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6 European Projects Found

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Le projet METAL-INNOVA a pour principal objectif de contribuer au renforcement de la compétitivité et de la capacité d'innovation du secteur métallurgique dans l'espace SUDOE. Pour cela, il vise à inciter audéveloppement de projets innovants visant à améliorer et optimiser les systèmes de production plus économiques et plus compétitifs dans les entreprises du secteur métallurgique.Afin d'atteindre ...
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El proyecto DO-SMS tiene por objetivo desarrollar una herramienta de vigilancia y cartografía dinámica de los movimientos de terreno (arcillosos, calcáreos) para una gestión sostenible del espacio SUDOE. Los movimientos que se estudiarán en este proyecto corresponden a dos mecanismos principales: corrimientos de tierra y hundimientos (karsts y consecuencias ligadas a la actividad minera). Un segun ...
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Urban Sprawl of Major Cities in South West Europe (EURMET)

Start date: Sep 30, 2002, End date: Dec 30, 2005,

The Eurmet (Expansion Urbaine des Métropoles du Sud-ouest Européen - Urban Sprawl of Major Cities in South West Europe) project aims at characterizing the outskirts of ten major cities located in three countries of South West Europe: Barcelona, Madrid, Sevilla and Valencia in Spain ; Bordeaux, Clermont-Ferrand, Montpellier and Toulouse in France ; Lisbon and Porto in Portugal. Besides the definiti ...
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The evolution of new technology and its increasing use has for some years been making the existence of informal learning more and more transparent, especially among young and older adults in both Higher Education and workplace contexts. However, the nature of formal and non-formal, course-based, approaches to learning has made it hard to accommodate these informal processes satisfactorily, and alt ...
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Ziel des Projektes ist die Entwicklung eines innovativen didaktischen Lernkonzeptes für KMU in Europa, welches den Einsatz von E-Learning mit Präsenzseminaren verbindet. Das Projekt gliedert sich in 4 Phasen, die Entwicklung des Lernkonzeptes (Phase 1), die Erarbeitung eines Prototyps daraus (Phase 2), das Testen, Bewerten und Überarbeiten des Prototyps (Phase 3) sowie die Anwendung in KMU und die ...
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The NETOSKAR project will establish a transnational network of European maritime training institutes for the purpose of developing, updating and disseminating a knowledge development and assessment tool in relation to seafarers' competence, in line with the International Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) as established by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). Th ...
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