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14 European Projects Found

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New Energy Efficient Demonstration for Buildings (NEED4B)

Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

NEED4B aims to develop an open and easily replicable methodology for designing, constructing, and operating new low energy buildings, aiming to a large market uptake. The NEED4B methodology will be validated and refined by a strong demonstration programme, envisaging the construction of 27.000 square meters, spread among five different climatic zones, buildings types and uses.The weighted average ...
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Buildings consume about 40% of total final energy in Europe, and those built before 1980 represent 95% of this energy consumption. The low renovation rate of building stock (1% per year) means that boosting energy efficient buildings’ retrofitting is the only way to reach EU’s “20-20-20” targets. The higher impact will be achieved through interventions in non-residential buildings, as their energy ...
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Online Network TraffIc Characterization (ONTIC)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

Accurate identification and categorization of network traffic is a crucial task in many network management and engineering activities, such as QoS evaluation, capacity planning and attack detection. Terabytes of data may be transferred through the core network of a typical ISP every day, and an exponential growth in traffic is expected in the short-term, with more than 50 billions of Internet-conn ...
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RARE-Bestpractices will develop a sustainable networking platform, supporting the collection of standardized and validated data and efficient exchange of knowledge and reliable information on rare diseases (RD).RD are characterized by low prevalence (EU – 5:10000 persons). There are more than 5000, overall affecting about 30 million citizens of all ages in the EU. RD are often life-threatening and ...
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Small Wind Turbine for Urban Environments (WINDUR)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: May 31, 2016,

As SMEs in the supply chain of small Wind Turbines (WTs), we have identified an excellent opportunity in the urban submarket. The Small Wind market mainly corresponds to turbines installed in rural and isolated areas. Nevertheless, Urban is by far the largest potential market, as 80% of European population lives in cities and the EU Directive 2010/31/EU on Energy Performance of Buildings requires ...
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Building-integrated fibre-reinforced solar technology (BFIRST)

Start date: May 1, 2012, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

BFIRST project will deal with the design, development and demonstration of a portfolio of innovative photovoltaic products for building integration, based on cell encapsulation within fibre-reinforced composite materials. Currently available photovoltaic products will be expanded with new standardized solutions developed to a pre-industrial stage.Composite material manufacturing and cell encapsula ...
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Research into the human brain and its diseases is one of the key challenges of our century, since among the many diseases affecting health, disorders of the brain are major causes for impaired quality of life. Despite some progress in understanding the molecular mechanisms of the various neurological and psychiatric disorders, research is far from being able to offer solutions how to conquer them ...
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Manufacturated nanomaterials and nanocomposites are being considered for various uses in the construction industry and related infrastructure industries, not only for enhancing material properties and functions but also in the context of energy conservation. Despite the current relatively high cost of nano-enabled products, their use in construction materials is likely to increase because of highl ...
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ERA-NET on Translational Cancer Research (TRANSCAN)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

"Cancer is a worldwide health burden and a major public health challenge in Europe, responsible for 25% of all deaths; a situation expected to worsen with population ageing. The strengthening of translational cancer research is an urgent need in European cancer research, i.e. the integration of basic, epidemiological, preclinical and clinical research with the implementation and evaluation of inte ...
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European Research Infrastructure on Highly Pathogenic Agents (ERINHA)

Start date: Nov 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2014,

In the context of the emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases involving highly pathogenic microorganisms, European countries have to be well-prepared to face such threats. However, the Biosafety Level 4 (BSL4) capacity in Europe is not sufficient enough to cover the efficient development of diagnosis, prophylactic and therapeutics means against these pathogens. Moreover, there is no global co ...
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The objective of the Coordination Action JUMPAHEAD is to support the implementation of the pilot Joint Programming Initiative on combating neurodegenerative diseases, in particular Alzheimer’s disease (JPND).Neurodegenerative disorders are incurable and debilitating conditions that result in progressive degeneration or death of nerve cells. Of these, the dementias are responsible for the greatest ...
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The EE-QUARRY project emerges from the necessity to control a very demanding energy-intensive industry, which characterizes from its high energy demands and enormous CO2 emissions. The goal is to improve energy efficiency and to reduce CO2 on quarries, through the develop of a new and highly effective modeling and monitoring Energy Management System technique. The use of crushed stone could increa ...
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Biomedical Informatics deals with the integrative management and synergic exploitation of the wide ranging and inter-related scope of information that is generated and needed in healthcare settings, biomedical research institutions and health-related industry.Some key present challenges of Biomedical Informatics are:- The effective and synergic integration between computational methods and technol ...
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Future INternet for Smart ENergY (FINSENY)

Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Apr 30, 2013,

The energy sector has entered a period of major change which will continue for many years to come. The increasing proportion of electricity from renewable sources means that the architecture of the energy grid will have to support the distributed, in addition to the centralised, generation of energy and to adapt to a highly volatile supply e.g. from wind and solar generators. From the consumption ...
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