Project activities are related to the need of up-skilling the workforce in the European explosives sector and to ensure that the companies and stakeholders in the sector will maintain or develop their competitiveness to ensure the survival on the global market, prevent job losses and maintain a safe industry. Project goals will comply with the Horizon 2020 targets to ensure that skills and qualifi ...
"The objectives of the EXPEDIA project are both to inhibit some frequently used explosive precursors and to increase the knowledge about “garage chemistry”. With this we mean, increasing the understanding of how terrorist’s create homemade explosives (HME), what chemicals they start from and where they find them in the open market. But also, to increase the understanding of how easily a HME can be ...
...tance of the research. The PREVAIL consortium consists of four research institutes (FOI, TNO,CEA, WIHiE), two chemical industries representing the End Users (Yara, Arkema), three SMEs (Inscentinel, KCEM, SECRAB) and one university (Technion)."
...ent “Articles of incorporation”, between the EUExcert project partners. The head office of the independent European association, EUExcert, will initially be placed in Karlskoga with c/o address KCEM. The EUExcert association aims to develop exchange programs for students and employees, between member organisations in Europe, thus realising the free movement of workers. The independent national bod ...