Search for European Projects

20 European Projects Found

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The objective of Europeana Space is to increase and enhance the creative industries' use of Europeana by delivering a range of resources to support their engagement. The use of Europeana by the creative industries is still limited by factors including issues around the IPR status of content and the need for business models demonstrating the potential for exploitation of available content. In addr ...
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Description CREAM, CReativity Enhancement through Advanced brain Mapping and stimulation  Main idea behind this project: current ICT technology provides new capabilities to measure the functional activity of the brain and to compute in real-time stimuli that can be applied to the brain itself in o ...
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Concept Invention Theory (COINVENT)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

The capacity of combinational creativity---i.e., when novel ideas are produced through unfamiliar combinations of familiar ideas---is difficult to recreate computationally. In particular, it is a hard task for autonomous computational systems to tackle the combinatorial explosion of potential combinations, and to be capable of recognizing the value of newly created ideas (concepts, theories, solut ...
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The What-If Machine (WHIM)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

In Computational Creativity research, we study how to engineer software which can take on some of the creative responsibility in arts and science projects. There has been much progress towards the creative generation of artefacts of cultural value such as poems, music and paintings. Often, when produced by people, such artefacts embed a fictional idea invented by the creator. For instance, an arti ...
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Creativity is a long-cherished and widely-studied aspect of human behavior that allows us to re-invent the familiar and to imagine the new. Computational Creativity (CC) is a recent but burgeoning area of creativity research that brings together academics and practitioners from diverse disciplines, genres and modalities, to explore the potential of computers to be autonomously creative or to colla ...
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The research proposes the notion of AVUI (AudioVisual User Interface), a multisensorial interface combining user interaction with interrelated sound and image. In AVUI, a user interaction brings upon interrelated sonic and visual feedback. AVUI combines Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), sonification, and audio visualisation techniques, aiming to create a cognitive totality or “gestalt” in the user ...
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The 2007 EC Report “Tackling Multiple Discrimination” addressed for the first time at the EU level the issue of intersectionality, an approach that seeks to understand several forms of discrimination (based on gender, “race”/ethnicity, class and so forth) as the results of intersecting biases rather than of single sources of inequality. This represents a significant step towards increasing awarene ...
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Gambling in Europe (GAMSOC)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

This project uses an innovative anthropological approach to study gambling as a social and cultural activity, and uses these findings to establish a new research paradigm that is technologically astute, internationally focused and aggressively future oriented. Gambling in Europe is worth an estimated E89billion and is a rapidly expanding and changing industry. It is also a source of concern to leg ...
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Organizing Disaster. Civil Protection and the Population (OD)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

The proposed project takes up the fundamental question of how the state orders society and applies it to an unexpected, but highly insightful case of disasters. It takes disasters as moments when the state attempts to reorder society and thus analyses the encounter between civil protection as state organisation and the population. What happens when civil protection encounters the population in cas ...
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We perceive our body and peripersonal environment through multiple sensory modalities. The distance receptors (e.g., vision and audition), provide information about stimuli in both personal and extrapersonal space. The direct receptors (e.g., touch and proprioception) provide information about the body and external stimuli impinging on the body. Having multiple modalities bestows advantages by pro ...
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Media Aggregation and Plotting Platform (MAPP)

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015,

In February 2011, the four-year ERC funded project Forensic Architecture (FASLW) was launched, exploring the role of spatial evidence within the law. In the first 24 months we have collaborated with the world’s foremost organisations in the field of human rights and achieved highly successful results in the production of spatial analysis for the investigation of human rights violations. While the ...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

Although violations of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and human right (HR) conventions are frequently undertaken in cities and by means that deliberately manipulate the elements that constitute their built fabric, this project contends that organizations of international justice could benefit from a closer engagement with the operational procedures, conceptual assumptions, methodologies, and ...
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Third Wave HCI: Methods, Domains and Concepts (ThirdWaveHCI)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

This proposal is for interdisciplinary research that will help bring to maturity the emerging paradigm of third-wave HCI , which addresses interaction as situated meaning-making in everyday life. With my established interdisciplinary research team, I will design prototypes that show how third-wave thinking is relevant for domains of recognised importance to help bring this paradigm to the centre ...
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Video Communications for Networked Communities (Vconect)

Start date: Dec 1, 2011, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

The inability to discover the conversations that matter, to understand how others are feeling, to recognise a friend in need, to share the joy of someone happy, or to see how certain things should be done, are common limitations of social networks. All these require people to be able to see and hear each other. Vconect targets this space by aiming to develop capabilities that will allow ad-hoc gro ...
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"ADDPRIV proposes novel knowledge and developments to limit the storage of unnecessary data, to be implemented on existing multicamera networks in order to make them better comply with citizen´s privacy rights.ADDPRIV tackles the challenge of determining in a precise and reliable manner private data from video surveillance which is not relevant from the perspective of security and which need not t ...
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"A qualitative study of obstetricians-gynecologists’, residents’ and medical students’ experiences and attitudes towards conscientious objection and abortion is proposed in two European countries: one in Northern Europe - the UK, and the other in Southern Europe - Italy. The main objectives are to examine how conscientious objection is experienced by these physicians and by medical students and ho ...
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"The proposed research entails an ethnographic study of two contemporary cases of post-conflict reconciliation: one, the Bosnian case, where international intervention ended conflict in a stalemate and went on to instigate a decade-long process of transition; and the other, the Spanish case, where a nationally-contrived pact of silence introduced an overnight transition after Franco's death a pact ...
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Transitional Justice Mapping (TJMAP)

Start date: Jul 1, 2012, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

In 2009, under the auspices of the ERC, a four year programme of research was launched to look at the legal shaping of memry after two apposite conflicts, both of which were marked by mass atrocity. One context (the Spanish Civil War) dates back to a 'pre transitional justice' moment. The other (the Yugoslav conflicts of the 1990's as they effected Bosnia and Herzegovina - hereafter BiH) is larg ...
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"HealthGovMatters explores patients' and professionals' formal and informal involvement in governing the production and mediation of health and medical knowledge. We use rich social science and ethnographic methods, including interviews and participant observation, to address forms of engagement with predictive, diagnostic and therapeutic technologies. Our interest is in exploring interactions bet ...
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"The project interrogates the impact of development paths on the livelihoods and life projects of citizens. Starting from the premise that the analysis of (dominant or alternative) development paths must be situated within the complexities of historically unfolding links and realtionships, we shall explore how they are 'practiced' in specific environments. Central questions address: 1) How develop ...
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