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26 European Projects Found

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"Osteoporosis is a common health problem associated with high morbidity, mortality and economic costs in older people, and prevention remains the most effective approach. Exercise is an evidence-based approach because of its impact on bone development, maintenance and strength but not all forms of exercise appear to strengthen bone. Further research is therefore needed to explore the role of short ...
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"LUC4C will advance our fundamental knowledge of the climate change - land use change interactions, and develop a framework for the synthesis of complex earth system science into guidelines that are of practical use for policy and societal stakeholders.Policies in support of climate change mitigation through land management, and the societal demand for other services from terrestrial ecosystems ar ...
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Novel Type of Terahertz Devices (NOTEDEV)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

"The realization of efficient, cheap, reliable, scalable and portable terahertz (THz) radiation sources and detectors is one of the important objectives in modern applied physics. THz emitters and detectors have potential applications in biology, medicine, security and nondestructive in-depth imaging. However none of the existing THz devices satisfy the application requirements. The project consor ...
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The impact of global change on biodiversity loss has major implications for ecosystem functioning and human well-being. Ecosystem functions such as decomposition of plant litter are emergent properties of the plant litter faunal community. Research into the relationship between the attributes of a community (e.g. diversity) and the emergent functions of that community (e.g. decomposition), otherw ...
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The poor condition of sanitation and wastewater management in India (as in many Asian countries) is well documented and has recently led the Asian Development Bank to call for a revolution in wastewater management across Asia. Conventional, centralized approaches have failed in many areas and will hardly be able to solve potential problems in rural, hilly and rapidly developing urban areas in Indi ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Finding an approach to actuate nonlinear optical effects at ultra-low powers and on chip-scale devices is one of the outstanding challenges in optics. The ultimate limit is the quantum regime where individual light quanta strongly interact with each other. This limit has so far been technologically impossible, but if achieved would have far-reaching consequences in information technologies. In par ...
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Ecosystem services (ES) have risen to prominence as a motivation for conserving biodiversity. The role of biodiversity in ES is however complex and depends on the intricate ways in which the components of ecosystems interact. We have long been aware that “tinkering” with one part of an ecosystem can have unforeseen consequences elsewhere in that system, as effects are transmitted through the net ...
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There is an urgent need for an improved knowledge base for the management of marine litter. CLEANSEA aims to generate new information on the impacts (biological, social and economic) of marine litter, develop novel tools needed to collect and monitor litter and protocols needed for monitoring data (litter composition and quantities) and evaluate the impact of mitigation strategies and measures in ...
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Sustainable and integrated urban water system management (SANITAS)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

SANITAS will create the next generation of integrated Urban Water System (UWS) management professionals by providing a unique Europe–wide training platform in the technical and complementary skills they will require. This is needed since in the near future climate change will bring dramatic regional variations in excessive surplus and deficiency in water supply and unpredictable variations in wate ...
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Permafrost is defined as ground that remains continuously at or below 0°C for at least two consecutive years; some 24% of the land surface in the northern Hemisphere is classified as permafrost. In the Northern high latitudes, strong warming has been observed over the recent decades, and climate models project strong future warming. A projected decline in the extent of permafrost will have a major ...
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"Due to barriers that exist in when considering the sustainability of the built environment, optimising energy efficiency in buildings is often a management issue and not one of design. In many cases, it is the organisation responsible for the building that makes the decision with respect to where best to invest their limited resources. For this reason, decision support tools, providing informat ...
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Miocene Vegetation of the African Tropics (Project MioVAT) (MioVAT)

Start date: Jun 1, 2013, End date: May 31, 2015,

Tropical forests and savannahs cover between 15 and 20% of the Earth’s land surface, and dominate the tropics of South America, Australia, Asia and Africa. These two biomes exert a profound control on temperature, precipitation and carbon storage, and are also important centres of biodiversity. The evolutionary history of tropical forests and savannahs is of major international concern, and an und ...
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Emerging infectious disease and population genetic structure (EIDpop)

Start date: Jun 1, 2013, End date: May 31, 2015,

Emerging infectious diseases are increasing worldwide, and have been implicated in population declines and species extinctions. We know that diseases can cause major changes to the genetic composition of host populations through selection and population declines, and in turn that such changes can influence the impact of disease on host populations. We also know that diseases can lead to changes in ...
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The moral foundations of activism (TMFOA)

Start date: Jun 1, 2013, End date: May 31, 2015,

The proposed project will address the role of moral conviction in collective action: i.e. cooperative effort toward social change such as the Occupy movement and the Arab spring. Existing theory and research indicates that strong, long term commitment to social change results from a politicization process wherein individuals come to identify with a social movement and internalize its norms and val ...
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Urban Reduction of GHG Emissions in China and Europe (URGENCHE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

In URGENCHE, a team of internationally recognised scientists in the areas of health risk assessment, urban energy demand and supply scenarios, urban planning, environmental science and epidemiology - in close collaboration with city partners in both Europe and China - develops and applies a methodological framework for the assessment of the overall risks and benefits of alternative greenhouse gas ...
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This research project analyses the economic transition in Early Modern Europe through an innovative and interdisciplinary approach that will employ tools from legal, economic and social history for the comparative analysis of the legal position and the economic treatment of sailors active in the Mediterranean. Since Fernand Braudel coined the expression ‘invasion of the northerners’, the subject o ...
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"There is a pressing need to improve our understanding of climate processes and their impacts in order to develop appropriate adaptation and mitigation measures. Increasing concentrations of anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHGs) are known to be causing changes in global climate patterns, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. However, our ability to predict future climatic states i ...
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"Soil respiration is expected to make a major contribution to C cycle feedbacks in a changing climate, but the magnitude of these feedbacks are highly uncertain. One of the most important shortcomings is that soils must be viewed as spatially heterogeneous and dynamic systems at the landscape scale if we are to understand soil biogeochemistry and soil carbon cycling in particular. Consequently, im ...
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European Registries of Rights Information and Orphan Works (ARROW Plus)

Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

Arrow Plus builds on and further implements the Arrow system, developed within the Arrow project (eContent Plus programme). Arrow is a system to facilitate libraries and other users in their diligent search for rightholders in works that are to be included in a digitisation programme of books, through querying a network of European data sources. Arrow Plus plans to extend the number of countries c ...
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Transparency of Food Pricing (TRANSFOP)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

"The overall objective of this project is to address the key aspects of the food chain both that determine the transmission of price changes from farm to consumer levels, emphasising the role of competition in the intermediate and retail stages of the food chain and the broader regulatory environment in which firms in food supply chains across the EU compete. Given that the characteristics of the ...
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"Vortices and waves: dynamics, stability and mixing" (VORTEXETER)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Dec 1, 2013,

"The proposal concerns the mathematical study of interactions of vortices, waves and mixing processes, in idealised models relevant to experiments and geophysical systems. Vortices, regions of rotating fluid, are common in the oceans and atmosphere, for example Gulf Stream rings and hurricanes, and in astrophysical systems, for example Jupiter's Great Red Spot. Such systems also support many kinds ...
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"The proposed study will address how Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) contribute to non-electoral representation in the EU. The theoretical perspective chosen is based on the assumption that representation is a sine qua non for the legitimacy of any democratic political system. This constitutes a novel research area for which there is to date no theoretical discourse and no empirical research. W ...
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"Antagonistic coevolution between hosts and parasites has far-reaching consequences for evolutionary ecology, agriculture and medicine. Coevolution between bacteria and virulent phages is likely to be of particularly broad significance because of the ubiquity of phages, the key role played by bacteria in ecosystem functioning, and the therapeutic use of phages as ‘evolving’ antibiotics, in both cl ...
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NORFACE is a co-ordinated common action of currently fifteen national research funding agencies. NORFACE stands for New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Co-operation in Europe. The ERA-NET NORFACE Co-ordination Action started in January 2004 and has developed a close partnership and network of European national agencies responsible for funding research in the social sciences. The NORFACE ...
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Fire Interactions with Life on Earth (Project FILE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2012,

The objective of Project FILE (Fire Interactions with Life on Earth) is to investigate the likely effects of predicted climate change on forest fire activity. Models predict a 44% increase in forest fires annually in America with a 61% increase in Canada, whilst fire seasons in boreal, temperate and Mediterranean regions will be prolonged in response to global warming. However, most predictions ar ...
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"Bacterial virulence has been traditionally thought to co-evolve in reciprocal selection with its host organism. However, in nature pathogens are embedded within a web of interactions which could indirectly affect evolution of bacterial virulence. Recent findings suggest that protozoan predation could increase pathogen virulence because bacterial defensive adaptations can correlate positively with ...
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