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5 European Projects Found

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EVS in Salzburg II

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

...for the vegan potluck, helping in the bike repair workshop, open wardrobe, printing workshops, and so on) Josephine will have the chance to create a part of her EVS according to her own interests. Radiofabrik would like to host Kawtar El Moutawakil, a 21 years old student from Italy from July 2016 - June 2017 (12 months). She will have the chance to get to know all departments in a public radiosta ...
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Experiencing EVS in Salzburg

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

...nsisted of two EVS activities. akzente Salzburg was coordinating organisation for both host organizations. Kinderfreunde/Keck was hosting Cristian Costa from Spain who was unemployed in Spain before. Radiofabrik was hosting Hatem Elhelbawi from Egypt. Our objective was to develop solidarity and to fasciliate understanding and tolerance by hosting Euopean volunteers. We think that with active part ...
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Mission Europe aims to give young Europeans a “taste” of other European languages and cultures through the medium of radio. The series works on the basis of the similarity between a quest and the struggles of someone trying to understand the language and culture of a foreign country. The project has developed three exciting radio adventures - “Mission Berlin”, “Misja Kraków” and “Mission Paris” - ...
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"Ohrenblicke - Radiokunst von Blinden und Sehenden" is an artistic integrative audio project which focuses on the creation of radio emissions for blind and visually impaired people. They will create some 30 audio productions to be broadcasted on non-commercial European radios. A Project-weblog will function as Podcast.
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The project Addicted2Random will produce computer generated music in a participatory, location-independent way bridging past and presence of European musical heritage. The project will raise awareness for the share- and remix culture which led to cultural diversity and shaped a distinguished European culture with far reaching roots. E.g. the project will mix J.S. Bach (1685-1750) with contemporary ...
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