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16 European Projects Found

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Dynamic Management of Physically Coupled Systems of Systems (DYMASOS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

The well‐being of the citizens in Europe depends on the reliable and efficient functioning of large interconnected systems, such as electric power systems, air traffic control, railway systems, large industrial production plants, etc. Such large systems consist of many interacting components, e.g. generation plants, distribution systems, and large and small consumers. The subsystems are usually ma ...
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EECA-2-HORIZON is a 30 month Support Action that aims to reinforce the development of strategic and mutually beneficial partnerships between the EU and the Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) countries in the field of ICT. The overall aim is to strengthen the links and boost cooperation among the ICT research and industrial communities of both regions so as to jointly address common societal ch ...
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CPSoS is a 30-month Support Action that will provide an exchange platform for Systems of Systems (SoS) related projects and communities. It will focus on the challenges posed by the engineering and the operation of technical systems in which computing and communication systems interact with large complex physical systems. Its approach will be simultaneously integrative, aiming at bringing toge ...
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European and Southeast Asian ICT R&D collaboration has a successful and long history, but opportunities exist to create more synergies, leverage and value added. In order to secure higher and sustainable impacts, we propose to implement an intensified targeted support at the appropriate scale, involving EU and SEA Research, Development and Innovation knowledge networks, clusters and their orga ...
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The US Government and the European Commission with the Member States have nurtured their research and innovation systems to be highly productive, driven by excellence and geared towards answering societal needs and increasing economic productivity. It is well documented that increased international cooperation between science powerhouses is a global trend, and that this trend is accelerating with ...
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The overall strategy of BILAT-RUS 2 puts the three main issues of the Capacities work programme into practice. It will provide input for the EU-Commission on the state of EU-Russian STI cooperation; contribute to coordinate research policies and programmes of European Member States, Associated Countries and the EU-Commission; enhance information collection and dissemination as regards STI between ...
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The 36-month BIOPARTNERS project gives Georgia the possibility to improve the research activities of their highest quality in the FP7 thematic priority “Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology”, through twinning activities between one of the leading Georgian scientific and educational organisations, the Durmishidze Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Agrarian University of Georgia, (DIBBA ...
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Following the tradition of scientific collaboration between EU and the EECA region, and built on the sound outcomes and lessons learnt of three clustering projects (ISTOK-SOYUS, SCUBE and EXTEND), a group of leading EU and EECA specialists from twelve countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbeki ...
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"The 36-months SUCCESS project is based on a twinning approach between one of the leading Ukrainian scientific and educational organisations, the Institute for Scintillation Materials of Academy of Science of Ukraine (ISMA), with their long term partner University Claude Bernard of Lyon (UCBL). The project gives Ukraine the possibility to improve the research activities of their highest quality in ...
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Jordan Europe Wide Enhanced research Links in ICT (JEWEL)

Start date: Nov 1, 2010, End date: Oct 31, 2013,

"The 36-month JEWEL project gives Jordan the possibility to improve the research activities of their highest quality in the FP7 thematic priority “Information and Communication Technologies” (ICT), through twinning activities between one of the leading Jordan scientific and educational organisations Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST), with their long term partner the Aristotle Univ ...
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The EU and the Western Balkan Countries face common challenges in the very important area of Monitoring and Control (M&C) that create a favourable environment for strategic collaboration in both research and industrial level. BALCON will act as a major driver for the reinforcement of EU–WBC cooperation in M&C research, and as such, boost concrete EU-WBC R&D activities among the M&C key research an ...
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India and the European Union face common timely challenges in the very important and potential field of networked monitoring and control system technologies, which create a favorable environment for strategic collaboration. Consequently, the main aim of EUCLID is to increase co-operation in this field between Indian and European R&D specialists, ensuring mutual benefits.The two-year project will s ...
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"The overall aim of the ACCESSRU project is to stimulate S&T cooperation between Europe and Russian Federation by providing better access to the European researchers for the Russian research and innovation programmes. Firstly, the project will map and analyse research & innovation programmes and initiatives managed by the Russians Federation to identify access opportunities to researchers from the ...
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Description SEMIDEC is a CSA project aiming at increasing cooperation between Europe and Russia in developing semiconductor design methods and tools. Russia is one of a few countries in the world to have in depth knowledge and capabilities spanning research, design and production of microelectroni ...
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The ISTOK-SOYUZ project, based on the sound outcomes and lessons learnt of the ISTOK.Ru project implemented in Russia in 2006-2008, will expand the ISTOK experience to the Eastern Europe & Central Asia countries, identifying and promoting visibility of mutual RTD potential and collaboration opportunities. The project will : (1) promote the EU ICT programme, raise awareness about b ...
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The proposed project NESTER will focus on the identification of collaboration priorities between Russia and Europe in the field of networked embedded and control systems and the set-up of such collaborations. The project will base its analysis on industrial vertical sectors needs such as manufacturing and process plants, distributed energy production, energy distribution, airports or seaports etc. ...
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