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23 European Projects Found

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PhotoVoltaic European Research Infrastructure (SOPHIA)

Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

The objective of the SOPHIA project is to strenghten and optimise research capabilities, mainly by coordinating efforts on important but precompetitive issues. Large research infrastructures working together will avoid the useless replication of a large number of small efforts. The SOPHIA project aims at pulling together the main European photovoltaic research infrastructures in order to provide t ...
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Soil Transformations in European Catchments (SOILTREC)

Start date: Dec 1, 2009, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

SoilTrEC proposes to develop an integrated model of soil processes that describes key soil functions. These functions are defined in the EC Soil Thematic Strategy as essential ecosystem services for the well-being and economic success of the EU. The key science advances are to develop, from first-principles, computational models that integrate soil erosion, solute transport, carbon dynamics and fo ...
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"The project ENDORSE aims at a user-driven development of downstream services in renewable energies by exploiting the GMES Core Services (MACC, SAFER and Geoland 2) together with other EO/in-situ data and modelling. It addresses regional services promoting the energy use from sun, wind, and biomass, electricity grid management and building engineering through daylighting in buildings. The consorti ...
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Recovered Fuels combined with Biomass (RECOMBIO)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

The RECOMBIO project is concerned with developments and demonstrations of innovative approaches to the high efficient co-utilisation of low quality biomasses and Solid Recovered Fuels (SRF) produced from municipal solid waste (MSW) for electricity production and combined heat and power (CHP) usage, at competitive costs, high plant availability, and advanced energy efficiency. The production of qua ...
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"APOLLON proposal concerns the optimisation and development of Point focus and Mirror Based Spectra Splitting photovoltaic concentrating (CPV) systems (multi-approach). The different technology paths will be followed with due focalisation on the recognised critical issues related to each system component in order to increase CPV efficiency, assure reliability, reduce cost and environmental impact. ...
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"The proposed action, PV TP – SEC, will foster the cooperation among all the relevant stakeholders of the PV sector and therefore optimise the coordination of the research work in various technology areas in line with the R&D targets of the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) developed by the European Photovoltaic Technology Platform (EU PV TP). The Implementation plan of the SRA will lead the Europea ...
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geoland2 intends to constitute a major step forward in the implementation of the GMES Land Monitoring Core Service (LMCS). The three components (Local, Continental and Global) of the LMCS are addressed. The goal of geoland2 is (i) to prepare, validate and demonstrate pre-operational service chains and products that will underpin the LMCS, and (ii) to propose and demonstrate a concrete functional o ...
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"The aim of IMPRINTS is to contribute to reduce loss of life and economic damage through the improvement of the preparedness and the operational risk management for Flash Flood and Debris Flow [FF/DF] generating events, as well as to contribute to sustainable development through reducing damages to the environment. To achieve this ultimate objective the project is oriented to produce methods and t ...
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The aim of the ALPINE project it to push forward the research and development of fiber laser systems for scribing of PhotoVoltaic (PV) modules. The project consortium will focus on a new high brilliance, high efficiency and premium beam quality laser based on photonic crystal fibers (PCFs). The all-around development cycle comprising of the beam source, beam delivery and manipulation, scribing pro ...
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BACSIN is a 16-member consortium with the main focus to improve rational exploitation of the catalytic properties of bacteria for the treatment and prevention of environmental pollution. Current application of bacteria in the environment is hindered by the lack of knowledge on the effects of stresses on cellular activity, most importantly abiotic stresses prevailing on site (e.g., desiccation or n ...
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SafeLand will develop generic quantitative risk assessment and management tools and strategies for landslides at local, regional, European and societal scales and establish the baseline for the risk associated with landslides in Europe, to improve our ability to forecast landslide hazard and detect hazard and risk zones. The scientific work packages in SafeLand are organised in five Areas: Area 1 ...
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The key challenge addressed in the present proposal is to develop a biodiversity observation system that is transmissible, cost effective and provides added value to the currently independent data sources of in situ data and EO. There are three requirements: the production of protocols to enable extant data to be placed on a common framework for analysis; the provision of a sound scientific conce ...
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MyOcean is THE PROJECT to set up infrastructures, services and resources to prepare the operational deployment of first Marine Core Services. My Ocean answers to the topic SPA.2007.1.1.01 - development of upgraded capabilities for existing GMES fast-track services and related (pre)operational services. MyOcean is proposed by a consortium of 67 partners spread in maritime countries: - federated aro ...
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"WISER will support the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) by developing tools for the integrated assessment of the ecological status of European surface waters (with a focus on lakes and coastal/transitional waters), and by evaluating recovery processes in rivers, lakes and coastal/transitional waters under global change constraints. The project will (1) analyse existing data ...
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Soil and land information is needed for a wide range of applications but available data are often inaccessible, incomplete, or out of date. GEOSS plans a global Earth Observation System and, within this framework, the e-SOTER project addresses the felt need for a global soil and terrain database. As the European contribution to a Global Soil Observing System, it will deliver a web-based regional p ...
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Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate (MACC)

Start date: Jun 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

"MACC (Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate) is designed to meet the requirements that have been expressed for the pilot Core GMES Atmospheric Service. The project has been prepared by the consortia of the FP6 project GEMS and the GSE project PROMOTE, whose core service lines will provide the starting point for MACC. From mid-2009 MACC will continue, improve, extend, integrate and valida ...
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Mediterranean Intermittent River Management (MIRAGE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

"The implementation of the WFD in catchments with temporary rivers presents a significant challenge for watershed managers. The MIRAGE project will, for the first time, comprehensively investigate the applicability of specific management options under the characteristic flush and drought conditions of temporary streams. Through investigations in seven basins, MIRAGE will provide a framework for ma ...
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"The issue of concern of the AWARE project is the anthropogenic deterioration of water ecosystems, in particular in coastal areas. The new approach proposed by the AWARE project to enhance connectivity between research and policy-making exploit the concept of integrated adaptive ecosystem management, engaging scientists, policy makers and the public (the latter including both stakeholders and lay ...
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As formulated in the Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection prepared by the European Commission soil degradation is a serious problem in Europe. The degradation is driven or exacerbated by human activity and has a direct impact on water and air quality, biodiversity, climate and human life-quality. High-resolution soil property maps are one major prerequisite for the specific protection of soil fu ...
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The GENESIS Project has the objective of providing Environment management and Health actors with an innovative solution based on advanced ICT. Relying on interoperability standards and harmonization process, GENESIS helps to constitute complex information networks, by combining benefits of various information systems with a collaborative systems approach. The proposed generic solution allows easy ...
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The multidisciplinary DIGISOIL consortium intends to integrate and improve in situ and proximal measurement technologies for the assessment of soil properties assessment and soil degradation indicators, going from the sensing technologies to their integration and their application in (digital) soil mapping (DSM). In addition, our SMEs experience will allow to take into account the feasibility of s ...
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Climate Change - Terrestrial Adaption and Mitigation in Europe (CCTAME)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: Aug 31, 2011,

"The project will assess the impacts of agricultural, climate, energy, forestry and other associated land-use policies, considering the resulting feed-backs on the climate system. Geographically explicit biophysical models together with an integrated cluster of economic land-use models will be coupled with regional climate models to assess and identify mitigation and adaptation strategies in Europ ...
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In recent years large parts of Europe suffered from extreme drought, a phenomenon that likely will become more frequent and more severe, as predicted by the climate models. This will lead to significant socio-economic and environmental impacts and associated damages. There is therefore an urgent need to develop a roadmap toward a European Drought Policy, in accordance with the EU-Water Framework D ...
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