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18 European Projects Found

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wer-to-fleX (Power-to-fleX)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Oct 30, 2019,

In Noordwest-Duitsland en Noord-Nederland is de afgelopen jaren volop ingezet op duurzame energie. Het nadeel van zon en wind als energiebron is dat het aanbod ervan fluctueert en niet gelijk loopt met de energievraag. Het bufferen van deze elektriciteit (Power) in een andere energiedrager, zoals water-stofgas, methaan, methanol, warmte of batterij (X) is een oplossing voor dit probleem. Het doel ...
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Groene Kaskade

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2019,

Description (EN): The project Groene Kaskade wants to seize the opportunities to further expand the bio-economy in the German-Dutch border region via the improved use/exploitation of all input and output streams that are part of the biogas value chain. A consortium of partners deals with this topic through concrete innovative cooperative processes. Via 13 work packages and 1 support ...
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Start date: Sep 30, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2018,

...regio. Het Projektconsortium dat bestaat uit zes partners realiseert met verschillende maatregelen de verschillende takenpakketten. Het projectgebied loopt van de Nederlandse kustgebieden van de provincies Fryslân en Groningen, via Ostfriesland tot aan de Weser aan de Duitse kant en omvat ook het binnenland dat wordt gekenmerkt door de nabijheid van de zee. Met het project ‚Wadden-Agenda ontstaat ...
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As risks are not “objective” but socially and culturally constructed, disaster management which is aware, respects, and makes use of local cultural aspects will be not only more effective but, at the same time, also improve the community’s disaster coping capacities. CARISMAND is setting out to identify these factors, to explore existing gaps and opportunities for improvement of disaster policies ...
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Mit der Verwirklichung des Lückenschlusses zwischen Roodeschool und Eemshaven mit einer Gleisinfrastruktur wird eine direkte Bahnverbindung zwischen Groningen/Eemshaven und Borkum geschaffen. Damit wird eine wichtige Rahmenbedingung für die wirtschaftliche und touristische Entwicklung der Grenzregion erfüllt. Personen können sich dadurch schnell und einfach in der Grenzregion bewegen und problemlo ...
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Green Corridor in the North Sea Region (GreCOR)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

GreCOR will promote the development of a co-modal transport corridor in the North Sea Region. Important in this collaborative approach, is the focus on secondary networks and the hubs, and the regional hinterland around the Green transport corridor Oslo- Randstad from a co-modal perspective. GreCOR will work in close collaboration with public and private stakeholders, and its overall aim is to imp ...
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Nachhaltige Energie Nederland-Deutschland (NEND - I-2-01=129)

Start date: Jul 2, 2009, End date: Mar 30, 2014,

NEND ist ein Projekt, bei dem Forschungseinrichtungen, KMU, Behörden und Non-Profit-Organisationen im Bereich der Energie zusammenarbeiten. Die Schaffung von transnationalen Netzwerken, zwischen den Partner und 200 KMUs konzentrieren sich auf die folgenden Themen: - Einrichtung eines Energie-Cluster mit vier regionalen Zentren. - Nachhaltiges Bauen in der EDR: Das Generieren von innovativen Kon ...
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Climate changing soils (Biochar)

Start date: Sep 30, 2009, End date: Oct 30, 2013,

The project concerns BioChar (BC), which is a product of biomass-to-energy processing systems, and has as its aim in raising awareness and building confidence in BC as a way of capturing carbon and increasing soil quality and stability in order to make the soil climate change resilient. The concept of BioChar (BC) is relatively new and only practiced in US, Canada and Australia. In order to keep u ...
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Energy Vision North Sea Region (EVNSR)

Start date: Jan 15, 2012, End date: Jul 1, 2013,

The EVNSR Project is clustering the INTERREG IVB renewable energy projects. EVNSR is drawing on the value and strengths identified in the individual projects in order to increase the deployment rate of renewable energy in the NSR. EVNSR will interconnect the different individual results and will amplify the successes in order to build an Renewable Energy Strategy. The project consists of three par ...
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The aim of the Build with Care project is to mainstream energy-efficient building design by raising the awareness and increasing the knowledge of the potential of energy savings. In collaboration with the building sector, a transnational strategy for increasing energy efficiency in buildings will be developed. Within the project, an education and information programme will be carried out to change ...
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North Sea Supply Connect (North Sea Supply Connect)

Start date: Sep 30, 2009, End date: Mar 30, 2013,

Small markets in the NSR and SME access barriers to European supply markets are key problems addressed by the project. They cause competitive disadvantages for Northern SMEs and their regions compared to suppliers and regions involved in large regions. If SMEs stick to traditional regional markets prosperity and European integration, mayor markets are at risk. This risk is further aggravated by th ...
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Binnen dit project zal worden onderzocht hoe de treinverbinding Groningen-Bremen kan worden versterkt en attractiever kan worden gemaakt voor burgers uit het EDR-gebied en voor gasten van buiten de genoemde regio.
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TEN 3: Transnational Ecological Network III (TEN 3)

Start date: Feb 25, 2003, End date: Apr 29, 2006,

TEN 3 aimed to create an ecological network of wetland habitats in the North Sea area and to support and implement interdisciplinary concepts for the restoration of wetland systems. This took into account the integral ecosystems and the implementation of projects in the spatial planning of the regions involved. ...
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NMC-NSR: Northern Maritime Corridor - North Sea Region (NMC-NSR)

Start date: Feb 28, 2002, End date: Dec 30, 2005,

The NMC project is means for efficient, safe and sustainable transportation, connecting coastal areas and well enhancing regional development in the North Sea Region and the Northern Periphery Area. The project addresses the following issues: the development of regional maritime clusters, the promotion of Short Sea Shipping (SSS), transport in the petroleum and the seafood sector and risk manageme ...
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The main aim of the SEAPLANE Project was the sustainable spatial development of the participating regions by strengthening the air transport network and its airports for improved support of the economic and social cohesion in the North Sea Region and as well the increased accessibility of peripheral regions ...
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NL:Erhöhung der Brücke Abelstokstertil von 2.20 m auf 3.00 m. Daneben sollgleichzeitig eine Unterführung für Fahrradfahrer und Spaziergänger und dieAnlage eines Muschelweges (Fahrradweg) verwirklicht werden.D: Automatisierung Brücken und Schleusen Haren-Rütenbrockkanal.Zielsetzungen: Das Ziel ist die Lieferung eines Beitrages zur Verbesserung (und damit zurSteigerung der Attraktivität) des grenzüb ...
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Emission of the air is not examined within the Ems-Dollart-Region at the moment. Within this project this shall be done. A land register of the pollution shall be developed for both sides of the border. This will provide better information for the inhabitants of the region and will guarantee a good quality of air for the future. Furthermore information about the companies with a high air pollution ...
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Das Projekt leistet einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung und damit zusammenhängend der Vergrößerung des grenzübergreifenden Wasserfahrgebietes in den Nordniederlanden und in Nordwestdeutschland. Hierdurch soll die Anzahl der Schiffstouristen zunehmen.
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