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Background: Influenza viruses cause annual epidemic and occasional pandemics, both of which induce significant morbidity and mortality. Influenza infections affect all age groups but children and adults over the age of 65 are at most risk of developing severe disease.Vaccination is the most effective approach to reduce the impact of annual influenza outbreaks and potential pandemics, however, the ...
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Conduct Disorder (CD) is the key paediatric disorder characterized by severe aggression. It is heterogeneous, and our understanding of the neurobiology to subtype aggression is limited. MATRICS is a multidisciplinary consortium of academic partners and SMEs that focuses on the subtyping of aggression both within CD and of the broader cross-disorder trait of aggression. MATRICS will test the hypoth ...
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Despite examples of excellent practice, rare disease (RD) research is still mainly fragmented by data and disease types. Individual efforts have little interoperability and almost no systematic connection between detailed clinical and genetic information, biomaterial availability or research/trial datasets. By developing robust mechanisms and standards for linking and exploiting these data, RD-Con ...
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Assessing individual exposure to environmental stressors and predicting health outcomes implies that both environmental exposures and epi/genetic variations are reliably measured simultaneously. HEALS (Health and Environment-wide Associations based on Large population Surveys) brings together in an innovative approach a comprehensive array of novel technologies, data analysis and modeling tools th ...
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Human cystic echinococcosis (CE), one of the most widespread helminthic zoonoses, is a chronic disease caused by infection with the larval stage of the tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus. This disease is highly endemic in some southern (Spain and Italy), eastern (Bulgaria and Romania) European countries and associated (Turkey) countries, where it still represents a major health and economic problem. ...
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ECRIN is a distributed ESFRI-roadmap pan-European infrastructure designed to support multinational clinical research, making Europe a single area for clinical studies, taking advantage of its population size to access patients. Servicing multinational trials started during its preparatory phase, and it now applies for an ERIC status by 2011. The ERIC budget will be restricted to core activities re ...
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ASSET (Action plan in Science in Society in Epidemics and Total pandemics) is a 48 month Mobilisation and Mutual Learning Action Plan (MMLAP), which aims to 1) forge a partnership with complementary perspectives, knowledge and experiences to address effectively scientific and societal challenges raised by pandemics and associated crisis management; 2) explore and map SiS-related issues in global ...
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Advanced Immunization Technologies (ADITEC)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

Vaccines so far have been developed mostly by following an empiric approach. To prevent and possibly cure unresolved and emerging infectious diseases we need to fully exploit the potential of the human immune system. Progress in science and technology makes it possible to achieve what was previously deemed impossible. The scope of this project is to produce knowledge necessary to develop novel and ...
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European Multicentre Tics in Children Studies (EMTICS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2011, End date: May 31, 2017,

This project will undertake pre-clinical and cohort studies that address susceptibility factors for paediatric and adolescent tic disorders, with a particular focus on comorbid obsessive-compulsive symptomatology, from clinical, epidemiological, genetic, microbiological and immunological angles. EMTICS aims to elucidate the complex aetiology of the onset and clinical course of chronic tic disorder ...
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Open Project for the European Radiation Research Area (OPERRA)

Start date: Jun 1, 2013, End date: May 31, 2017,

"Within the OPERRA project, it is proposed that the MELODI Association, as a well-advanced network, takes the lead in establishing the necessary structures able to manage the long-term European research programmes in radiation protection, also taking advantage of the valuable experience gathered through the DoReMi network of excellence. Whilst in fields adjacent to low-dose risk research (radioeco ...
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The innovative and economic potential of Manufactured Nano Materials (MNMs) is threatened by a limited understanding of the related EHS issues. While toxicity data is continuously becoming available, the relevance to regulators is often unclear or unproven. The shrinking time to market of new MNM drives the need for urgent action by regulators. NANoREG is the first FP7 project to deliver the answe ...
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RARE-Bestpractices will develop a sustainable networking platform, supporting the collection of standardized and validated data and efficient exchange of knowledge and reliable information on rare diseases (RD).RD are characterized by low prevalence (EU – 5:10000 persons). There are more than 5000, overall affecting about 30 million citizens of all ages in the EU. RD are often life-threatening and ...
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The capacity of zoonotic RNA viruses to emerge as major agents of human disease can appear limitless. Current intervention strategies have demonstrated limited success. Rapid, innovative and effective solutions are needed to reduce the apparently accelerating process of zoonotic disease emergence. We will study the following zoonotic viruses with epidemic potential in Europe: influenza virus, hepa ...
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NutriTech will build on the foundations of traditional human nutrition research using cutting-edge analytical technologies and methods to comprehensively evaluate the diet-health relationship and critically assess their usefulness for the future of nutrition research and human well-being. Technologies include genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, laser scanning cytometry, NMR based ...
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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in children, affecting approximately 5% children in Europe. Methylphenidate (MPH) is the most-commonly prescribed medication for ADHD children; it is also increasingly used in ADHD adults. In 2007, the European Commission requested a referral to the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use ...
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Total Diet Study Exposure (TDSEXPOSURE)

Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

Total Diet Studies (TDS) allow getting information on real dietary exposure to food contaminants consumption (heavy metals, mycotoxins, POPs...) and estimating chronic exposure to pesticide residues in food and food additives intake. TDS consider total exposure from whole diets and are based on food contamination as consumed rather than contamination from raw commodities, thus ensuring a realistic ...
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In 2002 the Italian Ministry of Health established Alliance Against Cancer (ACC), an association working together with the Italian National Institute for Health (ISS), with the aim to better coordinate cancer research and care, and to stimulate innovation and competitiveness. In light of the growing complexity of cancer research, ISS and ACC are committed to enhancing the Italian participation in ...
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Despite many efforts to ensure that only high-quality and safe products are put on the market, fish-borne parasites continue to pose risks to human health, with zoonotic infections and allergic reactions mainly following consumption of raw, lightly cooked, or marinated seafood.The PARASITE proposal is presented by a multidisciplinary consortium of 12 European and 3 Asian research institutions and ...
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Low Dose Research towards Multidisciplinary Integration (DOREMI)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The aim of DoReMi is to promote the sustainable integration of low dose risk research in Europe in order to aid the effective resolution of the key policy questions identified by the High Level Expert Group (HLEG) on Low Dose Risk Research ( DoReMi provides an operational tool for the development of the proposed MELODI platform (Multidisciplinary European Low Dose Risk Re-search Initi ...
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Realizing the European Network in Biodosimetry (RENEB)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

Creating a sustainable network in biological dosimetry that involves a large number of experienced laboratories throughout the EU will significantly improve the accident and emergency response capabilities in case of a large-scale radiological emergency. A well organised cooperated action involving EU laboratories will offer the only chance for a fast and trustworthy dose assessment urgently neede ...
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"The use of HTA has increased recently in Europe and more widely (e.g. Americas) to enable evidence-based coverage decisions and improve efficiency in resource allocation.HTA has often resulted in different coverage decisions across settings despite the same evidence being used for this purpose. This may reflect in part societal preferences about value, priorities or risk perceptions, suggesting a ...
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Recent studies have showed estimations of worldwide 50 million cattle infections with M. bovis, at a cost to the agricultural community of 2-3 billion € per year. In developing countries, M. bovis infection is still widespread, in both cattle and humans. Even in developed countries, successful eradication of disease from livestock is hampered by the presence of wildlife reservoirs of M. bovis. Und ...
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Monitoring of Animals for Feed-related Risks in the Long Term (MARLON)

Start date: Aug 1, 2012, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

While there are many European scientific activities for each of the items related to either animal health or the occurrence of GM ingredients in animal feed, the proposed MARLON project will be unique in bringing these widely different fields of scientific expertise together for the cross-disciplinary task of developing an epidemiological model for the case-specific monitoring of potential health ...
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Biology and control of vector-borne infections in Europe (EDENext)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

To address the call for proposals 'Biology and control of vector-borne infections in Europe' launched by the European Commission, we want to investigate the biological, ecological and epidemiological components of vector-borne diseases (VBD) introduction, emergence and spread, and to propose innovative tools for controlling them, building on the basis of acquired knowledge. We have selected the ma ...
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This project lays theoretical and technological foundations for future biohybrid and brain-machine-interface devices, taking advantage of recent progress in our theoretical understanding of brain, in-vivo and in-vitro electrophysiology, and biomimetic hardware components (neuromorphic VLSI). If successful, the project will interface biomimetic hardware devices seamlessly with neural tissues and, ...
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"HIV infection is a major worldwide epidemic threatening public health in all affected countries. Although a wide range of financial support has been successfully dedicated to HIV through national and/or EC-funded programmes, there is still little cooperation between national funding programmes in Europe, while this field is highly international, operationally as well as competitively, in all disc ...
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This is a proposal from 55 partners from 36 institutes to form a NoE that will seek to integrate European malaria research that is directed towards a better understanding of the basic biology of the parasite, its vector and of the biology of the interactions between the parasite and both its mammalian host and vectors. All the member institutes and researchers have demonstrated both their excellen ...
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Epidemiological Studies of Exposed Southern Urals Populations (SOLO)

Start date: Mar 1, 2010, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

This project aims to improve estimates of the risks of long-term health effects associated with protracted external and internal radiation exposures, through further studies of exposed populations in the Southern Urals (Russian Federation). Specific objectives of the project are as follows: 1. To develop improved modules for estimating external doses to exposed cohorts in the Southern Urals. It is ...
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"TELL ME (Transparent communication in Epidemics: Learning Lessons from experience, delivering effective Messages, providing Evidence) is a 36 month Collaborative Project, which aims to provide evidence and to develop models for improved risk communication during infectious disease crises. TELL ME combines public health, social sciences, behavioral sciences, political sciences, law, ethics, commun ...
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Optimizing delivery of health care interventions (ODHIN)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

ODHIN is a Europe wide project involving research institutions from nine European countries that will help to optimize the delivery of health care interventions by understanding how better to translate the results of clinical research into every day practice. ODHIN will use the implementation of identification and brief intervention (IBI) programmes for hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption (H ...
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54 partners from 34 institutes have formed an EC-funded Network of Excellence (NoE) in basic malaria research, the European Virtual Institute for Malaria Research (EVIMalaR). Over the previous >5 years as the NoE Biomalpar these partners successfully broke down many barriers to cooperation pursuing a programme of integrated research. This was greatly assisted by the Biomalpar PhD School whose stud ...
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ERA-NET on Translational Cancer Research (TRANSCAN)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

"Cancer is a worldwide health burden and a major public health challenge in Europe, responsible for 25% of all deaths; a situation expected to worsen with population ageing. The strengthening of translational cancer research is an urgent need in European cancer research, i.e. the integration of basic, epidemiological, preclinical and clinical research with the implementation and evaluation of inte ...
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Monitoring the quality of drinking water is of paramount importance for public health. “Water is not a commercial product but a heritage that must be protected, defended and treated as such” (Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC). The threat of waterborne diseases in Europe will predictably increase in the future as the human population increases and as a result of globalization and migration from ...
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ERA-Net on Rare Diseases (E-Rare-2)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

Rare diseases represent an important public-health issue, affecting 26-30 million persons across Europe, and a major challenge for research. The fragmentation of resources and knowledge for the 6000-8000 rare diseases and the lack of treatment for the majority of them necessitate a coordinated European approach to unravel the underlying molecular defects and pathophysiological mechanisms. The low ...
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European West Nile collaborative research project (EuroWestNile)

Start date: Mar 1, 2011, End date: Aug 31, 2014,

West Nile virus (WNV) is one of the most evident examples of emerging/re-emerging pathogens one can nominate, which is characterized by occasional virulent epizootic outbreaks. Despite intensive research done since its first appearance in the Americas in 1999, many aspects of its molecular biology, epidemiology, ecology, pathogenesis and life cycle are still poorly understood. Being a generalist p ...
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Plant food supplements, or botanicals, have high acceptance by European consumers. Potentially, they can deliver significant health benefits, safely, and at relatively low costs. New regulations and EFSA guidance are also now in. However, concerns about safety, quality and efficacy of these products remain, and bottle-necks in risk and benefit assessments need to be solved. PlantLIBRA (PLANT food ...
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"The proposed Coordination and support actions (Coordinating, CSA) has the overall objective to disseminate state-of-the-art research results in food safety and quality topics through a series of symposia, expert working group meetings, an online platform with best practise examples and coordination of cooperation and a plan for the preparation of future activities. In addition to the aim of disse ...
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Mosquitoes transmit a variety of infectious diseases that cause a tremendous burden to public health. Due to climate changes and to the increase in international trade and tourism the threats posed by mosquitoes are increasingly affecting large parts of Europe, causing understandable concerns among the populations of many Member States. Control methods, mainly based on insecticide usage, are strug ...
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"With 14.4 million prevalent cases and 1.7 million deaths tuberculosis (TB) remains one of the most serious infectious diseases to date. An estimated 2 billion people are believed to be infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and at risk of developing disease. Multi- and extensively drug resistant strains are increasingly appearing in many parts of the world, including Europe. While with current ...
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"Food Safety Objectives (FSO) and Performance Objectives (PO) are new criteria complementing the existing concepts of microbiological criteria and MRL for many chemical contaminants. However, to achieve these objectives it is critically important a harmonisation of food safety control procedures.BASELINE project intends to obtain the following objectives: 1) To review the sampling schemes currentl ...
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