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28 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects


Advanced T-cell Engineered for Cancer Therapy (ATECT)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

"T-cell engineering strategies for Cancer therapy, either Chimeric Antigen Receptors (CARs) or TCR transfer holds promise to revolutionize cancer treatment. There are, however, considerable barriers to be overcome to take this form of therapy to a format that can benefit all EU citizens with a wide range of common cancers. The aim of this consortium is to exploit advances in T-cell engineering to ...
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The iTERM ITN (4 companies, 6 universities) will deliver 12 early stage researchers (ESR) and 1 experienced researcher (ER) trained in imaging, material science, and tissue engineering & regenerative medicine (TERM). For the aging population in the EU donor material is often not available, and artificial tissue needs to be developed to replace and repair damaged tissues. New smart materials have b ...
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Bacterial infection is the major cause of disability and death in children worldwide. We will use meningococcal disease (MD) as a model to understand genetic factors underlying susceptibility and severity of childhood bacterial infection which will then be applied to other childhood infections. We have established cohorts of patients with MD in Central and Southern Europe (CE,SE), UK and Africa as ...
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Engine Breakthrough Components and Subsystems (E-BREAK)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

Future aero engines will need to be more efficient and contribute to the reduction on environmental impact of air transportation. They must reach some standards of performance by reducing emissions and creating some savings on operation costs.EIMG consortium has launched since several years some initiatives to develop future engines in the frame of the European Committee research programmes.Within ...
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The goal of i-locate is twofold. First it will create a virtual hub for indoor open geographical data regarding public spaces (hospitals, public offices, shopping malls, museums etc). This will have significant economic business impact and it will be enable a number of indoor/outdoor (based on existing open data) businesses.The second goal is to create a easy-to-integrate open middleware for indoo ...
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"Within the aeronautical industry it is critical to have safe and reliable operations in order to prevent accidents and mistakes which can potentially cause a huge loss of life and destruction. In this respect, the aeronautical industry has led the way in terms of understanding and implementing tools, methodologies and systems to combat human error within a system. One such principle which has bee ...
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Energy Efficient Safe SHip OPERAtion (SHOPERA)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The 2012 guidelines on the attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for new ships (MEPC.212(63)) represent a major step forward in implementing the REGULATIONS ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF SHIPS (resolution MEPC.203(62)). There are, however, serious concerns regarding the sufficiency of propulsion power and of steering devices to maintain the manoeuvrability of ships in adverse conditions, hence ...
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Share-PSI 2.0 brings together a critical mass of government agencies and organisations responsible for implementing the new PSI Directive. Lead by the W3C, the consortium includes the Open Group and Open Geospatial Consortium as fellow standards bodies plus the PSI Alliance, Open Knowledge Foundation, Open Data Institute and PwC as the primary contractor in the ISA Programme's work on interoperabi ...
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"The unsustainable path of our current economic system in managing both natural and man-made resources demands a paradigm shift in our idea of economic development. We need to define an innovative, multidisciplinary and integrate approach to identify, develop and deploy technologies, tools and services promoting a transition to a low-carbon, sustainable, resilient and socially comprehensive econom ...
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"Sequencing platforms in diagnostic laboratories may aid both patient management by detecting resistance associated mutations, and public health measures, by determining phylogenetic relationships between infections from different patients. Current platforms are limited by the timeframe required for generating a result and by the limited sequence information provided on pathogens. To overcome thes ...
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Smart UrbaN ServIces for Higher eNergy Efficiency (SUNSHINE)

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

SUNSHINE – "Smart UrbaN ServIces for Higher eNergy Efficiency" delivers innovative digital services, interoperable with existing geographic web-service infrastructures, supporting improved energy efficiency at the urban and building level. Specifically, SUNSHINE delivers a smart service platform accessible from both a web-based client and from an App for smartphones and tablets. In particular, the ...
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For knowledge to progress in many aspects of astrophysics it is clear that we need to make observations at all wavelengths that at least match the spatial resolution achieved in the optical by the Hubble Space Telescope.This is especially true in the Far Infra-Red waveband (FIR - 30-300 micron - where our atmosphere is opaque) where the necessity of space borne experiments combined with long wavel ...
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Over the past 15 years, EU-funded cohorts and collaborations (EuroSIDA, CASCADE and PENTA), have played a central role in developing our understanding of HIV progression and the effects of ART, enabling European expertise to contribute directly to the advances in patient diagnosis and management worldwide, and providing a continued surveillance mechanism for detection of emerging problems at a Eur ...
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RationaleThe inability of pre-clinical studies to predict clinical efficacy is a major bottleneck in drug development. In severe asthma this bottleneck results from: a lack of useful and validated biomarkers, underperforming pre-clinical models, inadequate and incomplete sub-phenotyping, and insufficient disease understanding.HypothesisThe use of biomarker profiles comprised of various types of hi ...
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The latest generation of 3D Urban Information Models (UIM), created from accurate urban-scale geospatial information, can be used to create smart web services based on geometric, semantic, morphological and structural information at urban scale level, which can be used by local governments to:- improve decision-making on issues related to urban planning, city management, environmental protection a ...
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"European Space industry demand for lighter and cheaper launcher transport systems. The proposed project DESICOS contributes to these aims by a new design approach for imperfection sensitive composite launcher structures, exploiting the worst imperfection idea efficiently: the Single Perturbation Load Approach. Currently, imperfection sensitive shell structures prone to buckling are designed accor ...
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WoodSonics responds to a need in the EU sawmill sector to improve competitiveness by implementing machine strength grading of structural timber at SME sawmills. In the context of a serious crisis in the construction sector, significant savings in production costs and the optimisation of yield through the use of machine strength grading systems can help SME sawmills survive. However, the current co ...
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GRINCOH addresses two issues affecting Central and Eastern European economies: the disjuncture between fast productivity growth and poor performance in developing innovative capacities for longer-term sustainable growth; and the pronounced economic, social and environmental territorial disparities resulting from accelerated growth. The project objectives are to: (a) establish development scenarios ...
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The objective of NEUJOBS is to imagine future, or rather various possible futures, under the conditions of the socioecological transition (and incorporating other key influences), map the implications for employment overall, but also in key sectors and relevant groups and integrate all of this together under a single intellectual framework. It will do so by combining EU-wide studies based on exist ...
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For any strategy aimed to reduce socioeconomic inequities in health in Europe it is vital to tackle the large and widening inequalities in smoking. However, there is only limited evidence on effectiveness of tobacco control policies in terms of reducing inequalities. Especially lacking are evaluations of the effects of policies that have actually been implemented in different European countries. I ...
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Medical Devices Design in Cardiovascular Applications (MeDDiCA)

Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Aug 31, 2013,

We propose an innovative, multi-disciplinary and multi-centre Marie Curie Initial Training Network; “MeDDiCA” (Medical Devices Design in Cardiovascular Applications) focused on Cardiovascular Engineering and Medical Devices. MeDDiCA Early Stage Researchers will build a career in cardiovascular engineering founded on both “skills for life” (communication skills, research and project management, IP, ...
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"This translational study aims to design and disseminate an evidence based guide for hospitals to implement quality and safety improvement programmes, and an evidence based framework for payers to assess and monitor the quality and safety of hospitals across the EU. These outputs will be based on empirical findings from research in five partner countries. However, in addition, the development of t ...
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The primary objective of this research project is to produce a comprehensive study on the impact of market services on aggregate economic growth in the EU and its comparative performance relative to competitor regions, especially the US. The research is divided into three areas: Productivity and its drivers in service industries; Firm strategies in the knowledge-based economy and Internationalisat ...
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"The applicants propose the development of a sound industrial process that unites the urgently needed solution of industrial waste problems with the creation of essential alternative strategies for polymer industry. This will be done by the biotechnological conversion of waste streams from slaughterhouses, rendering and biodiesel industry towards biodegradable polymeric materials. Slaughterhouse w ...
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The ultimate goal of the FuturICT Flagship is to understand and manage complex, global, socially interactive systems, with a focus on sustainability and resilience. Revealing the hidden laws and processes underlying societies constitutes the most pressing scientific grand challenge of our century and is equally important for the development of novel robust, trustworthy and adaptive information and ...
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"The size of new passenger ships is continuously increasing. Bigger size offers bigger opportunities and economics of scale, but when a bigger ship accommodates more passengers there may be a higher risk, if evacuation is needed. Thus, new approaches have to be used and further developed in order to have the flooding under control if the watertight integrity of the ship is lost. In the worst case ...
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Serious adverse effects resulting from the treatment with thalidomide prompted modern drug legislation more than 40 years ago. Post-marketing spontaneous reporting systems for suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) have been a cornerstone to detect safety signals in pharmacovigilance. It has become evident that adverse effects of drugs may be detected too late, when millions of persons have alrea ...
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The FEDERICA project has the following main objectives:- Support research experiments on new Internet architectures and protocols,- Create a versatile, scalable, European wide "technology agnostic" infrastructure, separated from the production networks, but with the possibility to interoperate,- Be open to host researchers hardware and applications,FEDERICA adopt the paradigm that "the infrastruct ...
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