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18 European Projects Found

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"The development of geophysics of the last century has become more relevant to contemporary research. This is because much of the data accumulated in the past have allowed mapping many features of the Earth. Thanks to this information scientists can now appreciate long term changes in climate and environment. However, the data now available were not put together for this purpose. A big leap forwar ...
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"Biodiversity in the seas is only partly explored, although marine organisms are excellent sources for many industrial products. Through close co-operation between industrial and academic partners, the MAREX project will collect, isolate and classify marine organisms, such as micro- and macroalgae, cyanobacteria, sea anemones, tunicates and fish from the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans as well ...
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Pharmaceutical Medicine Training Programme (PHARMATRAIN)

Start date: May 1, 2009, End date: Apr 30, 2014,

"The proposed Pharmaceutical Medicine Training Programme provides a comprehensive solution for the complex needs of integrated drug development for all professionals involved, incl. physicians, pharmaceutical scientists,biologists, biometricians, health economists, and safety and regulatory scientists from universities, regulatory agencies, large, middle-sized and small pharmaceutical enterprises, ...
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SUPERIOR aims at providing top-quality cross-disciplinary and supra-sectoral training to a pool of promising young researchers, in an area at the interface between Supramolecular Chemistry, Materials- and Nano-Science, Physics and Electrical Engineering. SUPERIOR appointees will be formally trained in lecture courses, dedicated schools and workshops, and through an ambitious and carefully planned ...
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Bio-Orthogonal Chemo-Specific Ligation (BioChemLig)

Start date: Oct 1, 2009, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

The Post-genomic era calls for a deep understanding of protein structure and function. The elucidation of protein structures, localization, post-translation modifications, and protein-macromolecule interactions are important to establish their role in the biology of the cell. To establish their role and investigate the protein functions requires the integration of various complementary disciplines ...
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Design am Oberrhein (Design Rhin Supérieur)

Start date: Sep 30, 2010, End date: Sep 29, 2013,

Le projet « Design Rhin Supérieur » a pour but d’identifier et de fédérer les acteurs du design, d’établir des liens durables entre la formation et les professionnels du secteur et de donner un visage à la création design dans la zone de programmation.Das Projekt „Design am Oberrhein“ soll Designakteure identifizieren und zusammenführen, einen dauerhafte Verknüpfung zwischen Lehre und Betrieben de ...
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"The development of adaptive safety systems addressing vehicle occupant protection requires the use of in depth knowledge of various occupant features, specifically those related to the risk of injury. All occupants in passenger vehicles are at risk of sustaining whiplash injuries in a low severity crash. Whiplash associated disorders (WAD), so called whiplash injuries, resulting from car crashes, ...
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The proposed research project will study the interactions between knowledge, economic growth and social wellbeing in Europe. It focuses on knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship as a necessary mechanism and an agent of change mediating between the creation of knowledge and its transformation into economic activity. Knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship is perceived herein as a core interface between ...
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Actinide reCycling by SEParation and Transmutation (ACSEPT)

Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2012,

"Actinide recycling by separation and transmutation is considered worldwide and particularly in several European countries as one of the most promising strategies to reduce the inventory of radioactive waste, thus contributing to make nuclear energy sustainable. Consistently with potentially viable recycling strategies, the Collaborative Project ACSEPT will provide a structured R&D framework to de ...
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Evolutionary microfluidics (eFlux)

Start date: Feb 1, 2009, End date: May 31, 2012,

Ever since the insightful suggestion of John von Neumann, self-reproducing automata are considered to be a main long-term goal of IT. Biologists are dealing with such systems that arose in the course of evolution by natural selection. The future realization of technological artefacts that will mimic, or be inspired by biological automata, will face many problems that biological evolution had to so ...
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The call 4.2.2-1 “organic materials for electronics and photonics” is based on the observation that the limited availability of high-performance multi-functional materials is a roadblock to further industrial progress. To address the wide scope of the call, we have identified specific materials bottlenecks to the fields of electronics and photonics. They constitute the focal points of our project. ...
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Inhibiting Nef: a novel drug target for HIV-host interactions (iNEF)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2011,

Although HIV-1 Nef was originally named "negative factor," it has been shown to be critical for efficient persistance of HIV-1 infected humans thus playing a major role in the progression to AIDS. Remarkably; until now Nef has not been evaluated as an antiretroviral drug target. It is well established that Nef promotes HIV-1 replication and facilitates viral immune evasion by interacting with vari ...
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Optically tuneable supramolecular field-effect transistors (OPTSUFET)

Start date: May 1, 2009, End date: Apr 30, 2011,

"OPTSUFET aims at enabling cross-disciplinary training and research at the interface between Supramolecular Chemistry, Materials-/Nano-Science, Physics and Electrical Engineering. The overall goal of OPTSUFET is to generate new scientific and technological knowledge by combining supramolecularly engineered nanostructured materials (SENMs), mostly based on organic semiconductors, with tailor-made i ...
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EU Fusion for ITER Applications (EUFORIA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2010,

ITER is the next generation of fusion devices and is intended to demonstrate the scientific and technical feasibility of fusion as a sustainable energy source for the future. To exploit the full potential of the device and to guarantee optimal operation for the device a high degree of physics modelling and simulation is needed already in the current construction phase of the ITER project. First pr ...
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"This proposal aims at a compact version of a gasifier by integrating the fluidized bed steam gasification of biomass and the hot gas cleaning and conditioning system into one reactor vessel. Such arrangement will guarantee the conversion of tar, elimination of trace elements and an efficient abatement of the particulate, delivering high purity syngas, suitable to assure a substantial share of pow ...
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Researchers and Citizens Night (RaCEN)

Start date: May 1, 2009, End date: Nov 30, 2009,

RaCeN results on the work develop between 12 French partners that for the second time work on only one project to have a bigger impact on the public. It is not only an event, is a preparation, discussion with all partners before the venue, and it is an observation, an analysis of the different proposition after the 25th September. The aim is to offer large public and researchers an unique opportun ...
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European French Resarcher's Night 2008 (EFReNi)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2008,

For the fourth year of the European demonstration the Night of the Researchers, 13 French partners met to propose projects having to bring the citizen and the researcher to be met.
The diversity of the operators will offer to the visitors a diversity of proposal, participant in a discovery of this individual who is the researcher. We will find ourselves in the cities like Strasbourg, Mulhouse, Bes ...
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E-learning for population mobility (E-MOTION)

Start date: Apr 30, 2003, End date: Apr 29, 2007,

The E-MOTION project corresponds to the stakes of the European Spatial Development Perspective concerning the "Diffusion of Innovation and Know-how". It respects the objectives of the Copenhagen Declaration (Nov. 2002) and that of Bologna (June 1999) on a Training Systems Common Architecture. It emphasises a common construction of training contents, in order to facilitate mobility within Europe, ...
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