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20 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects


Mechanotransduction in Cell-to-Cell Communication (MechComm)

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2019,

Cell-to-cell communication pathways coordinate cellular functions in multicellular organisms. Cells that are nearest neighbours can communicate through specific interactions between ligand and receptor proteins present in their respective cell membranes. The objective of this research program is to address the hypothesis that the physical context of the ligand/receptor interaction contributes to d ...
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"Damage to the central nervous system (CNS) often leads to persistent functional deficits, causinggreat individual suffering and enormous cost to society. The manifestation of these deficits isbelieved to be associated with the scar tissue that forms locally at lesions, causing permanent tissuealteration and blocking regeneration.Research on CNS scar tissue has primarily focused on astrocytes and ...
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Cardiovascular disease and diabetes constitute the major disease burden in the western world with growing morbidity. Exercise is known to ameliorate many of the key processes in the pathogenesis of these diseases, but the underlying mechanism is not clear. Especially little is known about how exercise affects non-muscle tissues such as the heart, fat and liver. Knowledge of such pathways could lea ...
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Adipose tissue mass regulation in lean and obese individuals (HUFATREG)

Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

Owing to the increase in obesity, life expectancy may start to decrease in developed countries for the first time in recent history. In humans the generation of fat cells (adipocytes) is a major factor behind the growth of adipose tissue during childhood. The factors determining the fat mass in adults, however, are not fully understood. Increased fat storage in fully differentiated adipocytes, res ...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

"In contrast to mammals, newts possess exceptional capacities among vertebrates to rebuild complex structures, such as the brain. Our goal is to bridge the gap in the regenerative outcomes between newts and mammals. My group has made significant contributions towards this goal. We created a novel experimental system, which recapitulates central features of Parkinson’s disease in newts, and provide ...
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Neurogenesis in the adult human brain (Neural renewal)

Start date: Jun 1, 2011, End date: May 31, 2016,

One of the characteristics of the central nervous system is its plasticity, with for example a remarkable capacity to store new information. It was for long time thought that there was very little plasticity in terms of exchanging cells and that we essentially were limited to the neurons we were born with. It is now well established that new neurons are added to certain regions of the adult brain ...
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Stem cells are essential to the homeostasis, repair, and function of the tissues in which they reside. Stem cells can be regulated by systemic endocrine signals, meaning environmental factors that impact physiological state, such as diet, infection, and societal stress, can greatly impact stem cell function. Neural stem cells (NSCs) in the hippocampus divide to generate new neurons in the adult, a ...
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Protein aggregation is a hallmark of many late onset neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson’s Disease (PD), Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), prion diseases as well as the group of polyglutamine diseases (polyQ). The aim of this proposal is to create a network of European partners bridging important basic mechanisms involved in proteinopathies, research of mod ...
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We aim to study transcriptomes with single-cell resolution, a long-standing goal in biology, to answer fundamental questions about gene regulation. The main objective concerns gene regulation during in vivo differentiation and in pluripotent cells by studying single-cells from murine preimplantation embryos, a model system with natural single-cell resolution, important biology and medical potentia ...
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"Recent research suggests that the hypoxic micro-environment of tumours is one of the major drivers of metastatic spread of cancer. Furthermore, hypoxic tumour micro-environments may result in treatment resistance of cancer cells, therefore causing a double effect of reducing the potential of a successful treatment of the cancer patient. This project seeks to clarify the roles and functions of the ...
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"Chlorinated dioxins and biphenyls (PCBs) commonly occur in the human food chain and can still be detected at levels that might cause long term health effects. Exposure to dioxin-like compounds involves a complex mixture with a common mechanism of action involving endocrine, developmental, carcinogenic, immuno and neurological effects. Risk assessment is done with an additive model for mixture tox ...
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The eukaryotic genome combines a highly dynamic nature with stable transmission of genetic information from mother to daughter cells. This is achieved by a plethora of protein networks regulating processes such as chromosome duplication, segregation and repair. The principal aim of our research is to determine the molecular interplay between chromosome segregation and repair. Accurate execution of ...
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The NEuroStemCell consortium will foster collaboration between leading European experimental and clinical researchers in order to maximise the prospects for successful clinical trials of stem cell therapy for Parkinson's (PD) and Huntington's (HD) Disease. The activities will be driven by a Clinical WorkPackage (WP), which will set the requirements, and monitor and guide advances in development of ...
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Understanding mechanisms underlying the generation of diverse neuronal subtypes is one of the major challenges in current neuroscience research. Our interest is focused on midbrain dopamine (mdDA) neurons. These cells are essential for the control of multiple brain functions, including movement, emotion and reward, and dysfunction is involved in the pathogenesis of several mental and neurological ...
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Medically related Life Sciences use the mouse as a model system to understand the molecular basis of health and disease in humans (>95% similarity of genes in humans and mice). An essential task for Biomedical Sciences in the 21st century will be the functional analysis of mouse models for every gene in the mammalian genome. The major bottlenecks identified by the user community will be proper ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

Eight partners from six different EU countries will converge in NotchIT, a multi-site ITN aimed to increase the knowledge of cellular and molecular mechanisms by which Notch signaling regulates the development and pathology of different tissues. Notch signaling plays a key role in cell-fate determination and differentiation of various cell types and aberrant Notch signaling is associated with path ...
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The mouse shows great similarities in development, physiology and biochemistry to humans, which makes it a key model for research into human disease. The major challenges for mouse functional genomics in the 21st century are to:1) Develop a series of mutant alleles for every gene in the mouse genome2) Determine the phenotypic consequences of each mutation3) Identify mouse models for the complete d ...
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The focus of this multidisciplinary proposal is to elucidate the epidemiology of the genetic lineages of T. cruzi, for improved understanding and prevention of Chagas disease. The project will unite skills in genotyping, genomics, genetics and pathogenesis in Europe with considerable compatible skills in South America, and with key research in endemic areas that have distinct characteristics. The ...
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European Consortium for Systematic Stem Cell Biology (EUROSYSTEM)

Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: Aug 31, 2012,

EuroSyStem brings together elite European research teams to create a unique and world-leading programme in fundamental stem cell biology. By interconnecting complementary biological and computational expertise we will drive the generation of new knowledge on the characteristics of normal and abnormal stem cells. We will pave the way for application of systems methodology by measuring and modelling ...
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This project aims to elucidate the molecular coding of meso-diencephalic dopaminergic (mdDA) neurons forming the complex meso-limbic and nigro-striatal dopaminergic system in the vertebrate central nervous system. Recent advances in molecular and developmental biology have shown that this system harbors u multitude of functional units that are defined by spatial and temporal cues and are represen ...
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