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2 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Background Aquatic ecosystems in the Jämtland area currently face significant physical, chemical, and biological pressures. The clearing of streams, dams and road culverts, along with the consequent siltation of lake and streambeds, affect habitat types 3210 (Fennoscandian natural rivers) and 3140 (hard oligo-mesotrophic waters with benthic vegetation o ...
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Background Located along the northern shore of Lake Mälaren, the Asköviken area hosts a rich variety of important breeding bird species including the Bittern (Botaurus stellaris), Black Tern (Chlidonias niger), Spotted Crake (Porzana porzana) and Marsh Harrier (Circus aeroginosus). Bean Geese (Anser fabalis) are regular visitors during migration and in ...
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