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Background Climate change is known to influence forest tree growth response and the CO2 cycle. Dendroclimatological research has shown that the climate signal, species composition, and growth trends have changed in different types of forest ecosystems during the last century. Under current and demonstrated changes in climate variability at geographic, reg ...
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Hydrogen Mobility Europe 2 (H2ME 2)

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2022,

Hydrogen Mobility Europe 2 (H2ME 2) brings together action in 8 European countries to address the innovations required to make the hydrogen mobility sector truly ready for market. The project will perform a large-scale market test of hydrogen refuelling infrastructure, passenger and commercial fuel cell electric vehicles operated in real-world customer applications and demonstrate the system bene ...
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A Systems medicine approach to chronic inflammatory disease (SYSCID)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Mar 31, 2022,

"The SYSCID consortium aims to develop a systems medicine approach for disease prediction in CID. We will focus on three major CID indications with distinct characteristics, yet a large overlap of their molecular risk map: inflammatory bowel disease, systemic lupus erythematodes and rheumatoid arthritis. We have joined 15 partners from major cohorts and initiatives in Europe (e.g.IHEC, ICGC, Twins ...
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Background Thanks to conservation efforts started in the 1980s, the Hungarian population of the eastern imperial eagle has come back from the brink of extinction, reaching 160 pairs by 2014. The Pannonian biogeographical region (which includes all of Hungary and parts of Slovakia, Romania, Czech Republic, Croatia, Serbia and Ukraine) now holds some 220 pa ...
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Background Following the collapse of the Soviet bloc, many army firing ranges and training sites in former Warsaw Pact members such as the Czech Republic fell into disuse. The cessation of military training, abandonment of sites and succession processes have resulted in biodiversity loss. The impact of this trend has become more and more apparent in recen ...
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PSINFONI aims to open new avenues of research in ultrafast routing and polarization synthesis of light in nanophotonics, and in the manipulation, sorting, levitation and trapping of nanoparticles, molecules, or single atoms near novel nanomaterial surfaces. To this end, we will explore the fundamentals and applications of a range of novel nanophotonic phenomena: (i) spin-orbit interactions of ligh ...
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Background In past 200 years, the water and wetland habitats of the Danube region have undergone great change: dams have been constructed; flood protection introduction; navigation improved; agricultural and forestry activities intensified; and land drained. Large continuous flood areas have been reduced and divided by dykes, while numerous branches have ...
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Mechanical control of biological function (MECHANO-CONTROL)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

Mechanical forces transmitted through specific molecular bonds drive biological function, and their understanding and control hold an uncharted potential in oncology, regenerative medicine and biomaterial design. However, this potential has not been realised, because it requires developing and integrating disparate technologies to measure and manipulate mechanical and adhesive properties from the ...
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Federation for FIRE Plus (Fed4FIREplus)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

The Fed4FIRE+ project has the objective to run and further improve Fed4FIRE’s “best-in-town” federation of experimentation facilities for the Future Internet Research and Experimentation initiative. Federating a heterogeneous set of facilities covering technologies ranging from wireless, wired, cloud services and open flow, and making them accessible through common frameworks and tools suddenly op ...
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Liver cirrhosis is a very common chronic disease and one of the leading causes of death in European. Moreover, cirrhosis has a marked impact in patients quality of life and represents a major burden for health systems. Treatment of cirrhosis is currently based on symptomatic management of complications and has not changed substantially in the last 20 years. There is an unmet need for therapies tha ...
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INNOVATION anticipates a breakthrough in scholarly understanding of the medieval origins of modern Western philosophy. This breakthrough will be achieved by exposing the pioneering nature of early thirteenth-century Franciscan thought and its pivotal significance for the subsequent formation of the Western philosophical identity. The work of early Franciscans has largely been neglected in scholarl ...
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The main goal of HIVACAR proposal is to change the current paradigm of HIV treatment by obtaining a functional cure for HIV (i.e., control of viral load to levels below the threshold of 50 copies/ml and maintenance of high CD4+ T-cell count after discontinuation of antiretroviral therapy) thanks to effectively targeting residual virus replication and viral reservoirs. In order to do so, the planne ...
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GALAXY: Gut-and-liver axis in alcoholic liver fibrosis (GALAXY)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

Alcohol overuse is an important societal challenge with annual healthcare costs of over €22 billion in Europe. Alcohol is the main cause of liver cirrhosis, which is the 5th and 7th most common cause of life years lost in respectively Eastern and Western Europe. Cirrhosis is considered irreversible but its precursor, liver fibrosis, is reversible when detected before disease progression. GALAXY pr ...
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The goal of BrainCom is to develop a new generation of neuroprosthetic devices for large-scale and high density recording and stimulation of the human cortex, suitable to explore and repair high-level cognitive functions. Since one of the most invalidating neurospychological conditions is arguably the impossibility to communicate with others, BrainCom primarily focuses on the restoration of speech ...
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ERA-NET Cofund Electric Mobility Europe (EMEurope)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2021,

In collaboration with the European Commission and the European Green Vehicles Initiative Association, European countries and regions will set-up an ERA-NET Cofund to further promote electric mobility in Europe. Electric Mobility Europe builds on the experiences, networks and results of Electromobility+ and is designed to take transnational e-mobility research and policy exchange to the next level. ...
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Brain network based stratification of mental illness (STRATIFY)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2021,

To reduce the burden of mental disorders it is a formidable aim to identify widely applicable disease markers based on neural processes, which predict psychopathology and allow for targeted interventions. We will generate a neurobehavioural framework for stratification of psychopathology by characterising links between network properties of brain function and structure and reinforcement–related be ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2021,

Europe is facing major economic challenges that require an ambitious economic policy for the 21st century. The EU has set out its vision for Europe's social market economy in the Europe 2020 strategy, which aims at confronting our structural weaknesses through progress in three mutually reinforcing priorities:• smart growth, based on knowledge and innovation,• sustainable growth, promoting a more ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Sep 1, 2021,

Background Mediterranean ecosystems have been identified as being among the most likely to be impacted by climate change. A further clear trend towards drier and hotter conditions is predicted in the Mediterranean area. Here, substantial warming (about 1.5°C in winter and almost 2°C in summer) and a significant decrease in precipitation (5-10%) is likel ...
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The thermodynamic behavior of black holes is a precious clue in unravelling the microscopic structure of quantum gravity.High precision computations of quantum black hole entropy provide a new window into the fundamental microscopic theory of gravity and its deviations from classical general relativity. Traditional methods of quantum field theory have proved to be not well-suited to perform these ...
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Heart failure is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in developed countries including EU. Novel and efficient therapeutics to treat patient with heart failure have to be developed. Mitochondria are subcellular organelles that produce energy and dynamic organelles that fuse and divide. Dysregulated mitochondrial activity results in generation of free radicals which cause damage to cellular ...
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Our aim is to dissect the mechanisms of contact inhibition of locomotion (CIL), a process whereby migrating cells collide and repel each other, as it is now clear that CIL is pivotal to understanding embryogenesis and pathologies such as cancer. We have developed an in vivo model using Drosophila macrophages (hemocytes), along with novel analytical tools, to examine the contact inhibition response ...
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Higgs bundles: Supersymmetric Gauge Theories and Geometry (HIGGSBNDL)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2021,

String theory provides a unified description of particle physics and gravity, within a consistent theory of quantum gravity. The goal of this research is to develop both the phenomenological implications as well as conceptual foundations of string theory and its non-perturbative completions, M- and F-theory. Both, seemingly independent, questions are deeply connected to a mathematical structure, t ...
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Towards Smart Zero CO2 Cities across Europe (SmartEnCity)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2021,

SmartEnCity’s main Objective is to develop a highly adaptable and replicable systemic approach towards urban transformation into sustainable, smart and resource-efficient urban environments in Europe through the integrated planning and implementation of measures aimed at improving energy efficiency in main consuming sectors in cities, while increasing their supply of renewable energy, and demonstr ...
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Background The Mediterranean ribbed limpet (Patella ferruginea) is endemic to the western Mediterranean Sea. Since the middle of the 20th Century, the range of the species has undergone a marked decline. Consequently, the species is included in Annex II of the SPAMI Convention, Appendix 2 of the Bern Convention, and in Annex IV of the EU Habitats Directiv ...
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European Network for Sustainable Mobility at University (U-MOB LIFE)

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2021,

Background Sustainable urban mobility can be defined as the implementation of a system in which private vehicles, public transport, roads and parking spaces form an integrated whole. The EU strategy on the urban environment proposes to "change radically the balance among different transport systems, favouring public over private and reducing the impact of ...
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Integrating activities planned under MaRINET 2 build upon the achievements of the advanced community created in MaRINET FP7. MaRINET 2 will ensure the continued integration and enhancement of all leading European research infrastructure and facilities specialising in research, development and testing of offshore renewable energy systems including electrical sub systems and grid integration through ...
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The BIOSKOH project will pave the way for a Second Generation European Circular Bioeconomy by showcasing how a number Innovation Stepping Stones can realise a breakthrough in techno-economic viability of lignocellulosic biorefineries. It will do so through a two stage investment process and development path to realise the largest (110 kton) second generation (2G) biorefinery in Europe. It starts f ...
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BrennerLEC - Brenner Lower Emissions Corridor (LIFE BrennerLEC)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2021,

Background Road transport contributes greatly to the inventory of atmospheric greenhouse gas and air pollution emissions. In general, it is responsible for around 60% of NOx emissions. In regional terms, considering only road transport emissions, traffic on the regional section of the A22 highway causes 41% of NOx emissions. The EU’s ambient Air Quali ...
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"The BIOCYCLE Project proposes to test and critically assess the benefits and risks of an innovative regimen for improving the treatment of Crohn’s disease (CD), a chronic immune-mediated inflammatory disease affecting the gastro-intestinal tract of an increasing number of patients. Currently, the combination of anti-TNFα monoclonal antibodies and immunosuppressants used without interruption is th ...
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The PATHSENSE (Pathogen Sensing) ETN will bring together an interdisciplinary team of world-leading researchers from Europe to tackle a highly ambitious scientific project, focusing on the molecular mechanisms of sensory perception in bacterial pathogens. PATHSENSE will establish an innovative doctoral training programme that will deliver 13 PhD graduates and high-impact scientific outputs. The re ...
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The GHaNA project aims to explore and characterize a new marine bioresource, for blue biotechnology applications in aquaculture, cosmetics and possibly food and health industry. The project will determine the biological and chemical diversity of Haslea diatoms to develop mass-scale production for viable industrial applications by maximising biomass production and associated high-value compound pro ...
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ES-Cat will use directed evolution as a tool to reproduce Nature's remarkable ability to generate molecular machines - in particular enzymes – that perform at levels near perfection. Instead of seeing rational and combinatorial approaches as alternatives, we combine them in this network to achieve a ‘smarter’ and more efficient exploration of protein sequence space. By harnessing the forces of Dar ...
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Background Dupont's Lark is one of the most endangered and rare birds in Spain and Europe as a whole. In Spain, where it has a small, declining population, overgrazing or undergrazing and agricultural development have reduced its preferred habitats and caused its numbers to decline considerably. It is therefore included in the ‘endangered’ category of ...
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Molecule-to-man pain network (PAIN-Net)

Start date: Feb 1, 2017, End date: Jan 31, 2021,

Neuropathic pain affects 5% of the general population and 40% of patients with neurological diseases, and has a key role in the pathophysiology of cancer pain that affects up to 50% of patients in the early disease stage and 30% of survivors, causing an enormous social burden. Treatments are inadequate with less than 50% of patients achieving 50% of pain relief at best, while up to 30% of cancer p ...
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The objective of REPLICATE is to demonstrate Smart City technologies in energy, transport and ICT in districts in San Sebastia, Florence and Bristol addressing urban complexity and generate replication plans in other districts and in follower cities of Essen,Nilufer and Lausanne.Main challenges for cities are to increase the overall energy efficiency, to exploit better local resources in terms of ...
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PROTECTED aims to develop expertise and protective capabilities against Endocrine Disruptors (EDs). EDs and their mixtures are a modern day health concern leading to failing ecological systems, poor agricultural production and health effects such as obesity, cancer and infertility. While analytical methods have advanced enormously, focus has been mainly on synthetic chemicals, overlooking emerging ...
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The main goal of MULTI2HYCAT is to design, obtain proof of concept (2 gr.) and upscale in a pre-pilot reactor (20-50 gr.) a new class of hierarchically-porous organic-inorganic hybrid materials, which will be used as active catalysts to carry out multi-step asymmetric catalytic processes with predominantly high conversions (up to 90%) and selectivity (in the range of 80-90%) towards the desired fi ...
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SENSors and Intelligence in BuLt Environment (SENSIBLE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

The goal of this project is to develop novel information sensing research and innovation approaches for acquiring, communicating and processing a large volume of heterogeneous datasets in the context of smart buildings, by building an international, inter-disciplinary and inter-sectoral collaboration network through research and innovation staff exchanges and seamless exchange of ideas, expertise, ...
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inteGRIDy aims to integrate cutting-edge technologies, solutions and mechanisms in a scalable Cross-Functional Platform connecting energy networks with diverse stakeholders, facilitating optimal and dynamic operation of the Distribution Grid (DG), fostering the stability and coordination of distributed energy resources and enabling collaborative storage schemes within an increasing share of renewa ...
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Industry 4.0 refers to the fourth industrial revolution and technological evolution from embedded systems to cyber-physical systems (CPS) in production. The main objectives of Industry 4.0 can be summarized as the introduction of intelligent systems in production and logistics, the development of highly adaptable and modular manufacturing and logistics systems, the integration of sustainable and a ...
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