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Ensuring the Integrity of the European food chain (FOODINTEGRITY)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Food Integrity “the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished or in perfect condition”.Providing assurance to consumers and other stakeholders about the safety, authenticity and quality of European food (integrity) is of prime importance in adding value to the European Agri-food economy. The integrity of European foods is under constant threat from fraudulently labelled imitations that try to ...
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Emerging evidence indicates that the gut microbiome contributes to our ability to extract energy from the diet and influences development and function of the immune, endocrine and nervous systems, which regulate energy balance and behaviour. This has led to hypothesize that developing microbiome-based dietary interventions can be cost-effective measures to prevent diet-related and behavioural diso ...
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Although there is a large body of knowledge available on soil threats in Europe, this knowledge is fragmented and incomplete, in particular regarding the complexity and functioning of soil systems and their interaction with human activities. The main aim of RECARE is to develop effective prevention, remediation and restoration measures using an innovative trans-disciplinary approach, actively inte ...
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Assessing individual exposure to environmental stressors and predicting health outcomes implies that both environmental exposures and epi/genetic variations are reliably measured simultaneously. HEALS (Health and Environment-wide Associations based on Large population Surveys) brings together in an innovative approach a comprehensive array of novel technologies, data analysis and modeling tools th ...
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Human cystic echinococcosis (CE), one of the most widespread helminthic zoonoses, is a chronic disease caused by infection with the larval stage of the tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus. This disease is highly endemic in some southern (Spain and Italy), eastern (Bulgaria and Romania) European countries and associated (Turkey) countries, where it still represents a major health and economic problem. ...
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"SOLUTIONS will deliver a conceptual framework for the evidence-based development of environmental and water policies. This will integrate innovative chemical and effect-based monitoring tools with a full set of exposure, effect and risk models and assessment options. Uniquely, SOLUTIONS taps (i) expertise of leading European scientists of major FP6/FP7 projects on chemicals in the water cycle, (i ...
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Cancer, the second most common form of death after cardiovascular disease, is a major European health concern. In 2006, 3.1 million new cases were diagnosed and 1.7 million deaths were attributed to cancer within Europe. The European Commission has a “European Partnership for Action against Cancer” (IP/09/1380) with the aim of reducing the number of cancer cases by 15% by 2020. A key challenge is ...
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"ABYSS is a training and career development platform for young scientists in Geodynamics, Mineralogy, Hydrodynamics, Thermodynamics and (Bio-)Geochemistry focusing on mid-ocean ridge processes and their environmental and economic impacts. It brings together 10 European research groups internationally recognized for their excellence in complementary disciplines and 4 Associated Partners from the Pr ...
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"ASCENT will provide a robust proof-of-concept of three related high temperature processes; each will lead to a step-change in efficiency of carbon removal in three types of pre-combustion capture, producing the hydrogen needed for highly efficient low-carbon power production. The project brings together five small and medium enterprises preparing to launch these concepts with the support of leadi ...
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This Initial Training Network project deals with training and education of engineers and researchers within the most advanced optical transmission systems, i.e. high capacity high constellation coherent systems using digital signal processing (DSP). Currently,systems with a total capacity of about 100 Gbit/s are under commercial test/installation in the core network around the Globe. The next gen ...
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Quality Assurance for Essential Climate Variables (QA4ECV)

Start date: Sep 27, 2013, End date: Jan 1, 2018,

Policy makers are increasingly relying on Earth Observation (EO) data to make decisions on mitigating and adapting to climate change. These decisions need to be 'evidence-based' and this requires complete confidence in EO-derived products. Although EO data is plentiful, it is rare to have reliable, traceable and understandable quality information. The situation is often further confused because va ...
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At the doorstep of Europe, the NW African plate boundary system is paradoxically the least understood segment of the Earth global plate system. This largely reflects the intrinsic complexity of the present-day plate boundary, characterized by a diffuse geometry and several lithospheric domains accommodating the relative motion between Eurasia and Africa. Despite long stand collaborations, research ...
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"The fruit is the result of the development of the ovary and it is a major evolutionary acquisition of flowering plants. Fruits likely evolved to protect the developing seeds and to ensure seed dispersal adopting an incredible array of morphologies and inventing many types of mechanisms for seed dispersal. Dry dehiscent fruits mechanically disperse the seeds, while fleshy fruits develop tasty tiss ...
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Indo European Collaboration on Moduli Spaces (MODULI)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

"This proposal is concerned with a joint Indo-European presearch programme on the field of moduli spaces. Moduli spaces are basic and central objects that emerge in the most natural classification problems in geometry. Their importance has been emphasized over the years due to the relation of these spaces with areas of mathematics so diverse as algebraic geometry, differential geometry, topology, ...
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"Worldwide, 278 million people are estimated to have moderate to profound hearing loss. Age-related hearing loss, also known as presbyacusis, affects approximately half of the population over 60 years old, making it the second most common cause of disability in older people. There is no restorative treatment for deafness but functional replacement by means of prosthesis. Therefore, prevention and ...
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LEGumes for the Agriculture of TOmorrow (LEGATO)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The project has been conceived to promote the culture of grain legumes in Europe by identifying priority issues currently limiting grain legume cultivation and devising solutions in term of novel varietal development, culture practices, and food uses. LEGATO will develop tools and resources to enable state of the art breeding methodology and to exploit fully the breadth of genetic resources avail ...
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Ice, Climate, and Economics - Arctic Research on Change (ICE-ARC)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The ICE-ARC project aims to understand and quantify the multiple stresses involved in the change in the Arctic marine environment. Particular focus is on the rapid retreat and collapse of the Arctic sea ice cover and to assess the climatic (ice, ocean, atmosphere and ecosystem), economic and social impacts of these stresses on regional and global scales.It is not possible to look at one aspect of ...
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Co-creating Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management Solutions (MareFrame)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

"MareFrame seeks to remove barriers preventing a more widespread use of an Ecosystem-based Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM). It will develop assessment methods and a Decision Support Framework (DSF) for management of marine resources and thereby enhance the capacity to provide integrated assessment, advice and decision support for an EAFM. Enabling comparisons between relevant ""what-if"" s ...
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"India is a global hotspot for snakebite mortality, yet management of this significant public health issue requires substantial improvement. Many problems arise from lack of knowledge of the biology of biting species, and much remains to be learned about taxonomy, distribution, and venom characteristics of species such as Russell’s viper (widely considered to be the most dangerous snake in the wor ...
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solving CHAllenges in Nuclear DAta (CHANDA)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

"The CHANDA project main objective is to address the challenges in the field of nuclear data for nuclear applications and its acronym stands for solving CHAllenges in Nuclear DAtaThe project will prepare a proposal for an organization that will coordinate the nuclear data research program, and the infrastructures and capabilities of the EU Member States in a stable structure, well integrated with ...
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"INTERFACES is a supra-disciplinary training and research network that aims (1) to develop conceptual process understanding of the role of ecohydrological interfaces (i.e. system boundaries) for the transport and transformation of fluxes of heat, energy and water and interlinked biogeochemical cycles (C, N, O) at micro- to landscape-scale; and (2) to create the next generation of supra-disciplinar ...
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Microalgae are a promising feedstock for sustainable supply of commodities and specialties for food and non-food products. Despite this potential the implementation is still limited which is mainly due to unfavourable economics. Major bottlenecks are the lack of available biomass at acceptable costs and the absence of appropriate biorefinery technologies. The 4-year MIRACLES project aims to resolv ...
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Evolution of Shared Semantics in Computational Environments (ESSENCE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

"In everyday life, humans exhibit strong skills in resolving communication problems by re-negotiating what theymean. Modern-day computational systems, however, are lacking in resilience and robustness in this respect. Whenever different components with different vocabularies and models of meaning interact within distributed, open enviroments, they have to rely on their human designers’ abilities t ...
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"LATINCROP objectives are to reinforce agrobiodiversity conservation in the Andean region; to identify promising underutilized species for commercial initiatives and improved food security; and to integrate activities into a strong network between relevant stakeholders in Latin America and the EU. The project will identify attractive species for marginal lands involving novel crop combinations thu ...
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The main aim of the project is to enhance Euro-Mediterranean co-ownership through innovation and competitive research in the societal challenges of the region. The project aims at reducing fragmentation of programming in the Mediterranean region by increasing coordination among national research programmes of European Member States, Associated Countries and Mediterranean Partner Countries.Followin ...
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"Cell polarity and directed growth (tropism) are fundamental biological processes. Most fungi are dependent on these processes because they grow as polarised filaments called hyphae, whose growth and developmentare governed by physical and chemical cues from the environment. Such cues include surface-contact, light, nutrients, mating partners, host organisms, or ‘self’ hyphae from within the fung ...
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Planar Atomic and Molecular Scale devices (PAMS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

The PAMS project will explore all scientific and technological aspects of the fabrication of planar atomic and sub-molecular scale electronic devices on surfaces of Si:H, Ge:H, AlN, CaCO3 (calcite) and CaF2 with atomic scale precision and reproducibility. The sub-nanoscale devices will be made by combining ultra-precise Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy (STM) and non-contact-Atomic Force Microscopy ( ...
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"Subduction zones play a fundamental role in our daily life. Half of the world population lives on top or nearby one of them, in coastal areas repeatedly devastated by large earthquakes, tsunamis or volcanic eruptions. Giant earthquakes occurring on subduction zone mega-thrusts (Mw close to 9 or larger) are indeed amongst the deadliest natural hazards. During the last decade, very large earthquake ...
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The proposed ITN BIOENERGY deals with the understanding of experimental limits and fundamental principles for exploiting and developing electro-conducting nanoarchitectures to assemble highly efficient bioelectrocatalytic structures as a basis for efficient and stable biofuel cells. Based on that fundamental understanding, the main technological objective of BIOENERGY is to develop efficient and s ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

Neuroinflammation is a hallmark of multiple sclerosis and ischemic stroke. Investigating neuroinflammation as a common theme in neurological disorders, this ITN will focus in particular on myeloid cells, microglia, and endothelial cells. Sixteen partners from the academic and private sector with complementary scientific background join forces to train 13 ESRs in neuroinflammatory concepts and tech ...
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Glycosyl transferases (GT) are extremely efficient biocatalysts that can be used for the synthesis of special carbohydrates and glycoconjugates. Famous examples of such products include human milk oligosaccharides that serve as prebiotics, and glycosides of flavonoids with improved stability and solubility. Unfortunately, the large-scale application of GT has been hampered by their low operational ...
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Multimodal Imaging of Neurological Disorders (MINDView)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The key concept behind this proposal is the development of a very high resolution and high efficiency brain dedicated Positron Emission Tomograph (PET) imager that can visualize neurotransmitter pathways and their disruptions in the quest to better diagnose and consequently to better treat schizophrenia. In addition, the plan is for this compact PET imager to be integrated with a Magnetic Resonanc ...
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Nano2Fun's main target is the education of a new generation of scientists with a solid multidisciplinary scientific background, a good attitude to team-work in an international environment and a well-developed propensity to exploit advances in fundamental research towards innovative applications. To achieve this ambitious goal, a network of advanced research laboratories operating both in the publ ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Marine sponges harbour extremely diverse populations of microbes, and are world record holders for the production of a plethora of bioactive molecules. Previous studies, however, aiming at the growth of sponges or their associated microbes for the production of bioactive compounds to supply biological material for clinical trials, have been largely unsuccessful.BLUEPHARMTRAIN is a multi-disciplina ...
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Major sources for human made CO2 emissions comprise the energy and the industrial sector including cement production. One of the most appropriate concepts to capture CO2 from such point sources is the oxyfuel combustion. The main energy demand for this method results from the O2 generation, which is usually done by air liquefaction. This energy demand can substantially be lowered using thermally i ...
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On the Impact of Extreme Weather on Critical Infrastructures (INTACT)

Start date: May 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

The resilience of critical infrastructures (CI) to Extreme Weather Events (EWE) is one of the most salient and demanding challenges facing society. Growing scientific evidence suggests that more frequent and severe weather extremes such as heat waves, hurricanes, flooding and droughts are having an ever increasing impact, with the range and effects on society exacerbated when CI is disrupted / des ...
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Gaia European Network for Improved data User Services (GENIUS)

Start date: Sep 20, 2013, End date: Apr 1, 2017,

GENIUS is designed to boost the impact of the next European breakthrough in astrophysics, the Gaia astrometric mission. Gaia is an ESA Cornerstone mission scheduled for launch in October 2013 and aims at producing the most accurate andcomplete 3D map of the Milky Way to date. A pan-European consortium named DPAC is working on the implementation of the Gaia data processing, of which the final resul ...
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Start date: Mar 3, 2014, End date: Mar 2, 2017,

"High temperature electrolysers (HTEs) produce H2 efficiently utilising electricity from renewable sources and steam from solar, geothermal, or nuclear plants. CO2 can be co-electrolysed to produce syngas and fuels. The traditional solid oxide electrolyser cell (SOEC) leaves wet H2 at the steam side. ELECTRA in contrast develops a proton ceramic electrolyser cell (PCEC) which pumps out and pressur ...
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The COMMON SENSE project will contribute to support the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and other EU policies (e.g. Common Fisheries Policy), providing easily usable across several platforms, cost-effective, multi-functional innovative sensors to detect reliable in-situ measurements on key parameters by means of methodological standards. This proposal will focus, b ...
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NOVACAM addresses the development of novel technology to enable the substitution of critical metals in industrial catalysts (call objective). The project will aim to develop catalysts using non-critical elements for the conversion of biomass to chemicals and fuels. Catalysts are one of the six major uses of critical metals that are produced as byproducts of mining of primary metals, e.g. platinu ...
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