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10 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Background The National Park and other important nature reserves in western Romania, including the Cheile Nerei - Beușnița Natura 2000 network site, have caves that provide the habitat for various protected species, especially bats. Despite being closed to the public, these caves are subject to a number of anthropic pressures as people enter the caves a ...
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To tackle its (critical) raw material dependency, Europe needs comprehensive strategies based on sustainable primary mining, substitution and recycling. Freshly produced flows and stocks of landfilled industrial residues such as mine tailings, non-ferrous slag and bauxite residue (BR) can provide major amounts of critical metals and, concurrently, minerals for low-carbon building materials. The Eu ...
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The European Engagement in Kids Achievement Project

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018, place resources and training as a result of this collaboration and include the contributions of new partners in the UK, Greece and Ireland who can provide added benefits. The partnership is led by TITAN Partnership Ltd in the UK who lead on Most Able initiatives in a large area of Birmingham. Titan has worked with KPPP Zlín on the Talented Child project and has formed a strong bond for developm ...
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EIGEP project is targeting an educational area extremely challenging but relevant especially in today's context of violent extremism and radicalization: juvenile justice and the quality of learning outcomes arising from this context. At this point, in the European Union there is no common understanding of how education in juvenile justice should be delivered, it is not a topic explicit on the Euro ...
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EU GANGS VET mobility programme

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

... in 2016/2017. All EUGANGS participants are working in gang related environments in Birmingham and across the West Midlands. Between April 2011 and March 2012, the overall crime rate in the Titan area (100.4 crimes committed per each 1,000 of the population) in this area was higher than the city average of 79.8 crimes. (Birmingham ward data August 2012). Some participants are unemployed, single pa ...
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Talented Children

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

This partnership consists of three partners from three countries in order to explore and find the best practice in early identification and support of able, gifted and talented children. As each partner represents different sector of education, we are a multi-player partnership which is able to cover more aspects of our topic. All partners involved a number of “silent partners” who contributed to ...
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"The proposed project aims to develop an automatic early warning system to remotely monitor areas of archaeological and cultural interest from the risk of fire and extreme weather conditions. Since these areas have been treasured and tended for very long periods of time, they are usually surrounded by old and valuable vegetation or situated close to forest regions, which exposes them to an increas ...
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Our vision recognises technologies are becoming commonplace within everyday lives but can also be used for powerful learning experiences in and outside of the traditional education environment. Our aim is to embed mobile technologies (handhelds) within mainstream learning in and out of the classroom by integrating training on mlearning within initial teacher training and in service training/contin ...
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Gangs are prevalent in most large cities across the EU for it to be commonplace for public sector professionals to interact and work with gangs /gang members. For professionals like youth workers, teachers, police and probation officers it is a dimension of their job: for others like front line staff in local Government, social security and the health service, gangs and their members can impinge, ...
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Constructive Training for the Construction Industry : The project addresses the need for modernisation of traditional construction teaching methods by developing an innovative, multi-media educational and training system. The European dimension is an added value of the project. A flexible and expandable interactive framework capable of accommodating a diverse range of training areas has been devel ...
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