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Our main objective is to identify determinants of brain, cognitive and mental health at different stages of life. By integration, harmonisation and enrichment of major European neuroimaging studies of age differences and changes, we will obtain an unparalleled database of fine-grained brain, cognitive and mental health measures of more than 6.000 individuals. Longitudinal brain imaging, genetic an ...
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Optimizing a deployable high efficacy malaria vaccine (OptiMalVax)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

A highly effective malaria vaccine against Plasmodium falciparum should help prevent half a million deaths from malaria each year. New vaccine technologies and antigen discovery approaches now make accelerated design and development of a highly effective multi-antigen multi-stage subunit vaccine feasible. Leading malariologists, vaccine researchers and product developers will here collaborate in ...
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The vision of EU-ToxRisk is to drive a paradigm shift in toxicology towards an animal-free, mechanism-based integrated approach to chemical safety assessment. The project will unite all relevant disciplines and stakeholders to establish: i) pragmatic, solid read-across procedures incorporating mechanistic and toxicokinetic knowledge; and ii) ab initio hazard and risk assessment strategies of chemi ...
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CryoEM studies of the spliceosome (SPLICE3D)

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2021,

The protein coding sequences of the majority of eukaryotic genes are interrupted by non-coding introns. The spliceosome is an immense and intricate molecular machine that catalyses the excision of introns from pre-mRNAs and splicing together of exons to produce mature mRNA. This is a crucial process in eukaryotic gene expression and we aims to greatly increase our understanding of its molecular me ...
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A large fraction of any eukaryotic genome (>40%) encodes protein segments that do not adopt a defined tertiary structure. These proteins or regions are called intrinsically disordered proteins/regions (IDPs/IDRs). IDRs are enriched in critical functions such as transcription and signaling, and have been linked with numerous diseases including neurodegeneration and cancer. In contrast to structured ...
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EXEDRA, an EXpansion of the European Joint Programming Initiative on Drug Resistance to Antimicrobials, will build on, and further support the structure and activities of JPIAMR to address the two major objectives of HCO-04-2016 topic: extending JPIAMR globally and creating a long-term sustainable structure for future expansion and governance which will coordinate national funding and collaborativ ...
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The INFRAFRONTIER RI integrates European Mouse Clinics and the European Mouse Mutant Archive with the common goal to ensure access to mouse models for basic research of human health and disease, and to translate this knowledge into therapeutic approaches for the benefit of the European society. The expanded INFRAFRONTIER2020 network, coordinated by the INFRAFRONTIER GmbH, includes 3 SMEs and is st ...
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With this proposal I plan to dissect, at the genetic level, those circuits controlling goal-oriented movements in mice. In particular, we will focus on the very feature that makes goal-oriented movements so unique in the world of motor control, the spatial awareness of such movements, the fact that their execution is likely to obey a precise metric. I want to understand: (1) which neuronal circuit ...
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Fifteen years ago it was widely believed that asthma was an allergic/atopic disease caused by allergen exposure in infancy; this produced atopic sensitization and continued exposure resulted in eosinophilic airways inflammation, bronchial hyper-responsiveness and reversible airflow obstruction. It is now clear that this model is at best incomplete. Less than one-half of asthma cases involve allerg ...
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The European Training Network DNAREPAIRMAN aims to train a new generation of innovative young scientists in cutting edge biophysical research methodology to address central questions in biology concerning the mode of action of critical molecular machines with relevance for human health. The Network consists of a highly collaborative consortium consisting of 12 participants coming from academia, in ...
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The management of febrile patients is one of the most common and important problems facing healthcare providers. Distinction between bacterial infections and trivial viral infection on clinical grounds is unreliable, and as a result innumerable patients worldwide undergo hospitalization, invasive investigation and are treated with antibiotics for presumed bacterial infection when, in fact, they ar ...
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Systematic Genetic Code Reprogramming (SGCR)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

We will build an orthogonal translation system for the encoded synthesis of unnatural polymers in cells. The steps towards this goal are each significant and substantial and, importantly, our solutions for each step are both scalable and modular with those for other steps in the process. In the first step we create a scalable and modular route to multiple new aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase/tRNA pairs ...
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The ERA-NET NEURON Cofund will coordinate and align European and international research funding programmes in the area of brain-related diseases and disorders of the nervous system. Key activity is the implementation of an EC co-funded joint transnational call for research proposals. The mission of NEURON is based on the fact that disorders of the brain are the major cause for impaired quality of ...
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Antibiotic resistance is a global problem. It is considered by the World Health Organization as one of the three greatest threats to human health for the next decades. ’Enhanced coordination across national boundaries is needed to accelerate the efforts to tackle this grand challenge. Such synergies have been created among 19 countries in Europe and beyond through the EU JPI on Antimicrobial Resis ...
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Regulation of mitochondrial expression (REMIX)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2020,

Mitochondria are essential organelles found in every eukaryotic cell, required to convert food into usable energy. The mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system, which produces the majority of cellular energy in the form of ATP, is controlled by two distinct genomes: the nuclear and the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA). Mutations in mitochondrial genes encoded by either genome could caus ...
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The OLEUM project will generate innovative, more effective and harmonized analytical solutions to detect and fight the most common and emerging frauds and to verify the overall quality of olive oils (OOs). By a core group of 20 partners from 15 countries OLEUM will undertake RESEARCH ACTIVITIES based on the development of IMPROVED and NEW ANALYTICAL METHODS by targeted and omics approaches with th ...
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This proposal seeks to understand the logic of neural circuit switches in the relatively simple nervous system of Drosophila. Our goals are to examine the developmental, physiological and behavioural logic of several of these elementary circuit motifs. We will use innate olfactory behaviour as our primary model, investigating behaviours triggered by single or convergent odour stimuli and their mod ...
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...sts will gain valuable knowledge and multidisciplinary skills: only interdisciplinary and cross-cutting research can lead to novel therapeutic tools and scientific angles to address these challenging medical, societal and industrial issues. EVOluTION provides a conducive structure by bringing 5 leading academic institutions and 1 SME, together with 6 Pharma and biotech companies, 1 Policy-maker, a ...
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...aumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability, leading to great personal suffering to victim and relatives, as well as huge direct and indirect costs to society. Strong ethical, medical, social and health economic reasons therefore exist for improving treatment. The CENTER-TBI project will collect a prospective, contemporary, highly granular, observational dataset of 5400 pat ...
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A recent evaluation of FP7 projects executed by the EC, showed that an estimated 80% of funded Health projects lacks valorisation. The “UTILE” proposal presents the EU-Health Innovation Marketplace, an online tool to better valorise the FP7 Health and Horizon2020 SC1 project results. This marketplace will actively bring together Innovation Providers (i.e. technology push) and the Innovation Develo ...
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European Prevention of Alzheimer’s Dementia Consortium (EPAD)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Background:The secondary prevention of Alzheimer’s dementia (AD) is achievable if we can identify individuals at risk of disease progression defined by biomarker evidence of AD pathology and no or only minimal clinical symptoms and engage them in a standing adaptive clinical trial, of the highest quality, testing multiple interventions. To achieve this, EPAD will also provide the analytical infras ...
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Over 12 million people in Europe suffer from neurodegenerative diseases (ND), yet treatments that prevent or stop the progression of neurodegeneration are still lacking. Tackling this grand challenge requires enhanced coordination of national efforts to accelerate discovery. Such synergies have been created among 28 countries in the pilot EU JPI on Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND). JPND h ...
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The overall aim of JPsustaiND is to support the development and extension of the capacities of the EU Joint Programming Initiative on Neurodegenerative Diseases, in particular Alzheimer's (JPND). Since 2009 JPND has been operating on a very light management structure based on a simple Terms of Reference. Through this JPND has been able to set a common Strategic Research Agenda, and to deliver its ...
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Innate defensive behaviours are emergency responses that animals use to avoid predators and environmental threats, such as escape to a safe shelter or freezing to avoid detection. Engaging in defensive behaviour at the right time and choosing the correct response is essential for survival, but little is known about how the brain achieves this. In this project we aim to understand the neural circui ...
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Genetic dissection of a tonically active neural circuit (GENETONE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2017, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Understanding how the brain works is a fundamental challenge in biology and a priority of EU research. A subset of brain circuits can signal tonically to encode persistent stimuli. Such circuits are involved in many sensory systems (e.g. vision, hearing) and in homeostatic responses (e.g. temperature, pH, and posture control). How tonic activity is molecularly achieved remains poorly understood. I ...
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... ensure the outreach to the wider scientific community and to the general public. The IPAD-MD will improve the quality and global accessibility of high-quality resources and services enabling the biomedical research community to tackle the global health challenges.
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Mechanisms of chromosome segregation in mammalian oocytes (CHROMOOCYTE)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

All animal life starts with the fertilization of an egg. A haploid egg and a haploid sperm fuse and together they form a new genetically unique embryo. But surprisingly, eggs frequently contain an incorrect number of chromosomes. Depending on the age of the woman, 10-50% of eggs are chromosomally abnormal. This high percentage of abnormal eggs results from chromosome segregation errors during oocy ...
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Structure determination of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) has been exceedingly successful over the last 5 years due to the development of complimentary generic methodologies that will now allow the structure determination of virtually any GPCR. However, these technologies address only two aspects of the process, namely the stability of the receptors during purification and the ability to form ...
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RNA-based technologies for single-cell metabolite analysis (MetaRNA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Metabolism is the foundation of all living organisms. While cells in a population are often phenotypically different, most of our current analytical approaches still probe metabolism only at the population level. Because strong evidence exists that metabolic cell-to-cell heterogeneity has, for instance, disease relevance, researcher from MetaRNA will overcome this severe analytical limitation thro ...
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The TBVAC2020 proposal builds on the highly successful and long-standing collaborations in subsequent EC-FP5-, FP6- and FP7-funded TB vaccine and biomarker projects, but also brings in a large number of new key partners from excellent laboratories from Europe, USA, Asia, Africa and Australia, many of which are global leaders in the TB field. This was initiated by launching an open call for Express ...
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Malaria is one of the most devastating infectious diseases affecting half of the world population and killing close to a million people every year. Widespread resistance of the malaria parasite to most front-line drugs and the rapid emergence of resistance against new therapies have made the validation of novel pharmaceutical targets and the identification of potent pharmacophores extremely urgent ...
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 FINISHED will include courses on advanced MRI, media training and project management, and disseminating my results through scientific papers, conferences, and the media. A fellowship at the Medical Research Council (MRC) Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (CBU) in Cambridge would help me establish an network with leading scientists from all over the world, while being based at a premier establishme ...
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Life provides us with a continuous stream of information that ends up being organized in long-term memory as distinct events. How does this occur? Leading theories posit that surprising occurrences (when prediction of the immediate future fails) are interpreted by the system as event boundaries that segment ongoing experience. Will any type of surprise induce such segmentation? Moreover, how are t ...
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Mitochondria are the major source of ATP, synthesized by the mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) through the process of oxidative phosphorylation. ATP deficiency leads to cellular dysfunction and ultimately death. In mammals, 13 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)-encoded subunits interact with over 70 nuclear-encoded subunits to form four of the five MRC complexes. Many additional factors are essential f ...
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Defects of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) metabolism (maintenance, integrity and expression) are the most common cause of multiple mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) defects in children. Several new disease genes have been identified in these complex pathways but the functional link between mutant protein and mtDNA metabolism is unknown or poorly understood. Example of the latter is FBXL4 (F-box and ...
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...ed to a training condition or a control condition: the training consists of daily mental imagery of behavioural activities for 7 days and builds on previous ground-breaking work of researchers at the Medical Research Council (MRC) Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge where I will conduct the study. By working closely together with the supervisor at the host institution, prof. Emily Holme ...
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Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 1 (HBP SGA1)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest scientific challenges of our time. Such an understanding can provide profound insights into our humanity, leading to fundamentally new computing technologies, and transforming the diagnosis and treatment of brain disorders. Modern ICT brings this prospect within reach. The HBP Flagship Initiative (HBP) thus proposes a unique strategy that uses I ...
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This research proposal describes an ambitious effort to characterize structurally and biochemically ubiquitin chain initiation and elongation by the anaphase-promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C) in complex with two well-characterized substrates. The APC/C is a multi-subunit cullin-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase that controls progression through the cell cycle by a temporal regulation of its activity a ...
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The spliceosome is a ribonucleoprotein machine that excises introns from pre-messenger RNAs. During my phD, I identified RNA ligands for the magnesium ions that catalyze these splicing reactions and showed that the spliceosomal U6 and U2 small nuclear RNAs form a structure resembling group II self-splicing intron RNAs. Although the spliceosome's catalytic core is RNA-based, numerous spliceosomal p ...
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My long-term goal is to understand, how misfolded proteins, associated with the pathogenesis of most neurodegenerative diseases, propagate in a prion-like manner (i) and to identify strategies that could lead to cure protein misfolding (ii).(i) We have recently discovered that mutant SOD1 aggregates, associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, penetrate inside cells and replicate their misfolde ...
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