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36 European Projects Found

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The project proposes the development of an intelligent crystallisation system by combining state-of-the-art process analytical technologies and novel model-based and statistical feedback control approaches, to provide a fully integrated and adaptive system for efficient engineering of particulate products. The developed adaptive and robust control approaches will be incorporated in a Crystallisati ...
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Road transport is indispensable for the exchange of goods and persons, but at the same time has severe negative consequences, among others related to road safety and environment. In order to meet EU targets, both the number of road crashes and vehicle emission levels need to be reduced substantially. For identifying the next generation of measures that will enable us to actually reach these target ...
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The environmental benefits of low emissions lean burn technology in reducing NOx emissions up to 80% will only be effective when these are deployed to a large range of new aero-engine applications. While integrating and developing low emission combustion design rules, IMPACT-AE will deliver novel combustor design methodologies for advanced engine architectures and thermodynamic cycles. It will sup ...
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African Rural-City Connections (RURBANAFRICA)

Start date: Apr 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

The overall objective of the African Rural-City Connections (RurbanAfrica) project is to explore the connections between rural transformations, mobility, and urbanization processes and analyze how these contribute to an understanding of the scale, nature and location of poverty in sub-Saharan Africa. The RurbanAfrica project will advance the research agenda on rural-city connections in sub-Saharan ...
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The headline objective of this project is to develop a suite of advanced sensors, instrumentation and related systems in order to contribute to the development of the next generation of green and efficient gas turbine engines (AAT.2012.1.1-3&4).Sensors are a vital enabling technology for gas turbines and are critical to validation of design tools, new products, engine control, and health monitorin ...
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Coupled Parallel Simulation of Gas Turbines (COPA-GT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

"The proposed project COPA-GT has been structured to provide training of a multi-disciplinary and intersectorial nature for young Fellows in Europe in the field of propulsion and electric power generation systems. The young researchers will obtain expertise in gas turbines engine (GT) design, based on fluid and structural mechanics, combustion, acoustics and heat transfer. They will become familia ...
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The intelligent and cost effective use of CCS technologies requires new strategies to increase the net efficiency of coal fired power plants. Among them, the most promising are summarised as below:- Increase working steam temperature and pressure in new USC power plants (350-370 bar, 700/720°C minimum), and hence increase the severity of fireside operating conditions,- Promote clean coal technolog ...
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For some decades the world has been able to see the ultimate impact of device miniaturisation which has led to dramatic growth in national and global revenues alongside the huge benefits that have been brought to human activities, in the healthcare/medical, energy, space, transport, communication and defence sectors. Evolving initially from silicon based manufacturing technologies thanks to the hu ...
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Terahertz (THz) science and technology have received growing interest in recent years due to its many important applications in physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine, including THz imaging and spectroscopy, medical diagnostics, environmental control, as well as chemical and biological identification. Therefore, the main objective of the project is devoted to theoretical investigations of the e ...
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Systems of Systems consist of collections of (possibly independent, pre-existing, geographically distributed and following their own goals) constituent systems whose behaviours are coordinated to provide services and additional value with respect to their original intended operations. This kind of entities offer severe technical, management, and political challenges as witnessed by energy blackout ...
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This proposal is focused on increasing our understanding of the career paths and employment patterns and contribution of doctoral graduates in the social sciences and humanities. The study focuses on three Objectives:Objective 1: Identification of the dimensions of the population and its core characteristics and assess trends in their employmentObjective 2: Identify the diversity of post-doctoral ...
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Libralato Engine Prototype (LIBRALATO)

Start date: Dec 1, 2011, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

"The Libralato rotary engine is a potential breakthrough technology, an “eco-engine” for the 21st century, with a new thermodynamic cycle and very different mechanical dynamics than is the case with conventional internal combustion engines. The project will investigate the design potential of the Libralato engine through an iterative cycle of simulation and modeling, prototype construction and tes ...
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Fuel Injector Research for Sustainable Transport (FIRST)

Start date: Dec 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

FIRST will deliver key enabling technologies for combustion emission reduction by developing improved design tools and techniques for modelling and controlling fuel sprays and soot.Aviation’s environmental impact must be reduced to allow sustainable growth to benefit European industry and society. This is captured in ACARE’s 2020 goals of reducing CO2 by 50%, NOx by 80% and in SRA1/2 proposed redu ...
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The co-ordinated and integrated approach of HYDRALAB aims at structuring the access to unique and costly hydraulic and ice engineering research infrastructures in the European Research Area. The network of HYDRALAB is unique in the hydraulic research community and has large experience in co-operating since its start in 1997. It began by informing and co-ordinating the activities of the partners in ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: May 31, 2014,

This ITN brings together Universities, think-tanks and high-level officials that all share a long-term interest in a better understanding of the functioning of institutions in the European system of Multi-level governance (MLG) and who have extensive academic and practical expertise in this field. Their interdisciplinary knowledge and experience is pooled with the main objective of improving the E ...
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The overall aim of the AdM-ERA project is to integrate the Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute (CMRDI) into the European Research Area (ERA), by developing cooperation with European research and innovation organisations in its 2 strongest research topics: A) Additive Manufacturing of Ti and CoCr alloys based prostheses, and B) Additive Manufacturing of biocompatible ceramic ma ...
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Support Action for Standardisation in Additive Manufactruring (SASAM)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Feb 28, 2014,

SASAM's mission is to drive the growth of AM to efficient and sustainable industrial processes by integrating and coordinating Standardisation activities for Europe by creating and supporting a Standardisation organisation in the field of AM.The Additive Manufacturing (AM) concept is based on additive freeform fabrication technologies for the automated production of complex products. Additive Manu ...
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"In nuclear power plants, materials may undergo degradation due to severe irradiation conditions that may limit their operational life. Utilities that operate these reactors need to quantify the ageing and the potential degradations of some essential structures of the power plant to ensure safe and reliable plant operation. So far, the material databases needed to take account of these degradation ...
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"Solid/liquid chemical equilibrium hypotheses (sorption, solubility, solid-solution formation) are key concepts in the assessment of nuclear waste safety. For radionuclides at trace concentrations this corresponds to constant solution concentrations, or solid/liquid distribution ratios, if environmental conditions remain constant. However, these concepts do not account for irreversible incorporati ...
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Wind Resource Assessment Audit and Standardization (WAUDIT)

Start date: Oct 1, 2009, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

"The objective of WAUDIT is the generation of a pool of researchers, in the field of wind resource assessment, in order to support the technological development of wind energy as one of the fastest growing industries worldwide (annual increase rate of 20%). The scientific motivation of the project is grounded on current state-of-the-art at industrial level. A technical audit to industry provides t ...
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"Knowledge for Ignition, Acoustics and Instabilities" (KIAI)

Start date: May 1, 2009, End date: Apr 30, 2013,

"For the time being, the European engine industry does not have at its disposal methodologies adapted to predict the unsteady behaviour of low NOx combustors. Consequently and in order to be able to set up the development of low NOx technologies, KIAI will deliver reliable unstationary CFD tools which will allow a deep comprehension of unsteady phenomena. The main objective of the KIAI project is ...
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"The development of adaptive safety systems addressing vehicle occupant protection requires the use of in depth knowledge of various occupant features, specifically those related to the risk of injury. All occupants in passenger vehicles are at risk of sustaining whiplash injuries in a low severity crash. Whiplash associated disorders (WAD), so called whiplash injuries, resulting from car crashes, ...
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Road safety Data Collection, Transfer and Analysis (DACOTA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

Evidenced based approaches lie at the heart of the most successful road safety polices and accident and other road safety data is a key component. No single set of data can support all road safety questions and the European Road Safety Observatory has been developed as a focus for a range of data and information types. One part of the Observatory includes a series of data protocols and collection ...
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Description To provide an integrated workbench that will increase productivity of embedded system development and shorten time-to-market for SoC systems Today, SoC vendors realize that critical decisions must be made long before development teams engage in the hardware and software design for new ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

"Understanding and controlling of interfacial phenomena in multiphase fluid dynamics remains one of the main challenges at the crossroad of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Engineering. Examples include film flows, spreading and dewetting of (complex) liquids including suspensions, polymer solutions, liquid crystals, colloids and biofluids. Such systems are central for technological advances in ...
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Description TeleFOT project will assess the impacts of functions provided by aftermarket and nomadic devices in vehicles and raise wide awareness of their traffic safety potential. The objectives of the TeleFOT project are to assess the impacts of functions provided by aftermarket and nomadic devi ...
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The Second Generation Locator for Urban Search and Rescue Operations (SGL for USaR) is mission oriented towards solving critical problems following large scale structural collapses in urban locations. The devotion, courage and expertise of rescuers need to be matched by procedures and technology that will enable safe and effective responses. This Integrated Project will combine chemical and physic ...
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"Macro, Micro and Nano Aspects of Machining" (MAMINA)

Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Aug 31, 2012,

"The use of titanium, nickel-base, and cobalt-base alloys is necessary for the production of turbine parts and other components in the aerospace and the power generation industry due to their high strength even at elevated temperatures. On the other hand, these materials are known as the most difficult-to-machine metallic materials and so far, only small progress has been made to improve their mac ...
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Child Advanced Safety Project for European Roads (CASPER)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: May 31, 2012,

"The objectives of CASPER are to reduce fatalities and injuries of children in traffic accidents. A badly injured child or a dead child is everything nobody can tolerate. Children are more and more often involved in all modes of transportations; they have no choice; they are bind to the adult careers, taking for granted that the adults will take good care of them. CASPER will address two main as ...
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REViSITE will contribute to the formation of a European multidisciplinary 'ICT for energy-efficiency' research community by bringing together the ICT community and 4 important and complementary application sectors: grids, building/construction, manufacturing and lighting.The objectives of REViSITE are to: (1) Establish communication between sectoral ICT4EE communities in the 4 key industrial domai ...
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The strong effort that the European Commission and all the Member States are paying to the reduction of road fatalities in Europe is giving significant results. Despite these significant improvement in the European countries, the situation in Emerging Economies is dramatically getting worse.The implementation of effective countermeasures and the achievement of a higher safety level for the vulnera ...
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Start date: Apr 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2012,

Main objectives of ReCosy are the sound understanding of redox phenomena controlling the long-term release/retention of radionuclides in nuclear waste disposal and providing tools to apply the results to Performance Assessment/Safety Case. Although redox is not a new geochemical problem, different questions are still not resolved and thus raised by implementers and scientists. From a top-down appr ...
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Higher Education Leading to ENgineering And scientific careers (HELENA)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Sep 30, 2011,

"Women participation in engineering occupations appears as a key-issue for European economical and technical development, as well as a central achievement towards gender equality and social justice. Many studies have identified gender-mainstreaming measures in engineering education; for example, the WOMENG project (HPSE-CT-2002-00109) has recently highlighted key-moments for action and recommenda ...
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Fusion Energy Materials Science – Coordination Action (FEMaS-CA)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2011,

The timely availability of qualified materials for use in fusion power reactors is a necessity for the fast deployment of fusion power. 27 European institutions have joined together in the FEMaS-CA to advance fusion materials science in Europe and in close cooperation with EFDA, the European Fusion Development Agreement. The overarching objective of this Coordination Action is: The FEMaS-CA w ...
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The next phase of enterprise interoperability is the sharing of knowledge within a Virtual Organisation (VO) to the mutual benefit of all VO partners. Such knowledge will be a driver for new enhanced collaborative enterprises, able to achieve the global visions of enterprise interoperability. The SYNERGY project envisages the delivery of Collaboration Knowledge services through trusted third parti ...
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Field opErational teSts supporT Action (FESTA)

Start date: Nov 5, 2007, End date: Jun 4, 2008,

The FESTA Support Action is a vital step in the realisation of scientifically robust and efficiently run Field Operational Tests which aim to evaluate key ICT functions. A consortium of European experts with a wide range of skills has been formed to allow the development of a "best-practise" handbook which will guide the design and implementation of an FOT. The consortium involves the participatio ...
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