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10 European Projects Found

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IMAGINE Low Energy Cities (IMAGINE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

Traditionally broached from an economic or technical point of view, energy has gradually become a cultural, citizen, territorial, civilizational and governance issue.From a territorial perspective, cities are facing great challenges in order to engage in a transition towards a low energy future, while offering a high quality of life for all.This transition needs the involvement of many stakeholder ...
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Attractive Urban Public Transport for Accessible Cities (ATTAC)

Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

Most transport starts & ends in urban areas, thus they should provide efficient interconnections for transportation networks. ATTAC cities/regions (important nodes of the EU transp. network) are facing increasing mobility needs, intensified suburbanisation, escalating traffic flows & congestion. This led to poor accessibility of these regions & externalities that negatively affect the environment. ...
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actical Use of MONITORing in Natural Disaster Management (MONITOR II)

Start date: May 31, 2009, End date: May 29, 2012,

Management of natural hazards constitutes a common challenge in the SEES. Until now, neither hazard mapping nor contingency planning have been transnationally coordinated and defined in a sufficient manner. These gaps will be tackled in MONITOR II with the development of a common methodology and a CSA ("Continuous Situation Awareness") system. The integration of monitoring systems facilitates peri ...
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Creative Industries in Traditional Intercultural Spaces (CITIES)

Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

...ative Industries in Traditional Intercultural Spaces” (CITIES) is a joined initiative generated by 9 partners from 6 countries: Lithuania, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Slovenia. Klaipeda City Municipality as the main initiator of the project will perform a role of the Lead Partner. The project addresses Priority 1 of INTERREG IV C Programme (sub-theme: entrepreneurship and SMEs). The project a ...
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Background The European Union has agreed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2020 compared with 1990 levels as a step towards reducing the negative impacts of climate change. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in its fourth assessment report (published in 2007), warned that "warming of the climate system is u ...
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Integration and Development of Environmental Management Systems (IDEMS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2005, End date: May 31, 2009,

...orted and assisted by three ‘reference’ cities - Dresden and Heidelberg (Germany), and Växjö (Sweden) - who shared their existing expertise and experience. Each developer municipality conducted an internal audit of its current use of environmental management systems. The gaps between the used and available tools were analysed, and draft guidelines produced for effective and integrated envir ...
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Decline or loss of attractiveness of central urban areas is a common challenge of the 'Urbe Viva' partnership. Decline is related to a variety of economic and social factors, the most visible being an inflation of suburban shopping centres. To address this issue, it is necessary to adopt integrated approaches, as tested in countries such as the UK, Sweden, Belgium or France. Such approaches aim to ...
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The operation ÖKOPROFIT international - Private-Public-Partnership-Networks for a sustainable Development of Policies and Society (ÖKOPROFIT International) focuses on the promotion of eco-efficiency in urban areas. Ökoprofit is a Private-Public Partnership Model (developed by the city of Graz, Austria) that aims to enhance eco-efficiency through the usage of innovative integrative technologies and ...
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The CREANET Network aims at developing a European forum for discussion, research, exchange of best practices on creativity in pre-school education from a multidisciplinary and cross-institutional perspective. In particular, the theme of creativity will be approached by focusing on two specific aspects: creativity and contexts (spaces, materials, relations)and expressive languages(artistic and ver ...
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The smart materials here called MAIN, that is the set of -cool roof-� and -cool pavement-� solutions to reduce summer overheating of urban areas caused by sun radiation, are scarcely used due to different motivations or alibis. The project is aimed at intervening in any chain cycle for the use of MAIN. The systemic model MAIN will be implemented in several types of zones: the seaside, plain lands, ...
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