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22 European Projects Found

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ENERMED - Mediterranean Renewable Energies (ENERMED)

Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: May 30, 2013,

Enermed aims to coordinate and improve the regional policies of renewable energies (RE), through: -shared instruments for the analysis of projects and policies RE -development of common policies in the RE -common experiences in the RE We will develop and implement: -a transnational (common) methodological and strategic framework -a database of good practices on regional policies -concrete p ...
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MAritme REgions cooperation for MEDiterranea (MAREMED)

Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: May 23, 2013,

...les pour la pollution, les données et la pêche en février 2012. Les actions pilotes ont débuté. On peut citer, l'action sur la gouvernance d'Héraklion, l'action portée par la Région Ligurie sur les données à Gênes, la concertation européenne sur la pêche à Ancône. Ont été élaborés 10 rapports, site Web, articles et conférences de presse, questionnaires du diagnostic, base de données des acteurs, s ...
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HiPER is a multi-national laser facility designed to allow Europe to take a leading position in the pursuit of Inertial Fusion Energy, whilst offering an internationally unique capability for science in extreme conditions. It will open up entirely new areas of research, providing access to physics regimes which cannot be explored on any other science facility. It has been formally endorsed by 6 Eu ...
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FREIGHT4ALL aims tackling the fragmented functioning of transnational multimodal freight transport chains by providing an interoperable and distributed ICT solution. It will facilitate remote collaboration of the involved parties and jointly use of available e-logistics systems, thus strengthening territorial cohesion and providing cost effective and sustainable services. The real life cases and e ...
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"The INRES project will aim to enhance the integration and the cooperation among three European insular regions, Canary Islands (Spain), Crete (Greece) and Samsø (Denmark) in the development of their regional RES policies and strategies through the establishment of a mutual learning process and collaborative relationships among regional research-driven clusters. The consortium, formed of 10 partne ...
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Coastal erosion and flooding represents a major threat for the well-being and prosperity of the 70mi Europeans living within 500m from the coastline and their assets of 500- 1000bi€. Lost or seriously impacted area by erosion is estimated to be 15 km2/year. The Nobel Prize laureate UN-IPCC estimates that by 2020 due to Climate Change victims of coastal erosion or flooding will reach 158,000/year, ...
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The development of innovative manufacturing activities and processes in MED Islands can improve their innovation capacities, the diversification of their economy, the qualifications of the jobs offered and has a multiplier effect on all economic activities, while it contributes to a more sustainable use of key natural resources, notably water and energy. However insularity, scarcity of some resour ...
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SUGAR focuses on addressing the problem of inefficient and ineffective management of urban freight distribution, a critical component of the overall urban transport system and a primary source of vehicle pollutant emissions. To accomplish this, SUGAR promotes the exchange, discussion and transfer of policy experience, knowledge and good practices in the field of urban freight management, with rega ...
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Regional cooperation towards adaptation to climate change (REGIOCLIMA)

Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

Societies have come to a point where they are asked to adapt to a changing climate irrespectively of the result of global mitigation efforts. To this respect, the overarching objective of the project is to assist societies to adapt to the new climate conditions both by minimising the risk of damage and exploiting the new opportunities arising from a changing climate. The action aims at enhancing c ...
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Coastal strips, especially those between the sea and land, are morphologically sensitive and depend on a delicate equilibrium between marine processes and sediment deposits. The partner regions are all exposed to a greater or lesser extent to coastal erosion. This erosion has worrying effects on the environment, which are aggravated by the rising sea level, deepening of the sea bottom, more freque ...
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Start date: Jun 30, 2006, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

Le projet OBSIND a comme but de créer un instrument qui serve à connaître la situation actuelle des différents secteurs industriels. Un observatoire de lindustrie sera créé pour effectuer des études sur les marchés ainsi que sur la possible internationalisation des compagnies locales, sur la législation applicable pour mener et harmoniser des procédures administratives et financières, pour établir ...
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Start date: Apr 30, 2007, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

The project involves international experts of the transportation and logistic field and who will work with the following objectives: • Underline and demonstrate the strategic role of intermodal trans-port in the opti-misation of the goods flow in the logistic chain, • Affirm the concept of a multimodal platform as a strategic node in the logistic chain, • Demonstrate the possible impact of multimo ...
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Start date: Sep 30, 2006, End date: Mar 30, 2008,

Le projet sinscrit dans le domaine du transport de matières dangereuses et vise à définir et harmoniser toutes les actions nécessaires pour la sauvegarde de lenvironnement dans la filière du transport de cargaisons avec un risque élevé de pollution. A partir des résultats obtenus par le projet Medocc SESTANTE, MADAMA se propose de définir de nouvelles politiques et des solutions innovatrices afin ...
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Start date: Jun 30, 2005, End date: Oct 30, 2007,

Le projet désire développer un système de weatherrouting pour lespace Méditerranéen et y analyser les potentialités. Le weatherrouting est un moyen doptimisation des routes commerciales, basé sur les conditions météo-marines prévues. On sait que des conditions météo-marines défavorables causent souvent des retards considérables dans les parcours et augmentent aussi la consommation de combustible e ...
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The regions involved in TREND have objective 1 or objective 2 regions within their territories. This means that, to varying degrees, they need to improve economic, social and employment aspects of their territories in order to reach the cohesion objectives decided upon at European level. In Spain and in Italy, the regional programming for local development financed by the SF has been directed towa ...
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NautisMed : For the touristic regions (NautisMed)

Start date: Jun 30, 2005, End date: Jun 29, 2007,

Pour les régions touristiques, il est de plus en plus nécessaire de chercher de nouveaux produits de qualité, qui respectent lenvironnement et qui représentent une alternative faisable au modèle traditionnel de tourisme. Le tourisme nautique est un segment identifié comme permettant datteindre ces objectifs (navigation à voile ou à moteur, surf, planche à voile, canoë-kayak, motonautisme, …), comb ...
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Dans un contexte de soutien à la transition économique et des enjeux posés par la construction future de la zone de libre échange prévue en 2010 dans la Méditerranée, le projet “Euromedsys” propose de contribuer à la croissance économique et au développement de la compétitivité des Systèmes Economiques Locaux de la Méditerranée à travers la valorisation de la qualité et de l’excellence. Le projet ...
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Start date: Apr 30, 2005, End date: Jul 30, 2006,

The GEDERI project aims to improve island management through the sharing of experience and information on topics that are common to the different regions and which currently represent weak points. It aims to put an end to the isolation of island regions by creating a network of expertise and a body of knowledge, methods and tools related to island issues. This will be implemented by organising sem ...
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... Bleu » s’intéresse au secteur économique du tourisme bleu : maritime, nautique et des croisières. Le projet a pour but la planification stratégique de l’économie urbaine de développement régional et local ainsi que la cohésion interrégionale entre territoires du littoral et territoires insulaires basés sur le secteur économique de ce type de tourisme. La sensibilisation de la population pour la p ...
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CULTOURMED : Development of a new tourism (CULTOURMED)

Start date: Mar 31, 2004, End date: Nov 30, 2005,

« CULTOURMED » s’intéresse au développement d’une nouvelle forme de tourisme : plus varié et plus échelonné. Il offre une alternative à moyen et long terme pour entamer la croissance durable des destinations touristiques mûres, avec des bénéfices significatifs pour leur compétitivité globale ainsi que l’abandon progressif du phénomène d’économie saisonnière. Dans ce sens le but du projet est non s ...
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HOMER focuses on the theme of Open Data, a world-wide policy aiming at making available and exploitable Public Sector Information (PSI). Governments are increasingly recognising the benefits of making their data open and reusable. The first is transparency: simply opening PSI, citizens can be better informed and participate in the decision making process. The second is linked to the economic value ...
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COASTGAP springs after more than 10 years of shared experiences among many Mediterranean coastal Administrations and Institutions in the field of coastal adaptation to CC effects and other natural/anthropogenic threats. In 2011 these actors established the cluster FACECOAST ( and propose COASTGAP in order to capitalize 12 Best Practices from 9 projects of the cluster (from MED and ...
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