborg et Europe 2020.L'objectif général du projet est de réaliser des infrastructures et des instruments perm ...
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Lobjectif global du projet est dagréger les PME pour transformer, sur le territoire, les produits dérivés du matériel génétique animale autochtone en combinant des actions de valorisation et de promotion pour favoriser la commercialisation. Le positionnement des produits de qualité sur le marché à travers l'agrégation et le soutien à lorganisation logistique des PME dans le respect de la durabilit ...
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The strategic goal of EcoFINDERS is to provide the EC with tools to design and implement soil strategies aimed at ensuring sustainable use of soils, including: i) Characterisation of European soil biodiversity; ii) Determination of relations between soil biodiversity, soil functions and ecosystem services; iii) Design of policy-relevant and cost-effective indicators for monitoring soil biodiversit ...
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PERARES strengthens public engagement in research (PER) by developing multi-annual action plans, involving researchers and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in the formulation of research agendas and the research process. It uses debates on science to actively articulate research requests of civil society. These are forwarded to research institutes, and results are used in a next phase of the deb ...
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Edible, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (EMAP)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Jul 31, 2014,

The project is finalized to establish long-term research co-operations through a coordinated joint program of research staff exchanges for short periods on the following topics: selection of plant species according to ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological approaches; breeding to preserve biodiversity and gene reservation of food, medicinal and aromatic plants; cultivation of food, medicinal and ...
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Fire regimes result from interactions between climate, land-use and land-cover (LULC), and socioeconomic factors, among other. These changed during the last decades, particularly around the Mediterranean. Our understanding of how they affected fire regime in the past is limited. During this century temperatures, drought and heat waves will very likely increase, and rainfall decrease. These and fur ...
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"The network INCREASE consists of 6 infrastructures (large-scale field sites) with experimental manipulation of climate e.g night time warming and extended summer drought. Within INCREASE we will improve the technology and methodology for studies of climate change effects on European shrublands. The main objectives of INCREASE are: 1. To optimize technologies and methodologies for non-intrusive fi ...
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"FLOCK-REPROD will provide the European dairy goat industry with the innovative, economically and environmentally-viable technology necessary to enable the hormone-free production of goat’s milk and related products (e.g. cheese). It will achieve this by controlling reproduction via artificial insemination (AI) all year round. FLOCK-REPROD technology will allow the EU dairy goat industry to operat ...
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Abortion in sheep due to Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Abortusovis is an important animal health problem in areas of the Mediterranean, where the sheep industry has a significant economy impact. The pathogen is host restricted to ovines where it invades the intestinal epithelium and causes a systemic infection that often goes undetected, until it manifest as an abortion. In anima ...
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Start date: Mar 31, 2010, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

The project's theme is the projection of the global issues of ecological network, in view of a synergistic sharing of intent to cross-border, cross-sector, cross-cultural and social. The overall project objective is to enhance the natural heritage and biodiversity in particular regions of the Mediterranean, through: • Reduction of human pressure and threats on the unique and rare habitats and site ...
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The project PYRGI aims at developing niche sectors of the rural economy and agro-industrial North of the Mediterranean through:1. the exploitation of wild plants and cultivated multifunctional typical of the 'Mediterranean environment, or naturalized in it;2. the strengthening of the economic chain that goes from the producer and the consumer ends with passing through the transformation, promotion ...
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The European sheep sector is involved in a structural decline intensified since 2006, that have encouraged the European Parliament to adopt a resolution proposing urgent actions to be taken to safeguard the sheep sector; which includes special support for research and development on both farm and product technical innovations. The sector is made up of three sub-sectors, particularly dairy product ...
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Tuberculosis is an international public health crisis of catastrophic proportions. The relative lack of TB research and funded investigators over the last several decades has been acknowledged by the The Stop TB Partnership and Global Stop TB Plan. In order to sustain research momentum over the next few decades suitably qualified investigators, who are the next generation of TB researchers, partic ...
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"The general objective of PRACTICE is to link S & T advances and traditional knowledge on prevention and restoration practices to combat desertification with sound implementation, learning and adaptive management, knowledge sharing, and dissemination of best practices. Specific objectives are: 1. To create an international platform of long-term monitoring sites for assessing and investigating pra ...
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Start date: Apr 18, 2010, End date: Aug 18, 2012,

The project VAGAL aims to characterization and to enhance the quality of rural areas and economic resources in the areas of Tuscany, Sardinia and Corsica, through innovative joint between institutions, research centers, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).The collaboration took place to improve the production and marketing of quality products and excellence.These territories share a high env ...
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The project addresses issues related to climate change and its impacts on the natural environment (forest and agricultural areas) and man-made, with particular reference to conditions of risk induced by these changes. The overall objective is to provide to the affected areas, which have strong similarities between their morphological and land use, common tools to counter the negative effects of cl ...
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The proposed work aims at developing the tools required for the intelligent choosing and tuning of nano-porous materials with respect to a specific application. For this purpose, a combined computational theoretical and experimental study is envisaged in order to digitally reconstruct the porous matrix of selected advanced materials, mainly for applications involving sorption of carbon dioxide an ...
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The design theme is identified in the development of innovative models of local governance for the implementation of policies necessary to territorial cohesion and competitiveness of socio-economic area according to the principles laid down by the Lisbon and Gothenburg Strategies. The project activities will affect the entire cross-border area through the involvement of Collectivité Territoriale d ...
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