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5 European Projects Found

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SocialCar is an Intelligent Transport System based on an innovative approach to transport demand management, and more specifically to carpooling in urban and peri-urban areas. SocialCar’s main objective is devopping a new communication network for intelligent mobility, sharing information of car-pooling integrated with existing transport and mobility systems. It will be achieved by means of powerf ...
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Mediterranean Intermodal Transit (TRANSit)

Start date: Apr 30, 2009, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

Ports in the Southern Mediterranean area play a key role in freight transportation, acting as the main gateways to the mainland. Their significant placement in the freight supply chain triggered the idea for an integrated management of the ports freight operations along with the provision and support of intermodal and multimodal services to transport operators (sea, road and rail).The main objecti ...
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Regional Development Along Corridors and Nodes (REDECON)

Start date: Aug 31, 2005, End date: Feb 27, 2008,

Currently the border regions of Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia are experiencing changes regarding their economic and spatial development. A cross-border strategic information system for regional planning purposes is necessary to harmonise and adjust regional development strategies and to overcome deficits in data provision and to intensify cooperation. REDECON will develop and imple ...
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The proposed project aims to establish and operate a network of port authorities and transport experts in the Mediterranean region, focusing on the exchange of knowledge and expertise with regard to port and custom procedures and simplification of clearance for vessels and cargoes. This is expected to enhance the common understanding and promote the introduction of information systems to ports ope ...
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Some projects have developed good practices, pilot actions and tools with similar objectives but at the end of the project, all of them disappear into obscurity. The idea is to join the skills of these different outputs by thematic trying to enrich the capitalization of the result, involving the different agents that have to profit it: - IMPROVING THE SUPPLY CHAIN BY USING INNOVATIVE IT TOOLS. Pro ...
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