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Description ECHORD++ will create new opportunities for European robotics researchers to work directly with SME/start-ups and new users/customers to create innovative products. ECHORD++ will continue ECHORD’s two pillars, “experiments” and “structured dialogue”, taking advantage of experience and investment in the infrastructure. In addition, ...
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Rapidly developing markets such as green construction, energy harvesting and storage, advanced materials for aerospace, electronics, medical implants and environmental remediation are potential key application targets for nanomaterials. There, nanotechnology has the potential to make qualitative improvements or indeed even to enable the technology. Impacts range from increased efficiency of energy ...
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Vitamin D deficiency has significant implications for human health and impacts on healthy growth and development and successful aging. Fundamental knowledge gaps are barriers to implementing a safe and effective public health strategy to prevent vitamin D deficiency and optimize status. ODIN will provide the evidence to prevent vitamin D deficiency in Europe and improve nutrition and public health ...
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"The project will strike for conquering frontier results in three capital areas in partial differential equations and mathematical analysis: Elliptic equations and systems, fluid dynamics and inverse problems.I propose to tackle the central problems in these areas with a new perspective based on the theory of differential inclusions. A thorough study of oscillating div-curl couples in this fra ...
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Advanced Immunization Technologies (ADITEC)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

Vaccines so far have been developed mostly by following an empiric approach. To prevent and possibly cure unresolved and emerging infectious diseases we need to fully exploit the potential of the human immune system. Progress in science and technology makes it possible to achieve what was previously deemed impossible. The scope of this project is to produce knowledge necessary to develop novel and ...
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XUV/X-ray lasers for ultrafast electronic control in chemistry (XCHEM)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Advances in generating controlled few-cycle laser pulses and novel ultrashort XUV/Xray sources, from free electron laser (FEL)-based to attosecond high harmonic generation (HHG)-based, have opened completely new avenues for imaging electronic and nuclear dynamics in molecules, with exciting applications in physics, chemistry and biology. Processes such as ionization and dissociation of simple diat ...
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Organic thin-films constitute a fast growing area of electronic and opto-electronic devices that offer cost-effective and flexible solutions for e.g. improved energy efficiency and energy harvesting. Due to the achievements made during the past decade, the development of such sustainable energy devices has already reached an early commercialization stage, however, in order to further boost their u ...
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Mejora de la práctica docente en lengua extranjera

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

Project title: Improving teaching in a foreign language.Project context: Our school is a secondary school in the province of Málaga, to which over 900 students come and attend classes. This project is one of the initiatives we have started in our school to improve teaching/learning in a foreign language, satisfying the demand of society, which is aware that having a good linguistic competence in a ...
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Open Project for the European Radiation Research Area (OPERRA)

Start date: Jun 1, 2013, End date: May 31, 2017,

"Within the OPERRA project, it is proposed that the MELODI Association, as a well-advanced network, takes the lead in establishing the necessary structures able to manage the long-term European research programmes in radiation protection, also taking advantage of the valuable experience gathered through the DoReMi network of excellence. Whilst in fields adjacent to low-dose risk research (radioeco ...
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"The overall objective of this proposal is to work in depth along three ground-breaking lines of research that are at the cutting edge of the current research in Plasmonics. These three subjects have strong overlap and are:1) Non-linear phenomena and Plasmonic lasing: the introduction of optical-gain media into plasmonic waveguides has proven to be a feasible way to overcome the inherent losses wi ...
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HYdrogen ACceptance IN the Transition pHase (HYACINTH)

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

There is increasing realisation amongst policy makers and industry that public acceptance is a key issue to deploy and extend H2 technologies and infrastructures in Europe. The development of H2 technologies involve small-scale applications as well as large-scale infrastructures that are influenced by the acceptance of the public, stakeholders, communities and potential customers / users. Previous ...
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nearly Zero energy Neighborhoods (ZENN)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

Large scale implementation of building renovation actions is affected by a number of barriers of diverse nature. The need for complex agreements, long returns of investment and the fact that often buildings with the worst performance belong to social low income groups unable to afford comprehensive renovation are amongst the main factors hindering the massive adoption of low or nearly zero energy ...
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Description NUBOMEDIA is an elastically scalable cloud infrastructure specifically devoted to the provision of real-time multimedia services.The most remarkable problem developer's face when creating real-time multimedia services is complexity. NUBOMEDIA proposition is to minimize complexity by creating a specific purpose cloud platform b ...
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"Dendrimers are a new class of nanomaterials. They are monodisperse, stable, and are characterized by relatively low viscosity at high molecular mass and numerous end groups that can be ionized, which means that they can efficiently bind a large amount of genetic material and deliver it to ill organs and tissues (gene therapy). The partners of project from EU countries organized European research ...
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Biomarkers For Enhanced Vaccine Safety (BIOVACSAFE)

Start date: Mar 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

BioVacSafe is a concise consortium of selected academic, public, and SME participants used to co-working in industry-led projects, organised into focused Activity Cores to generate knowledge and tools to benchmark licensed vaccine reactogenicity, and create practical and generalizable guidelines and techniques to enhance immunosafety of novel vaccines from pre-development to post-marketing surveil ...
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Southern Europe and the Mediterranean region are facing the challenge of managing its water resources under conditions of increasing scarcity and concerns about water quality. Already, the availability of fresh water in sufficient quality and quantity is one of the major factors limiting socio economic development. Innovative water management strategies such as the storage of reclaimed water or ex ...
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"The relationship between knowledge and power represents a widely discussed issue in several social sciences and humanities. The TECHDEM research project at the CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, Spain) explores the origins of technocracy, examining the ways in which special or expert knowledge has become a source of legitimacy in public debate and in political decision ...
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Hybrid-EVs and Full-EVs on the market are products where the Internal-Combustion-Engine (ICE) is supplemented by an electric-motor (HEV) or replaced by an all-electric power-train (FEV). Neither approach address lightweight or modularity inheriting the same disadvantages as conventional ICEV - Electrification of mobility must face a conceptual rEVOLUTION! This project breaks the paradigm of curren ...
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Programmed Nanostructuration of Organic Materials (PROGRAM-NANO)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

"“Program-Nano” aims at establishing unconventional and versatile strategies towards organic architectures whose size, composition, internal structure, and function can be rationally predesigned and controlled. In a bio-inspired manner, we will “program” functional molecules with the required information to self-assemble into unique, well-defined nanofibers or nanotubes. We want to focus on two ma ...
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Europe has set a clear and ambitious strategy (Europe 2020 Strategy) to base its economy on a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Part of this concept is to initiate the development towards an innovative, resource efficient and bio-based (bio-economy) European economy. Such development should contribute to economic growth and the creation of jobs, while mitigating climate change effects and p ...
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By bringing together 21 partners including 7 major carmakers, 7 major suppliers, 2 SME's and 5 academia / research centres, ALIVE will develop directly exploitable knowledge on materials and design concepts which offer a high potential for significantly reducing the weight of vehicles for affordable application to high productions volumes, focusing on next generation Electric Vehicles (EVs).Specif ...
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Federation for FIRE (Fed4FIRE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

A federation of experimentation facilities will significantly accelerate Future Internet research. Fed4FIRE will deliver open and easily accessible facilities to the FIRE experimentation communities, which focus on fixed and wireless infrastructures, services and applications, and combinations thereof. The project will develop a demand-driven common federation framework, based on an open architect ...
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Future Internet - Core (FI-Core)

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

FI-WARE has started to materialize as a powerful foundation for the Future Internet. FI-WARE is an innovative, open cloud-based infrastructure for cost-effective creation and delivery of services, at a scale not seen before. FI-WARE is now well under way to successfully achieve its goals of boosting the effectiveness of creating new services of high economic and societal value, reinforcing EU comp ...
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"Aim of the CAFFEIN network is to provide 10 early stage researchers (ESRs) and 2 exprerienced researchers (ERs) with excellent training in an industry relevant area of cancer research, complementary skills required for pharmaceutical industry, and knowledge in setting up biomedical start-up companies. To this end, the network comprises two full industrial partners: the established pharmaceutical ...
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Premium Low weight Urban Sustainable e-MOBilitY (PLUS-MOBY)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

"The Plus-Moby project is focused to the implementation of low cost and low energy intensity technologies to manufacture premium four wheel fully electrical micro vehicles (450-650kg and speeds up to 90+ km/h)) that can be upgraded to M1 configurations.•Technologies and methodologies developed in previous calls of the EU Green Car will be implemented in terms of low aero-drag and safe structural ...
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People Centric easy to implement e-mobility (FREE-MOBY)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The FREE-MOBY project is focused to the implementation of easy to deploy micro fully electrical vehicles (450-650kg and speeds up to 90+ km/h)) and city EVs (650-1000kg).By an extra cost of only 15% solar installations in roof houses can be integrated with robust battery packs that can smooth peak powers up to 30%. Solar parking and integrated photovoltaic-battery installations are becoming more a ...
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Future INternet and Open Data EXpansion (FINODEX)

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

FINODEX is a project born to provide new economic and societal value to the European society, through the promotion and the support of innovative ICT services based on FI-PPP technologies and the massive reuse of open data while involving the SMEs and Web entrepreneurs on their creation. They will be able to take advantage of the availability of open data and FI-PPP technologies to create, in a fa ...
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Critical System Engineering Acceleration (CRYSTAL)

Start date: May 1, 2013, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

CRYSTAL aims at fostering Europe’s leading edge position in embedded systems engineering in particular regarding quality and cost effectiveness of safety-critical embedded systems and architecture platforms.Its overall goal is to enable sustainable paths to speed up the maturation, integration, and cross-sectoral reusability of technological and methodological bricks of the factories for safety-cr ...
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Water Efficiency in European Urban Areas (WE@EU)

Start date: Jul 1, 2013, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

WE@EU is a coordination action born from the initiative of a wide range of actors from five different European regions that have a true awareness on problems related to availability of water in sufficient quantities and adequate quality in their regions. Taking into account that over 80% of the population is expected to be living in urban areas in EU countries by 2050, pressures on the availabilit ...
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Microorganisms in swimming pool water can pose a serious health threat and pool disinfection is therefore compulsory by law in all developed countries. The most common disinfectant is chlorine, which is always found in its active form, hypochlorous acid (HOCl), in pool water. HOCl is rapidly decomposed by UV light, losing its bactericide effect, and a continuous supply is needed to maintain safe l ...
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TUCAN3G is built upon the basic premise that considers information and communications as a key factor of human development. The diffusion of ICT in developing countries has been very asymmetric between densely populated urban areas and isolated rural areas. Geographical conditions have often conditioned solutions for Internet connectivity in rural areas, often based on wireless 2G cellular technol ...
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Z-Coupled Full System for Attenuation of Vibrations (Z Damper)

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

The aim of this project is to find and demonstrate an optimal system for minimizing the transmission of vibrations generated in the Counter Rotating Open Rotor to the fuselage. For this purpose all kinds of conventional –passive, dynamic, active and semiactive- solutions for reduction of vibrations will be considered for optimization. The hard constraints of space, temperature and low frecuency co ...
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Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT And Beyond (GRAPHENE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

This Flagship aims to take graphene and related layered materials from a state of raw potential to a point where they can revolutionize multiple industries – from flexible, wearable and transparent electronics, to new energy applications and novel functional composites.Our main scientific and technological objectives in the different tiers of the value chain are to develop material technologies fo ...
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Ceramic composite materials have for many years been considered to show great promise in the repair of musculoskeletal defects. The materials can mimic the structure of bone, and devices made from the materials can be structured to closely match the mechanical requirements of implant sites. In addition, wide ranges of bioactivity are possible, from inert to fully resorbable.Bioceramics have most ...
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The project aims on the one hand the development of new biobased materials specially adapted to the development of a wide range of containers or packages (films made by extrusion laminating, trays or lids developed by injection moulding and bottles performed through extrusion blow moulding technologies) and the improvement of thermal, mechanical and barrier properties of these packages through nan ...
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The MetalMorphosis aims to develop a new range of novel metal-composite hybrid products for the automotive industry, based on the knowledge transfer from the Electromagnetic Forming (EMF) usage in joining dissimilar metal products and taking advantage of new developed composites and its capability to be bonded to metal.MetalMorphosis approach is to combine and involve all the main players – Top-do ...
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Despite many efforts to ensure that only high-quality and safe products are put on the market, fish-borne parasites continue to pose risks to human health, with zoonotic infections and allergic reactions mainly following consumption of raw, lightly cooked, or marinated seafood.The PARASITE proposal is presented by a multidisciplinary consortium of 12 European and 3 Asian research institutions and ...
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M-ERA.NET will be a real tool for developing a strong European RTD community on materials science and engineering and for supporting the European economy with respect to the challenges of the 21st century.M-ERA.NET will be a highly ambitious network involving a majority of European key players in national funding of materials science and engineering.M-ERA.NET will replace a number of smaller previ ...
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Realizing the European Network in Biodosimetry (RENEB)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

Creating a sustainable network in biological dosimetry that involves a large number of experienced laboratories throughout the EU will significantly improve the accident and emergency response capabilities in case of a large-scale radiological emergency. A well organised cooperated action involving EU laboratories will offer the only chance for a fast and trustworthy dose assessment urgently neede ...
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United4Health aims to exploit and further deploy innovative telemedicine services implemented and trialled under the RENEWING HEALTH project. A limited number of interventions have been selected from the basket of those already validated or under validation in RENEWING HEALTH; they will be trialled in 14 regions to guarantee aggregation of data and comparability of results. All service solutions a ...
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