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30 European Projects Found

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Background In recent years, the corncrake (Crex crex) has suffered from dramatic losses of adequate hatcheries, particularly near the western boundary of its range, i.e. northwestern Germany and Benelux. In many cases breeding sites are occupied by single males that are not paired. Only a few breeding sites remain but these have a high amount of annual b ...
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Background The project area covers 3 950 ha of the cross-border "Grenspark De Zoom – Kalmthoutse Heide" nature reserve, which extends over the Dutch-Belgian border (and comprises 6 000 ha in total). The reserve contains continental dunes, dry and wet heath, ponds and woods. Human impact, such as nutrient enrichment of the soil, afforestation and soil de ...
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Background This project’s area contains 40 Natura 2000 sites (covering 24 566 ha) in Belgium and the Netherlands, within the basin of the Meuse River and its tributaries between Andenne and Maastricht. The river basin has supported highly species-rich habitats related to former pastoral systems. But these habitats have become extremely fragmented and ar ...
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Background The populations of several Birds Directive priority species have strongly declined in the Netherlands and north-western Europe in recent decades. This unfavourable trend applies to the Natura 2000 network sites of Zwarte Meer and Veluwerandmeren, both in the IJsseldelta region. At present these sites host many Dutch populations of targeted Bird ...
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Background The National Park Drents-Friese Wold & Leggelderveld (DFW & LV) is one of the largest nature reserves in the Netherlands, with a surface area of over 7 000 ha. It is home to woods, stream valley grasslands, wet heathland, fens, heather and shifting sands. The diversity of habitats within the DFW & LV is rare in the Netherlands, and Europe as a ...
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Zicht op heden en verleden

Start date: Jun 3, 2015, End date: May 31, 2019,

Description (EN): With this cross-border project we want to emphasize and strenghten the common elements of the project area (Elterberg en Bergherbos) by developing and improving both nature as culture with the aim of making the area more interesting for nature and culture oriented tourism. ...
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Background The project area is located within the “Vlijmens Ven, Moerputten and Bossche Broek” Natura 2000 network of sites. The area consists of damp meadows, fens and wet forests, but also semi-natural grasslands, as well as intensive agricultural land. Wet grassland butterflies are among the most threatened species’ groups in Europe, especially t ...
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Background The Dutch lowland fen areas belong to the most important wetland ecosystems in Western Europe. These areas are young landscapes, formed during the Holocene geological period in the Dutch provinces of South Holland, North Holland, Utrecht, Overijssel and Friesland. These wetlands have been modified by activities such as mowing, grazing and peat ...
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Background The project is located in an area known as IJsselpoort and consists of the two sub-areas of Koppenwaard and Velperwaarden. The area is formed by the upper floodplains of the river IJssel, which is included in the Natura 2000 network of protected sites because of the presence of large areas of several threatened habitats and species. The area i ...
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... m) in another part of the project area; Ongoing management through the project's restoration and enlargement measures. This management will be carried out by contractors and employees/volunteers of Natuurmonumenten. The continued management of the area will be assured by the work of volunteers and the purchase of the necessary equipment (e.g. monitoring tools).
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Background The project area consists of three well-known Dutch dune complexes, all part of the Natura 2000 network: Voornes Duin, Duinen Goeree & Kwade Hoek and Kennemerland-Zuid. Duinen Goeree & Kwade Hoek is the youngest area, situated in the delta in the southwest of the country. As well as calcareous and decalcified dry dunes and older dune slacks, s ...
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Background The Fochteloërveen nature reserve is a peat bog on the border of the Drenthe and Friesland provinces. The quality of the bog has suffered seriously in recent decades, although a previous LIFE project, “Restoration programme of the Fochteloërveen raised bog” (1999-2003) improved its hydrological conditions. East of the area restored by th ...
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Background The Loonse and Drunense Dunes National Park in the south of the Netherlands is, in a European context, a very important area for inland drifting sands. More than 90% of the inland drifting sands in Europe are found in the Netherlands, and the Loonse and Drunense Dunes area is the second largest of this type in the Netherlands. The drifting sand ...
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Soorten als drager van Biodiversiteit (SOLABIO)

Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Mar 30, 2012,

De naam SOLABIO is de afkorting van Soorten en Landschappen en de dragers van de BIOdiversiteit. Samen met 27 partners uit Vlaanderen en Nederland zetten ze zich in voor het behoud van onze soorten. In veel gevallen gaat het om dezelfde bedreigde soorten groepen. SOLABIO ijvert voor afstemming en kennisuitwisseling tussen de verschillende organisaties. Bij die activiteiten proberen de projectpartn ...
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... result of an earlier LIFE project), ensuring more structural funding for its management. The area attracts more than a million visitors every year (around 80 000 people visit the visitors centre of Natuurmonumenten and more than 100 000 visit the visitors centre of Staatsbosbeheer) for recreational purposes (such as fishing, yachting and biking). It is thus economically advantageous to maintain ...
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Cross-border restoration of heathland on continental dunes (HELA)

Start date: Aug 15, 2006, End date: Nov 30, 2011,

Background The De Zoom – Kalmthoutse Heide 3 750 ha heathland extends over the Dutch-Belgian border. It is made up of continental dunes, dry and wet heath, pools and woods. The park is both privately and publicly owned, and partnerships are necessary to maintain the land, to provide information, education and recreation and to coordinate wood production ...
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Background Vast landscapes of wet and dry heathlands, mires and bogs, grassland and lowland river systems once covered much of the Campine regions in Belgium as well as other regions of northwest Europe. The valley of the Dommel is one of the most impressive remnants of those once widely spread landscapes. In the 1950s, the river Dommel was straightened, ...
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Background The estuarine habitats and species of the Eastern Scheldt in Zeeland are under serious pressure. The estuaries were once famous for their shallow tidal creeks, sand flats, salt marshes and inland brackish marshes and harboured important populations of terns, waders, geese, seals and root vole (Microtus oeconomus subsp. arenicola). However, the ...
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Amphibian Biotope Improvement in the Netherlands (AMBITION)

Start date: May 1, 2004, End date: Dec 31, 2008,

...bosbeheer) collaborates with provincial landscape foundations (Overijssel, Gelderland, Limburg), an NGO with much expertise in herpetology (RAVON) and the largest conservation NGO in the Netherlands, Natuurmonumenten. A total of 14 subsites have been selected and in each of these, the partners are to carry out small-scale conservation works to protect the existing populations and expand their ha ...
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...en options of spontaneous evolution (influence of the tides) and extensive grazing have a good potential. The active involvement of public authorities and the owner, Natuurmonumenten, a very big NGO, are positive factors for the future. A future management plan, ‘Maatregelenplan Tiengemeten 2007-2024’, was drawn up as a ‘After Life conservation plan’. Further information on the project ...
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Saint Petersberg (Sint Pietersberg)

Start date: Sep 30, 2002, End date: Jun 29, 2007,

Aufgrund physischer, kultureller und politischer Grenzen drohte der Sint-Pietersberg zu einer fragmentierten und peripheren Region zu werden. ZahlreichePartner haben sich gemeinsam dafür eingesetzt, das Gebiet aufzuwerten.Im Rahmen des Projekts wurden über 30 Teilprojekte aus den BereichenNaturschutz, Landschaftsgestaltung, sanfter Tourismus und Bildung ausgewählt.Mit einem grenzüberschreitenden A ...
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...e. In addition, during dry summers, eutrophic water from the River IJssel was let into the area. The hydrological management of the district was geared entirely to drainage. In the early 1990s, Natuurmonumenten developed a restoration plan for the area. It purchased and leased land in co-operation with local and national authorities and created the preconditions for restoring the river and g ...
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Background Drainage, eutrophication, acidification and habitat fragmentation are major threats to natural habitats and their wild flora and fauna in Europe. LIFE-Nature projects, as well as other conservation and restoration projects, include measures to combat these threats. The successes, as well as the failures, of restoration projects and their resear ...
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Peat bog restoration programme of the Korenburgerveen (Korenburgerveen)

Start date: Jan 1, 2001, End date: Dec 31, 2005,

...otrophic peat bogs, the Korenburgerveen also contains marsh birchwoods, eutrophic willow woods, wet heaths and, in seepage areas, acidic grasslands with an abundance of species. The conservation NGO Natuurmonumenten bought 94 ha of land in the Korenburgerveen as early as 1918, but the living peat bog largely disappeared as a result of a drop in the groundwater level in the surrounding farmland an ...
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Vallée de la Gueule

Start date: Dec 31, 2001, End date: Dec 30, 2004,

Die Projektpartner wollten im Tal der Göhl die Faktoren Natur, Kultur und Tourismusmiteinander verbinden. Die vorhandene Basis qualität sollte erhaltenund, falls erforderlich, wieder hergestellt werden.Hauptprojekt war die Göhltal route "Via Gulia", ein grenz überschreitender Wanderlehrpfad.Darüber hinaus wurden 23 Teil projekte durchgeführt, die inZusammenarbeit mit fünf Themen gruppen entwickelt ...
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The project led by the Province of Gelderland involves 3 partner regions from Belgium, Netherlands and UK, which have major natural sites recognised at the European level as part of the NATURA 2000 network. There are four main objectives: to give a vision for the development of recreational facilities in protected and densely populated areas; to steer recreational land use and build up knowledge i ...
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Om de Schelde en haar karakteristieken, ecotopen en levensgemeenschappen in een veilige en leefbare omgeving te behouden, hadden de milieuverenigingen die partners zijn in dit project het voornemen om een brede maatschappelijke steun te verkrijgen voor het Schelde-estuarium als water- en ecosysteem. De Schelde wordt nog onterecht gezien als een niet-natuurlijke rivier, vooral bestemd voor scheepva ...
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Hauptziel des Projektes ist die Erarbeitung einer gemeinsamen Informationsplattformals Grundlage für eine grenzüberschreitende Gesamtkonzeption für die nachhaltigeEntwicklung landschaftlicher Ressourcen, außerdem Bestandsaufnahme dermöglichen ökologischen Verbindungszonen zwischen niederländischen unddeutschen Naturschutzgebieten. Sensible Schutzzonen sollen nicht mehr durch dieLandesgrenze einges ...
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Umsetzung einer ökologischen Verbindungszone im Bereich südlicher Reichswald -St. Jansberg/Koningven. Die Waldgebiete zwischen Nijmegen und Kleve sollen verbunden werden und das größte Waldtier, der Rothirsch, erhält einen besseren Lebensraum.
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...were: National Trust of England, Wales and Northern Ireland; Le Conservatoire du Littoral (French Coastal and Lakeshore Conservation Agency); NABU (German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union); Natuurmonumenten (Dutch Nature Conservation Organisation); and St Helena National Trust. The overall aim of the partnership was to help equip site-based practitioners with the necessary knowledge and ...
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