Search for European Projects

21 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

"Recent research suggests that the hypoxic micro-environment of tumours is one of the major drivers of metastatic spread of cancer. Furthermore, hypoxic tumour micro-environments may result in treatment resistance of cancer cells, therefore causing a double effect of reducing the potential of a successful treatment of the cancer patient. This project seeks to clarify the roles and functions of the ...
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Facilitating Implementation of Research Evidence (FIRE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

Facilitating Implementation of Research Evidence (FIRE) is a proposed four year programme of research to identify and validate key factors determining the successful implementation of research evidence in practice. The study is underpinned by a conceptual framework, the Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services (PARiHS) framework, which proposes that the successful implementat ...
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"With oil reserves diminishing and the effects of industrial emissions on global climate, there is a need for renewable carbon-neutral industrial feedstocks. First generation biorefineries, producing biofuels and bioplastics by the fermentation of sugar or starch, are seeing a rapid expansion and are adding stress to food supplies. A more sustainable option is to use plant biomass from agricultura ...
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Pan European Grid Advanced Simulation and state Estimation (PEGASE)

Start date: Jul 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2012,

"PEGASE is a four year project dealing with the High and Extra High Voltage transmission and sub-transmission networks in Europe (designated as ETN) and implemented by a Consortium composed of 20 Partners including TSOs, expert companies and leading research centre’s in power system analysis and applied mathematics. Its overall objectives are to define the most appropriate state estimation, optimi ...
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The Nametech project harnesses benefits of nanotechnology to bring about improvements in membrane filtration for advanced water treatment. The general objective is to strengthen the European membrane market by making nanotechnology available to large scale European membrane manufacturers. A unique feature of the project is the knowledge transfer between the experienced membrane manufacturer Norit ...
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"The SYMBIOSIS-EU project will bring together 14 partners from 6 EU countries (plus one each from NZ and US) to study meat safety & quality. The overall aim is to identify and quantitatively evaluate practical and easy to use chemical, biochemical and molecular indices and establish their applicability as quality monitors for inspection of meat safety and quality. The project will apply a multidis ...
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Up to now fuel development and qualification has been a long and expensive process essentially based on an empirical approach. European experts currently have an adequate knowledge of conventional fuel manufacturing and its behaviour under operating conditions encountered during 50 years of industrial application and R&D activities. For innovative fuel systems, however, the empirical approach has ...
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"Since the sequencing of the human genome has been completed the demand for genetic analysis in the human health care system is drastically increasing, and the extension of molecular genetic diagnostics is urgently needed. However, the majority of genetic diseases is molecularly and clinically highly heterogeneous, and until recently the available techniques lacked the required capacity to analyze ...
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THermoAcoustic Technology for Energy Applications (THATEA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

"The objective of the THATEA project is to advance the science and technology behind the thermoacoustic energy conversion processes to such a level that would enable reaching conversion efficiencies at which the application of the technology becomes economically attractive. Based on the results obtained, the most promising application areas will be identified for further development. Thermoacous ...
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Biologically inspired computation for chemical sensing (NEUROCHEM)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2011,

Biological olfaction outperforms chemical instrumentation in specificity, response time, detection limit, coding capacity, time stability, robustness, size, power consumption, and portability. This biological function provides outstanding performance due, to a large extent, to the unique architecture of the olfactory pathway, which combines a high degree of redundancy, an efficient combinatorial c ...
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The aim of this proposal is the acquisition of the key information necessary for sound and scientifically based clinical use of dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). In order that safety and efficacy are assured and enhanced in the ‘real world’, the parallel aim is to use the information to develop evidence-based guidelines dealing with justification, optimisation and referral criteria and ...
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Service Oriented Architectures for All (SOA4ALL)

Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2011,

Description Towards a Web of billions of servicesComputer science is entering a new generation, a generation that starts by abstracting from software and hardware components and sees all resources as services in a service-oriented architecture (SOA). With this in mind, the aim of SOA4ALL is to create a 'web of billions of services' and he ...
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EquiMar will deliver a suite of protocols for the equitable evaluation of marine energy converters (based on either tidal or wave energy). These protocols will harmonise testing and evaluation procedures across the wide variety of devices presently available with the aim of accelerating adoption though technology matching and improved understanding of the environmental and economic impacts associa ...
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Our project aims at developing a method for the assessment of the social impact of scientific research. We review current literature including experimental studies and conduct case studies in four different fields (nanotechnology, ICT, health, social sciences) with various grades of social impact, in both national and supranational settings. Our goal is both to enhance insight in social impact ass ...
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Language Technology for Lifelong Learning (LTfLL)

Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: Feb 28, 2011,

Description LTfLL created next-generation educational services for learners and tutors, making extensive use of Language TechnologiesThe project created next-generation support and advice services to enhance individual and collaborative construction of knowledge in educational and organisational settings. The project made extensive use of ...
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Community-based Interoperability Utility for SMEs (Commius)

Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Jan 31, 2011,

More than 99% of European enterprises are SMEs. While collaboration with other enterprises provides potential for improving business performance, enterprise interoperability research is yet to produce results which can be used by SMEs without the need for high start-up costs (learning costs as well as system purchasing and installation costs). For a solution to be taken up by SMEs it must offer bo ...
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Mobile Biometry (MOBIO)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2010,

Portable personal devices (PDAs or mobile phones) are indeed widely used.They provide the mobile worker or the customer with portable computing and wireless access to Telecom networks. It is then possible to access many services (phone card reloading, remote purchase or telephone banking). The conventional means of identification (passwords, secret codes and PINs) can easily be compromised, shared ...
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Social Platform on Cities and Social Cohesion (Social Polis)

Start date: Dec 1, 2007, End date: Nov 30, 2010,

This proposal outlines the organisation and strategic activities of a social platform, ‘Social Polis’, for the development of a research agenda and scientific dialogue addressing the role of cities and social cohesion. Its central purpose is to engage significant stakeholders from the scientific, civil society and governance sectors in establishing key scientific and policy issues for the agenda, ...
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"The goal of PLANETS is to devise robust scenarios for the evolution of energy technologies in the next 50 years. This is achieved by means of an ensemble of quantitative and analytical tools that are designed to foresee the best technological hedging policy in response to future environmental and energy policies. Focused technological assessments will provide the necessary guidance for technology ...
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Practising Gender Equality in Science (PRAGES)

Start date: Apr 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2009,

The project “Practising Gender Equality in Science (PRAGES)” consists of an action of coordination aimed at comparing the various strategies implemented for promoting the presence of women in decision-making bodies relating to scientific research in public institutions. It pursues the objective of collecting, classifying and evaluating good practices and positive actions (involving those where a p ...
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The main idea behind this Support action is to develop a platform for deliberative processes on Nano-science and Nano-technology (NS&T) in the European consumer market. Nanotechnology products are now reaching the consumer markets within a large number of branches. During the last year, the number of consumer products using nanotechnology has more than doubled, from 212 to 475. Clothing and cosmet ...
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