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6 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

With the growing relevance of distributed renewable energy sources (DRES) in the generation mix and the increasingly pro-active demand for electricity, power systems and their mode of operation need to evolve. evolvDSO will define future roles of distribution system operators (DSOs) on the basis of scenarios which will be driven by different DRES penetration levels, various degrees of technologica ...
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Demand Response in Industrial Production (DRIP)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

Background Electricity generation and the electricity grids are facing a radical challenge. On the one hand, scarce fossil resources as well as CO2 emission targets mean that an increasing share of energy generation must come from renewable energy sources (RES); on the other hand, the largely decentralised and highly intermittent electricity generated by ...
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Green eMotion aims at enabling mass deployment of electromobility in Europe. To achieve this, major players from industry, the energy sector, municipalities as well as universities and research institutions have joined forces to develop and demonstrate a commonly accepted and user-friendly framework consisting of interoperable and scalable technical solutions in connection with a sustainable busin ...
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Active Demand Value ANd Consumers Experiences Discovery (ADVANCED)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

Active Demand (AD) has the potential to contribute to solving the challenges of electricity systems and offers significant benefits to consumers. There are only few real AD programmes being implemented in Europe and the results of AD pilots are rather fragmented. AD is considered one of the largest untapped energy resources. The main reason behind it is insufficient consumer awareness regarding th ...
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Open Public Extended Network metering (OPEN meter)

Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Jun 30, 2011,

New smart multi-metering or multi-functional Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is capable of creating value for energy consumers, network operators, metering operators and retailers. AMI will provide better services for customers in various ways: not only by more accurate metering and billing, but also by easing the supplier switching process and also by facilitating demand response to price ...
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"Electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles (EV, PHEV) have the potential to contribute significantly to solving contemporary and future environmental and economic challenges of mobility. Various projects in different EU member states are currently addressing the subject in an isolated manner. The G4V consortium consisting of major European electric utilities and distinguished academic institutions are ...
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