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14 European Projects Found

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Subject-Orientation for People-Centred Production (SO-PC-Pro)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

...lenges arising from the increasingly complex and dynamic environment in which they operate. These challenges have been understood mostly in economic terms based on the time-cost-quality triangle. The main approach to tackling these challenges has been to rationalise production processes through standardised work procedures and automated systems, aiming to reduce cost and increase productivity. How ...
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Integrated product-service solutions or Product-Service Systems promote a shift from value in exchange to value in use to satisfy customer needs. In this new landscape, manufacturers do not sell a physical product, but its usage (renting, pay-x-use) or its outcome (pay-x-performance). Companies and supply network should focus on reducing the Life Cycle Cost of the Product-Service Systems and exten ...
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Premium Low weight Urban Sustainable e-MOBilitY (PLUS-MOBY)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

"The Plus-Moby project is focused to the implementation of low cost and low energy intensity technologies to manufacture premium four wheel fully electrical micro vehicles (450-650kg and speeds up to 90+ km/h)) that can be upgraded to M1 configurations.•Technologies and methodologies developed in previous calls of the EU Green Car will be implemented in terms of low aero-drag and safe structural ...
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High energy density Mg-Based metal hydrides storage system (EDEN)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Jun 30, 2016, building a forefront scientific, technological and industrial expertise in energy storage and recovery system. In the past years hydrogen has been indicated as an advantageous energy carrier under many points of view, mainly environment preservation and high energy density.The necessity of hydrogen on specific mobile applications and energy backup system is promoted by the growing demand of sus ...
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sharing methodologies on FINancial ENgineering for enterprises (FIN-EN)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

...ember states to reviewing the ERDF/ESF disbursement procedures by using financial instruments (as opposite to traditional grants) able to provide EU funding even after the 2013 deadline.The aim is to maximise the use of EU funds (by increasing the leverage effect and stimulate private co-investment and involvement), support a greater number of SMEs, speed the disbursement process, reinforcing the ...
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Sharing AudioVisual language resources for Automatic Subtitling (SAVAS)

Start date: May 1, 2012, End date: Apr 30, 2014,

Due to recently approved European and National directives and laws, the subtitling demand has grown fast in the past few years throughout Europe. The path of manual subtitling is no longer feasible, due to the quantity of the demand and the cost of the process, both in terms of time and personnel. As a result, broadcasters and subtitling companies are seeking for subtitling alternatives more produ ...
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"Reynolds stress is the most important quantity affecting the mean flow as it is responsible for a major part of the momentum transfer in the wall bounded turbulent flow. It has a direct relevance to both skin friction and flow separation. Manipulation of the Reynolds stress can directly lead to changes in the viscous stress at the wall so as to effectively control the flow for effective flow cont ...
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GEn IV and Transmutation MATerials (GETMAT)

Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Oct 31, 2013,

In FP5 and FP6, a number of significant projects have been launched, aimed at investigating innovative strategies for safe and optimised radioactive waste management. In particular P/T strategies based on the use of Accelerator Driven Systems are being addressed within the integrated project EUROTRANS. Moreover, during FP6, projects were also initiated to study advanced systems, as defined in the ...
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"To investigate the scope, extent and factors causing black pad and related problems on printed circuit boards with an electroless nickel / immersion gold (ENIG) solderable finish . To develop a non-destructive test method to show the presence of black pad. To develop and test lower cost, less aggressive surface protection chemistries as replacements for conventional ENIG using both aqueous and io ...
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manaGEmEnt and leisure middleWare for tHemE parks and Zoo (GEEWHEZ)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

"The goal of GEEWHEZ proposal is to develop a customised Resource Planning solution for Animal and Theme Parks (ATPs). Currently, off the shelf solutions, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or Customised Platforms (CP), are being employed to meet this end, but such solutions do not meet ATPs' needs due to lack of flexibility or, on the other hand, extensive programming and DB design skills ...
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Severe Accident Research Network of Excellence 2 (SARNET2)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

... predict NPP behaviour during a postulated severe accident (ASTEC integral code) are developed. With this aim, the SARNET2 partners contribute to a Joint Programme of Activities, which consists of: - Maintaining and improving an advanced communication tool (developed during SARNET Phase 1) for accessing all project information, fostering exchange of information, and managing documents; - Harmonizi ...
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GReener Aeronautics International Networking (GRAIN)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

"Aerochina1&2 have been networking projects co-funded by FP7 and AVIC (China) and coordinated by CIMNE. Many of the GRAIN partners have participated in them. These collaborative projects gathered experts on the two Europe (13) and China (17) sides to foster cooperation and debate future trends in the field of integrated multi physics modeling, computer simulations and code validation, experimental ...
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...ent accuracy, e.g. in stalled flows, high lift applications, swirling flows (delta wings, trailing vortices), buffet etc. The assessment and improvement process will follow thoroughly conceived roadmaps linking practical goals with corresponding industrial application challenges and with modelling/simulation issues through “stepping stones” represented by appropriate generic test cases.The final g ...
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...s problems of interest to the aeronautic sector. The spectrum multi-physical disciplines considered in AEROCHINA2 which are of interest of European and Chinese partners are Aerodynamics, Structures & Materials, Fluid Dynamics, Aeroacoustics, Active Flow Control and Aero Elasticity. The general strategic objectives of the project are three fold: 1) to identify areas of mutual RTD interest and the c ...
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