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28 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Background Galicia (Spain) is highly dependent on fisheries, with fishing (including shellfish), aquaculture and related activities accounting for 10% of gross internal product. The region accounts for the highest production of transformed fish products in Europe and in some cases in the world (e.g. mussel canning). The southern Galician estuaries are c ...
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Background In order to mitigate against the negative impacts of climate change, the European Commission adopted a Green Paper (COM(2006) 105 final) establishing a European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy. Additionally, Directive 2009/28/CE (Renewables Directive) established that 20% of energy consumption in the European Union must ...
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"This initiative connects four companies and four academic groups in pursuit of a central biotechnological challenge: to identify and improve enzymes for application in industrial biocatalysis. The technology interchange is centered around key technologies to generate thermostabilized proteins. We will develop, share and spread the following approaches (i) folding interference assays with a therm ...
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This project has as main objective to complement the views of students at post-graduate level with different skills in order to allow them to have an adequate overview on the characterization, purification, bio-transformation, encapsulation and utilization of bio-molecules from food regional biodiversity.The exchange and internationalisation of culture as a key issue for the globalisation of the a ...
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Europe's future depends on its youth. However, due to crises in many European countries, young people in particular are struggling with unemployment and lack of prospects. At the same time, according to an online-survey of EURES guidance counsellors in 2013, there is an increasing demand concerning qualified vocational, educational and professional guidance counsellors with regard to the areas of ...
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Structural determination of complex chemical compounds is a difficult task and involves the combined use of several tools rooted in different physical principles, many of them classify like spectroscopies as they involve interaction between molecules and electromagnetic radiationWe propose a research program based in 3 major topics in configurational and conformational molecular elucidation. The 1 ...
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ARCOPOLplatform aims to further improve maritime safety in the Atlantic area and reinforce the protection of the coastal regions from maritime pollution through the capitalization and upgrading of ARCOPOL and ARCOPOLplus outcomes. Specifically, ARCOPOLplatform will organise pilot actions addressing local authorities to support the implementation of Local Contingency Plans. Moreover, these plans wi ...
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Consolidação do Centro Multipolar de Valorização de Recursos e Resíduos Marinhos, procurando reforçar o seu papel como parceiro do tecido económico na valorização dos recursos marinhos da região e seus subprodutos, procurando a sustentabilidade desse recurso natural, protegendo-o da sobre-exploração. ...
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Innovative Technologies for an Engaging Classroom (ITEC)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2014,

Description ITEC is a large-scale pilot project, focused on the design of the future classroom, exploring the integration of technologies into teaching and learning. iTEC is a large-scale pilot involving up to 1,000 classrooms focused on Learning in the 21st Century and the design of the future cl ...
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REVerse engineering of audio-VIsual coNtent Data (REWIND)

Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Apr 30, 2014,

With the rapid proliferation of inexpensive acquisition and storage devices multimedia objects can be easily created, stored, transmitted, modified and tampered with by anyone. During its lifetime, a digital object might go through several processing stages, including multiple analog-to-digital (A/D) and digital-to-analog (D/A) conversions, coding and decoding, transmission, editing (either aimed ...
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Built on the knowledge and outcomes developed by ARCOPOL project (2009-2011), ARCOPOLplus aims to further reinforce maritime safety in the Atlantic area by improving the regional preparedness and response to oil and HNS. ARCOPOLplus’ activities have been conceived focussing on technology transfer, training and innovation. On the one hand, ARCOPOL outputs will be upgraded and implemented through p ...
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Start date: Feb 29, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

Promotion and enhancement of marine residues and sub-products of several companies from the marine sector, with demonstrations of real cases (collaboration with industries as proof-of-concept) of added value and high potential of applicability of those materials (marine origin biopolymers and ceramics) in biomedical applications. also with close industrial collaboration. ...
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OBJETIVOS: Transferencia de herramientas para la implantación de la Directiva Marco del Agua en aguas de transición y costeras del NO de la Península Ibérica, con objeto de armonizar los planes hidrológicos de España y Portugal para las aguas internacionales del río Miño. ACCIONES: Clasificación del estado ecológico en los estuarios del Miño, Oitavén y Lima; intercalibración y validación de las co ...
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OBJETIVOS: Articular medidas que contribuyan al fomento de las cooperativas y a la consolidación de las existentes en la Eurorregión, con el fin de generar más y mejores empleos, mediante la difusión/formación de los diferentes agentes vinculados, la introducción de medidas de apoyo para fomento del empleo y la internacionalización de las mismas. ACCIONES: A1. Unidad Transfronteriza de Asesoramien ...
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El proyecto EnerBioAlgae pretende potenciar el aprovechamiento energético de recursos hídricos degradados (microalgas). El proyecto persigue una doble finalidad, ya que trata de ayudar a la regeneración y recuperación ambiental con una gestión integrada de los recursos naturales y, al mismo tiempo, potenciar estas áreas confiriéndoles el valor añadido de servir para la generación de energía (biodi ...
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Atlantic Network for Coastal Risk Management (ANCORIM)

Start date: Apr 30, 2009, End date: Apr 29, 2012,

The 33 European regions located along the Atlantic coast are home to approximately 70 million inhabitants. The 10-km wide coastal strip covers a total surface area of 194,197 km2 with a length of 25 000 km. These coastal regions are characterised by a strong identity, an authentic international outlook and significant economic potential.These coastal areas must cope with several threats which are ...
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Objectivo:criação de um Centro Multipolar que visa encontrar alternativas de valorização de recursos marinhos e resíduos da indústria pesqueira, aquacultura e alimentar (processamento de peixe e algas).Acções: Identificação dos recursos marinhos com maior potencial de valorização e dos principais resíduos das indústrias do sector; estudo de alternativas de valorização, como extracção de compostos; ...
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Observatorio oceánico del margen ibérico  (0313_RAIA_1_E)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2011,

Objetivo: Implementar una red de observación oceánica transfronteriza que permita consolidar la oceanografía operacional en el margen ibérico, que cree nuevas oportunidades científicas y tecnológicas que estimulen la economía del mar.Acciones: 1. Construir, completar y consolidar una infraestructura de observación oceánica transfronteriza. 2. Adaptar y validar modelos de oceanografía operacional q ...
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Réseau d'immunothérapie (IMMUNONET)

Start date: Mar 3, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2011,

...ción puntera en Inmunoterapia en el SUDOE con un Centro Virtual de apoyo donde distintos grupos de investigadores puedan cooperar y compartir recursos y equipamiento, e intercambiar información con universidades, administraciones públicas, la opinión pública en general y la iniciativa privada. Todos estos objetivos persiguen alcanzar los siguientes resultados: - Creación de una red de cooperación ...
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Transport is among the main development agents of the European economy and it has a significant environmental impact. Even though the environmental impact of transport is more directly related with energy consumption, it is also associated with other factors depending on the physical and economic sustainability of the infrastructures. The development of new infrastructure projects are usually anal ...
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O Projecto visa a Constituição de uma Rede de Partilha de meios, informações e conhecimentos como forma de promoção da inovação no sector Agro-Alimentar. Constituição de uma Base Tecnológica de apoio à rede, assente nas novas tecnologias; Constituição formal de uma Rede de Cooperação ao nível da inovação; Difusão de informação, investigação e transferência tecnológica ...
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OBJETIVO: Proporcionar servicios para la participación de las PYMES en proyectos de innovación en colaboración con los Centros de Investgiación, promoviendo una cultura de participación activa y la comprensión de especificidades, expectativas y necesidades de ambos.ACCIONES: Puesta en funcionamiento de la RED INCOPYME de articulación de la oferta y la demanda de innovación para lo que es necesario ...
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Modern economy is highly dependent on technology requiring engineers to excel in collaborative and communication skills at an international setting. But these competences are not addressed in most engineering curricula. There is a general absence of an international context across engineering curricula.Thus, developing working habits at an international setting as early as possible may be a very v ...
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Pour les établissements d'enseignement supérieur, il est aujourd'hui reconnu que la coopération avec le monde du travail, et plus généralement la société civile, est une nécessité et qu'elle ne peut plus se contenter d'être une activité optionnelle. Or, la structuration des partenariats universités-entreprises suppose comme préalable la présence de structures d'interface pérennes et opérationnelle ...
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ICT Ways for Science Classrooms

Start date: Dec 1, 2012,

In the recent years there has been, at European level, an increase in the implementation of Information and Communication Technologies in Education, due to different strategies and policies implemented in several projects since the 80s. It is necessary, in this context, to analyze, reflect on the current situation and produce guidelines pointing towards the improvement of teaching and learning wit ...
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Ce projet s’inscrit dans la ligne des orientations nationales en faveur de la modernisation des structures économiques et de la transparence financière, afin de rapprocher les institutions publiques des meilleures pratiques européennes en termes de gouvernance. La Direction des Entreprises Publics et Privées (DEPP), relevant du Ministère des Finances au Maroc, a conclu un accord de jumelage ave ...
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We are European Citizens

Start date: Sep 1, 2013,

The Universidade de Vigo has a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence since 2006, and obtained a renewal in 2012.This JEA centre includes an Ad personam Chair, a Chair, and eleven modules, thus a well qualified teaching staff in European integration issues. According to the results of the Eurobarometer, the level of trust in European institutions and the general perception of the EU as a whole has stead ...
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