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11 European Projects Found

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A collective effort is needed to create the environmental research infrastructure for answering pressing questions in a world of rapid social, economic and environmental change.The overall aim of the eLTER project is to advance the European network of Long-Term Ecosystem Research sites and socio-ecological research platforms to provide highest quality services for multiple use of a distributed res ...
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Mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services (ES) are core to the EU Biodiversity (BD) Strategy. They are essential if we are to make informed decisions. Action 5 sets the requirement for an EU-wide knowledge base designed to be: a primary data source for developing Europe’s green infrastructure; resource to identify areas for ecosystem restoration; and, a baseline against which the goa ...
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INFORM aims to develop novel and improved user-driven products for inland water quality monitoring by using innovative methods integrated into biogeochemical models which fully exploit the capabilities of upcoming earth observation missions. Remote sensing is dramatically underutilized for the monitoring of inland waters mainly due to the complexity of these waters, the lack of adequate analysis m ...
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Advance_eLTER marks a crucial step in building the distributed European Research Infrastructure of Long-Term Ecosystem Research sites and socio-ecological research platforms (eLTER RI) to provide highest quality data and services complementary to the European and global environmental RIs. The project will conduct important conceptual work and preparatory steps towards enabling European-scale inves ...
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Despite improved understanding of the links between ecosystem health, provision of ecosystem services and human well-being, further conceptual and empirical work is needed to make the ideas of ecosystem services (ESS) and natural capital (NC) operational. OpenNESS will therefore develop innovative and practical ways of applying them in land, water and urban management: it will identify how, where ...
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The next few decades will witness a rapidly increasing demand for agricultural products. This growing demand needs to be met largely through intensification (produce more from the same land surface) because there is little scope for an increase in agricultural area. Eco-functional intensification has been proposed as a promising solution. Eco-functional intensification is the optimization of all p ...
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EXPEER will bring together, major observational, experimental, analytical and modelling facilities in ecosystem science in Europe. By uniting these highly instrumented ecosystem research facilities under the same umbrella and with a common vision, EXPEER will form a key contribution to structuring and improving the European Research Area (ERA) within terrestrial ecosystem research.EXPEER builds ...
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"GIONET will create a European Centre of Excellence in the training of early stage researchers in the Earth Observation to provide skilled personnel for the emerging GMES land monitoring services during the GMES Initial Operations period (2011-2013) and beyond. The principal aims of this distributed centre will be to:• Provide a broad postgraduate training in Earth Observation Science that exposes ...
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BioVeL - Biodiversity Virtual e-Laboratory (BioVeL)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Biodiversity Virtual e-Laboratory (BioVeL) meets the needs of Europe's Biodiversity Science research community with tools for pipelining data and analysis into efficient workflows, urgently needed to understand biodiversity in a rapidly changing environment. BioVeL customises, deploys and supports the Taverna / myExperiment / BioCatalogue family of software to achieve this.Close user involvement i ...
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"Knowledge about biodiversity and ecosystem services is well advanced in the European scientific community, as demonstrated by many excellent projects and their scientific impact. However, on the global as well as the European scale, there is a failure to communicate the knowledge gained into the policy-making process and society as a whole. Such communication efforts, must ensure that all relevan ...
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"The network INCREASE consists of 6 infrastructures (large-scale field sites) with experimental manipulation of climate e.g night time warming and extended summer drought. Within INCREASE we will improve the technology and methodology for studies of climate change effects on European shrublands. The main objectives of INCREASE are: 1. To optimize technologies and methodologies for non-intrusive fi ...
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