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Over 40 European Projects Found

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NON-EQuilibrium Self-Assembly (NON-EQ-SA)

Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

"Living systems operate in a far-from-equilibrium state: they need to eat, drink, and breathe to power the continuous chemical processes occurring in each of their cells, in order to stay alive. When the supply of food or nutrients is stopped the living systems relax to their thermodynamic equilibrium state, that is, death. So far, scientists (and chemists in particular) have managed to make synt ...
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MOTOrcycle Rider Integrated SafeTy (MOTORIST)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

Powered Two Wheelers (PTWs) are an efficient and flexible transport system and their use is beneficial especially in the more and more congested European cities. Unfortunately the PTW riders are exposed to a high risk of becoming a victim in a crash mainly due to the difficulty to control a PTW under all circumstances but also due to limited conspicuity. In addition when PTW riders are crash victi ...
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Worldwide, 200 million people are infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV). An estimated 15 million individuals are living with HCV infection within the EU. The economic, health and societal costs of chronic HCV infection are significant. HCV is the principal cause of death from liver disease and the leading indication for liver transplantation. The only treatment for end-stage liver disease is a ...
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IMMODGEL aims to identify adverse immune reactions to dental and larynx titanium implants and to develop a novel therapeutic strategy to significantly decrease the implant and medical device failure caused by these reactions via design of an innovative immunomodulatory system. The system will be designed to be fixed to an implant via an adhesive polyelectrolyte multilayer and control the immune re ...
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The AIDS pandemic has been a major challenge to global health for nearly three decades. According to current estimates, over 34 million people are still living with HIV worldwide. Although the introduction of antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has considerably reduced HIV-related mortality rates, HAART fails to achieve complete viral clearance and still raises drug toxicity and resistance issues. Besi ...
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"CAR-CHASE offers a first class career integration program for an experienced researcher in the context of a high-impact research program at the interface of catalysis, dynamic covalent chemistry, asymmetric organic synthesis and green chemistry. Complex chemical systems that self-organize will be developed that enable direct asymmetric reactions of allylic and benzylic alcohols and produce water ...
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Self-Assembly in Confined Space (SACS)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Supramolecular chemistry studies chemistry beyond individual molecules, where molecules or macromolecules form larger entities by spontaneous self-assembly or by self-organisation. The resulting supramolecular architectures are held together by covalent bonds and a variety of non-covalent intermolecular interactions (hydrogen bonding, metal coordination, hydrophobic interactions etc). Spatially, t ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

"The goal of this project is to study the topology of Stein manifolds from the viewpoint of symplectic and contact geometry. It addresses the fundamental questions of the subject: - How does the Lagrangian skeleton of a Stein manifold determine the Stein structure? - To what extent the study of Stein structures can be reduced to a combinatorial study of the skeleton? - How are the symplectic invar ...
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AIDS is one of the most serious pandemic diseases of the modern era. Although current therapies based on targeting key processes of the HIV replication cycle are potent and selective, several clinical failures are recorded due to the emergence of drug resistance. Hence, there is an urgent need for novel drugs and alternative therapeutic strategies.The objective of the THINPAD proposal is to discov ...
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GALACTIC will offer an extremely talented and promising young researcher, with a PhD in chemistry and an extraordinary track record, world-class training through research in the cross-disciplinary and supra-sectorial field of organo-graphene electronics. The proposed research lies at the interface between supramolecular chemistry, solid-state physics and electrical engineering in the exciting new ...
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Safety of ACtinide Separation proceSSes (SACSESS)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

"Nuclear power plays a key role in limiting EU’s greenhouse gases emissions, and makes an important contribution to improve European Union’s independence, security and diversity of energy supply. However, its social acceptance is closely linked to an enhanced safety in the management of long-lived radioactive waste contributing to resource efficiency and cost-effectiveness of this energy and ensur ...
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Rapid Analysis and Spatialisation Of Risk (RASOR) (RASOR)

Start date: Nov 11, 2013, End date: Jun 1, 2016,

The Rapid Analysis and Spatialisation Of Risk (RASOR) project will develop a platform to perform multi-hazard risk analysis to support the full cycle of disaster management, including targeted support to critical infrastructure monitoring and climate change impact assessment, exploiting internally produced and available services. RASOR adapts the newly developed 12m resolution TanDEM-X Digital Ele ...
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Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT And Beyond (GRAPHENE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

This Flagship aims to take graphene and related layered materials from a state of raw potential to a point where they can revolutionize multiple industries – from flexible, wearable and transparent electronics, to new energy applications and novel functional composites.Our main scientific and technological objectives in the different tiers of the value chain are to develop material technologies fo ...
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UNIQUE gasifier for hydrogen Production (UNIfHY)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

Through development and scale up activities on materials and reactors for the integration of advanced biomass steam gasification and syngas purification processes, UNIfHY aims to prove from a process, pilot and industrial scale point of view continuous pure hydrogen production from biomass, increase well-to-tank efficiency and contribute to a sustainable energy portfolio, exploiting results achiev ...
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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia. Generally, it is diagnosed in people over 65 years of age, although the less prevalent early-onset Alzheimer's can occur much earlier. As of September 2010, this number is reported to be 35.6 million worldwide. AD develops for an indeterminate period of time before becoming fully apparent, and it can progress undiagnosed for years. Curr ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

"The key and direct objective of DYNANO is to provide training with a deep knowledge and expertise on Dynamic Interactive Nanosystems for biomedical and biotechnological applications on the basis of the existing scientific and technological areas: dynamic chemistry / glycosciences / biology / nanosciences. DYNANO will expose researchers in training to the process of design, generation, optimizatio ...
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Organic photovoltaics (OPVs) have gained a lot of attention as versatile and cheap alternatives to their inorganic counterparts. Great improvement has been made by tuning the electronic properties of donor, D, and acceptor, A, molecules. Equally important for high efficiency devices, is the morphology and orientation of D and A molecules in the active layer because: (1) excitons created upon absor ...
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"ARCHES will focus on the X-ray survey catalogue data from the XMM-Newton mission. New tools will be developed for cross-correlation with extensive archival resources, producing well-characterised multi-wavelength data in the form of spectral energy distributions for large sets of objects. These enhanced resources will significantly broaden the effective exploitation of the data by the scientific ...
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European Training and Research in Peritoneal Dialysis (EUTRIPD)

Start date: Dec 1, 2011, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

Peritoneal dialysis (PD) and haemodialysis (HD) are life-saving renal replacement therapies for more than 200,000 patients with chronic kidney disease in Europe, and this number increases annually. Although PD and HD have similar mortality rates, PD offers major advantages in terms of quality of life, costs, home-based treatment opportunities and early patient survival. Moreover, PD, rather than H ...
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"PREFER aims at responding to major fire prevention needs in Southern Europe. All reports on the state of Europe’s forests indicate that the broad Mediterranean area is systematically affected by uncontrolled forest fires with large impact on ecosystems, soil erosion, slope instability, desertification trends, and local economies as a whole, whit a negative mid-to-long term prospect because of Cl ...
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In the next 20 years the number of small and light-weight full electric vehicles will substantially increase especially in urban areas. These Small Electric Vehicles (SEVs) shows distinctive design differences compared to the traditional car (e.g. no bonnets, vertical windscreens, outstanding wheels). Thus the consequences of impacts of SEVs with vulnerable road users (VRU) and other (heavier) veh ...
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Start date: Jan 31, 2012, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

Neurex regroupe dans un cadre transfrontalier 110 laboratoires enneurosciences représentant plus de 1200 chercheurs mettant enoeuvre des approches et des techniques très variées. Les partenairesdu projet TriNeuron veulent créer au sein de leur réseau Neurex dansle Rhin supérieur, des actions et des interactions qui permettentd'assurer une recherche d'excellence, daccroître la compétitivité del'esp ...
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Ein GIS-basiertes Plannungstool für erneuerbare Energien (PLAN-EE)

Start date: Jun 30, 2012, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

Le projet « Plan ER » a pour objectif de développer un outil de planification capable détablir des scenarii dutilisation idéale des énergies renouvelables dans la région métropolitaine du Rhin Supérieur (RMT). Il intègre l'analyse des potentiels techniques existants, leur l'acceptation par la population ainsi que les aspects socio-économiques liés à leur exploitation. Il aidera ainsi les pouvoirs ...
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"TACOS offers a first class training experience to a very promising young researcher based on a broad and high-impact, yet feasible, training program at the cutting edge of catalysis, dynamic covalent chemistry, green chemistry and asymmetric organic synthesis. The researcher will be trained in a scientific environment of the highest quality, cultivating his independence as a scientist and restart ...
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"MULTITUDES is aimed at providing multidisciplinary and multisectorial training and mobility to a very promising researcher in order to further his career development so that he may become an independent and leading scientist either in the university or private sector. The researcher will receive training in an emerging field at the interface between Physics Materials-/Nano-/Supramolecular -Scienc ...
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"RESPONSIVE will offer to a young researcher with an extraordinary track record, possessing a Ph.D in chemistry, a cross-disciplinary and supra-sectorial training and research experience in the field of organic electronics at the interface between supramolecular chemistry, solid state physics and electrical engineering in the emerging realms of materials- and nano-science. The overall mission is t ...
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The Collaborative and Sustainable Astronomical Data Infrastructure for Europe (CoSADIE) project will undertake actions aimed at designing a sustainable version of the already successful European Virtual Observatory (Euro-VO). The concept of a Virtual Observatory (VObs or VO) is that all the world's astronomical data should feel like they sit on the astronomer's desktop workspace, analysable with a ...
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Despite their great potential, full exploitation of mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSiNPs) as in-vivo multi-functional theranostic agents is still held back by the lack of a controlled and complete biodegradability. Indeed removal of nano-medical tools from the biologic system after the accomplishment of their diagnostic or therapeutic function still remains a pivotal, yet unresolved issue imped ...
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Research Data Alliance Europe (RDA Europe)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Over the last 10 years, significant investments have been made in both the European Union and the USA for developing scientific data infrastructures to support the work of research communities, and in improving shared access to data. On both sides of the Atlantic, there is a shared understanding that solutions must be global and that the development of an integrated and interoperable data domain c ...
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L’objectif est de développer, expérimenter et mettre en place des scénarii exploitant les outils de réalité virtuelle pour l'apprentissage immersif des langues française et allemande.Le projet sensibilisera les enseignants des 7000 collèges de la Région du Rhin supérieur à l'utilisation de la 3D dans le cadre de l'apprentissage scolaire, mettra gratuitement à disposition le moteur de jeu immersif ...
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« RHIN-SOLAR » vise le développement de cellules photovoltaïquesorganiques pour une production délectricité à partir de lénergiesolaire. Cinquante chercheurs, ingénieurs, doctorants et techniciens,appartenant à des instituts de recherches et entreprises régionales,participeront au projet, avec l'objectif de mettre en réseau lescompétences et moyens techniques, d'accélérer le développementde la tec ...
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"GENIUS aims at offering highest-quality supra-sectoral and cross-disciplinary training to a pool of promising young researchers, in an area at the interface between Supramolecular Chemistry, Materials- and Nano-Science, Physics and Electrical Engineering. GENIUS appointees will be trained in lecture courses, dedicated schools and workshops, and through an ambitious and carefully planned research ...
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EUROpean consortium on NEUTralising antibodies using gp41 (EURONEUT-41)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2014,

There is now an increasingly solid body of scientific evidence which demonstrates that the binding of small molecular weight compounds, peptides and antibodies (Abs) to fusion-intermediate conformations of gp41 leads to an inhibition of HIV cell entry. The principal aim of this project is to exploit this information by establishing a platform where gp41-derived vaccine candidates will be designed ...
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Personalised monitoring SYstems for Care in mental HEalth (PSYCHE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

PSYCHE project will develop a personal, cost-effective, multi-parametric monitoring system based on textile and portable sensing platform for the long and short term acquisition of data.The patient diagnosed with bipolar disorder will be placed at the epicentre of its management, for treatment and prevention of depressive and manic episodes.The system will use wearable and portable devices for acq ...
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Das humanistische Erbe am Oberrhein (Patrimoine humaniste)

Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

Il s'agit ici d'entamer une étude exhaustive du travail des humanistes rhénans en commençant par un inventaire des collections qui se trouvent dans les différents lieux de conservation du Rhin.Supérieur. Es geht darum, eine umfassende Studie der Arbeiten der Humanisten in Angriff zu nehmen. Am Beginn soll die Inventarisierung der nicht bearbeiteten Sammlungen stehen, die sich an den verschiedenen ...
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Redynamisierung des Restrheins (Vieux Rhin)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

Lobjectif du projet est de mener une réflexion prospective, à léchelle de la totalité de lespace fluvial rhénan compris entre Huningue et Neuf Brisach pour évaluer les conditions permettant de retrouver des fonctionnalités écologiques favorables à la biodiversité, en cherchant à rétablir une zone alluviale en tresses composée de chenaux multiples.Das Projektziel liegt in zukunftsorientierten Überl ...
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COmpact MOdelling Network (COMON) (COMON)

Start date: Dec 1, 2008, End date: Nov 30, 2012,

"The goal of our Network is to address the full development chain of Compact Modeling (CM) of advanced CMOS and III-V technologies, from the technology level to the system level. Our mission is driven by the need to enhance scientific knowledge, transfer scientific and technological knowledge from academia to industry, to strengthen the European integrated circuit (IC) industry with powerful desi ...
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European Network on Directed Evolution of Functional Proteins (ENEFP)

Start date: Oct 15, 2008, End date: Oct 14, 2012,

"This project intends to use directed evolution as tool to reproduce Nature's remarkable ability to generate molecular machines - in particular enzymes – that perform at levels near perfection. By harnessing the forces of Darwinian evolution in the laboratory we want to (i) screen large and diverse genome libraries for protein with new and useful functions, (ii) optimize existing proteins for appl ...
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Child Advanced Safety Project for European Roads (CASPER)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: May 31, 2012,

"The objectives of CASPER are to reduce fatalities and injuries of children in traffic accidents. A badly injured child or a dead child is everything nobody can tolerate. Children are more and more often involved in all modes of transportations; they have no choice; they are bind to the adult careers, taking for granted that the adults will take good care of them. CASPER will address two main as ...
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Evolutionary microfluidics (eFlux)

Start date: Feb 1, 2009, End date: May 31, 2012,

Ever since the insightful suggestion of John von Neumann, self-reproducing automata are considered to be a main long-term goal of IT. Biologists are dealing with such systems that arose in the course of evolution by natural selection. The future realization of technological artefacts that will mimic, or be inspired by biological automata, will face many problems that biological evolution had to so ...
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