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Background Olive groves extend over nearly five million hectares in the EU and are one of the main crops in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain. With nearly 1.9 million olive farms (Eurostat, 2007) the olive sector is a vital source of employment and economic activity in many European regions. In Andalusia almost 100 000 ha of olive groves are located in in ...
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We concur to the IMI on “Reclassification of SLE, connective tissue diseases and RA” call by presenting a proposal aimed at using the power of OMICs, and bioinformatics to identify new classifications for diseases known to share common pathophysiological mechanisms. Such knowledge has not been applied to individual patients, depriving them from potential benefits in terms of the use of new therape ...
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Description ECHORD++ will create new opportunities for European robotics researchers to work directly with SME/start-ups and new users/customers to create innovative products. ECHORD++ will continue ECHORD’s two pillars, “experiments” and “structured dialogue”, taking advantage of experience and investment in the infrastructure. In addition, ...
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Innovation and Commercialisation in the NMP thematic area (INCOMERA)

Start date: Jan 15, 2014, End date: Jan 14, 2018,

Towards Europe 2020, European Commission adopted a comprehensive innovation strategy to enhance Europe's capacity to deliver smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. This strategy concerns the so called concept of Smart Specialization Strategy.By itself, sounds a challenging task, but it is of crucial importance, especially for less advanced regions. According to this concept, each region must set ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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New epigenetic therapy for high-risk neuroblastoma (MIRNATHERAPYNBL)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

Neuroblastoma (NBL) is the most common solid tumor of infancy. Nearly 45% of all children with NBL are designated as high-risk patients and 60% of them die. Therefore, there is an urgent need to identify and target the molecular programs that are responsible for NBL aggressiveness, especially those that contribute to metastasis and resistance to chemotherapy.Recently, it has become evident that mi ...
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Buildings consume about 40% of total final energy in Europe, and those built before 1980 represent 95% of this energy consumption. The low renovation rate of building stock (1% per year) means that boosting energy efficient buildings’ retrofitting is the only way to reach EU’s “20-20-20” targets. The higher impact will be achieved through interventions in non-residential buildings, as their energy ...
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"High incidence of degenerative skeletal tissue disorders in a progressively aging human population make tissue engineering of cartilage and bone a focus of extensive research. Bone and joint disorders are the most common disease in Europe: more than 100 million European citizens suffer from arthritis and 19 million people have osteoporosis (one of three women and one of eight men are affected). T ...
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Embedded systems are the key innovation driver to improve almost all mechatronic products with cheaper and even new functionalities. Furthermore, they strongly support today's information society as inter-system communication enabler.Consequently boundaries of application domains are alleviated and ad-hoc connections and interoperability play an increasing role. At the same time, multi-core and ma ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Dependable Embedded Wireless Infrastructure (DEWI)

Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

DEWI (dependable embedded wireless infrastructure) envisions to significantly foster Europe’s leading position in embedded wireless systems and smart (mobile) environments such as vehicles, railway cars, airplanes and buildings. These environments comprise wireless sensor networks and wireless applications for citizens and professional users. Therefore the consortium introduces the concept of a “s ...
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Arrowhead (ARROWHEAD)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

"Our society is facing both energy and competitiveness challenges. These challenges are tightly linked and require new dynamic interactions between energy producers and energy consumers, between machines, between systems, between people and systems, etc. Cooperative automation is the key for these dynamic interactions and is enabled by the technology developed around the Internet of Things and Ser ...
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Electrical spin manipulation in electroACtive MOLecules (ACMOL)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The project "Electrical spin manipulation in electroACtive MOLecules" (ACMOL) has the ambitious goal of fabricating a switchable, room-temperature spin-polarizer employing electro-active and magnetic molecules, which are integrated into graphene-type electrodes modified with ferromagnetic materials. The combination of these molecules with ferromagnetic electrodes is a new route in spintronics. Exp ...
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DAREED aims at delivering an ICT service platform (and some specific tools) to foster energy efficiency and low carbon activities at neighbourhood, city and district level. Project results will be validated via pilots in three (3) different countries and contexts, thus granting the possibility to generalise results and ensuring replicability throughout Europe and beyond.The key success factor for ...
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MobilePass will focus on research and development towards technologically advanced mobile equipment at land border crossing points. This will allow border control authorities to check European, visa-holding and frequent third country travellers in a comfortable, fast and secure way. The mobile solution incorporates new technologies needed in mobile scenarios and embeds them in the actual border cr ...
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Southern Europe and the Mediterranean region are facing the challenge of managing its water resources under conditions of increasing scarcity and concerns about water quality. Already, the availability of fresh water in sufficient quality and quantity is one of the major factors limiting socio economic development. Innovative water management strategies such as the storage of reclaimed water or ex ...
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xLiMe – crossLingual crossMedia knowledge extraction (xLiMe)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Europe is different from other large media markets such as the US or China in that information is being generated in different languages and distributed via diverse streams of localised media channels. Automatic analysis is complicated further by different content types (audio, video, text) and different channels (mainstream, social media). Thus, information can only be analysed independently for ...
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EU-SOLARIS aims to create a new legal entity to explore and implement new and improved rules and procedures for reserach infrastructures (RI) for Solar Thermal Electricity (STE) technology, in order to optimise RI development and RTD coordination. According to what was communicated by ESFRI, EU-SOLARIS is expected to be the first of its kind, where Industrial needs and private funding will play a ...
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The TRADEIT project is a multidisciplinary, multi-sectorial collaborative project supporting a Network of Traditional Food SMEs and Food Researchers in the areas of Collaboration, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Knowledge and Technology Transfer to increase the competitiveness and inter-regional advantage of Traditional Food Producing SMEs. This will be achieved through focused regional coordination ...
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In recent years, traditional processors have not been able to translate the advances of silicon fabrication technology into corresponding performance gains. This has been due to weaknesses inherent in the current sequential programming model, which has not changed significantly since the late 1940's, as well as due to physical constraints, such as practical limits on the energy consumption and the ...
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INTERACTION proposes an evolution in airport operations towards a fully integrated and coordinated management of all the processes-passenger, baggage, freight and ramp operations-which are converging into the aircraft turnaround. The main needs are 3: increase time efficiency in each one of the airport processes and the turnaround itself in a coordinated way; reduce the environmental impact of the ...
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More Medicines for Tuberculosis (MM4TB)

Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

The More Medicines for Tuberculosis (MM4TB) consortium evolved from the highly successful FP6 project, New Medicines for TB (NM4TB), that delivered a candidate drug for clinical development two years ahead of schedule. Building on these firm foundations and exploiting its proprietary pharmacophores, MM4TB will continue to develop new drugs for TB treatment. An integrated approach will be impleme ...
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Start date: Jul 5, 2013, End date: Jul 4, 2016,

Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) fruit flavor and aroma are among the most appreciated quality traits by consumers; as such, the improvement of strawberry flavor is receiving increasing importance in breeding programs. However, breeding for better aroma, particularly in polyploid crops, presents many challenges and requires a previous knowledge of the genetic determinants controlling its variation ...
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e-Justice Communication via Online Data Exchange (e-CODEX)

Start date: Dec 1, 2010, End date: May 31, 2016,

The goal of the e-CODEX project is to improve the cross-border access of citizens and businesses to legal means in Europe as well as to improve the interoperability between legal authorities within the EU.Due to high mobility and European integration, procedures containing cross-border effects are increasing. These procedures require cooperation between different national judicial systems.Indeed, ...
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Polyurethane (PUR) is one of the most versatile materials ever created, present in the cars, under the carpets, as packaging material, cushioning material in almost all furniture and bedding. The European PUR foam sector has 50.000 companies that employ over 1.6 million people.Polyurethane foam technology consists on foam building by reacting two chemicals, isocyanate and polyol, in the presence o ...
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"European Chemicals Industry supplies European Textile & Clothing industry with textile fibres, 75% of which are synthetic (polyester, elastane, nylon). The European Biomass Industry needs to gain market share to the petrochemical industry as supplier of sustainable biomaterials to the Chemicals Industry. More than 99.9% of the world synthetic fibers are made of non-renewable petrochemical resourc ...
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The CONECTA 2020 project embraces the collaboration between Europe and Latin American/Caribbean Countries around Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Horizon 2020. CONECTA 2020 proposes to create new mechanisms of collaboration and networking between Latin American Technology Platforms (LATPs) and ETPs in the form of innovative match-making tools around ICT and Future Internet area ...
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The SAFECITI project proposes the creation of a simulation system for Police intelligence analysts to predict the behavior of crowds in urban environments under specific threats or stresses (turmoil, violence, panic, catastrophes or terrorism) in order to train and develop better safety plans, and tactic operations. This platform will be designed both as a simulation platform for training purposes ...
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Grid4EU project is an innovative SmartGrid project proposed by a group of Distribution System Operators (from Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden), in close partnership with a set of electricity retailers, manufacturers and research organizations.Adopting a systemic approach and organized around large-scale demonstrations networks located in six different countries, its struct ...
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The ScaleQIT vision is to "develop a conceptual platform for potentially disruptive technologies, advance their scope and breadth and speed up the process of bringing them from the lab to the real world." ScaleQIT will address the engineering side of quantum information processing (QIP), analyzing and implementing realistic scenarios for scaling-up superconducting hybrid systems for quantum compu ...
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"Recent dramatic events such as the earthquakes in Haiti and L’Aquila or the flooding in Pakistan have shown that local civil authorities and emergency services have difficulties with adequately managing crises. The result is that these crises lead to major disruption of the whole local society. The goal of ICARUS is to decrease the total cost (both in human lives and in €) of a major crisis. In o ...
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"EPIC-CVD's overarching goal is to provide clinicians and policy-makers with a menu of evidence-based options for cost-effective individualised risk assessment that enables the EU's increasingly resource-constrained economies to achieve more personalised predictive medicine in harmony with Europe's diverse cultures and healthcare systems.We will achieve this through developing and validating innov ...
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SUSTAMINING project marks the start of a series of development activities aiming to realise the concept of an invisible, zero-impact mine. The natural stone extractive sector, still seen as being old-fashioned and highly environment polluting, will join forces to revise this image showing that natural stone extraction can be approached with a cutting edge methodology with low impact underground an ...
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The stringent Solvent Emission Directive (1999/13/EC), fully transposed in 2007, imposes limitations of emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) due to the use of organic solvents in paints and varnishes. The most economical way of limiting VOC emission is using water-based coating formulas in which water replaces a substantial amount of the organic solvents traditionally used. Unfortunately, ...
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Plug And Navigate ROBOTS for smart factories (PAN-Robots)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

Today, product processing and packaging have often reached a high degree of automation, in which energy consumption, agile manufacturing and product customization are well addressed. On the other hand transportation of raw materials and final products from/to storage and shipment points usually requires the use of manually operated forklifts. However, automation and optimization should be applied ...
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Cultivation of edible mushrooms Agaricus Bisporus in Europe is an economically valuable Industry that employs 50,000 employees with a production 965,000 tonnes and 1,300M Euros sales. Pests and diseases in this industry causes loses of 60M Euros related to Pest control. The main pest insects causing crop losses in Europe are Sciarid flies, whereas the main diseases are the fungus Verticillium, My ...
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Optimization of Oxygen-based CFBC Technology with CO2 capture (O2GEN)

Start date: Oct 18, 2012, End date: Oct 17, 2015,

The project objective is to demonstrate the concept of the second generation oxyfuel combustion that reduce significantly (50%) the overall efficiency penalty of CO2 capture into power plants, from approximately 12 to 6 efficiency points.One of the main drawbacks of CCS is the additional energy used for operation. This energetic penalty reduces the power plant efficiency, and increases the cost of ...
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Secure idenTity acrOss boRders linKed 2.0 (STORK 2.0)

Start date: Apr 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

"Secure idenTity acrOss boRders linKed 2.0" builds on the success and results of STORK by taking further steps to decisively push the lines for wider uptake of eID in Europe, aiming at realising a single European electronic identification & authentication area. Its highly innovative focus lies on the convergence of private and public sectors in an operational framework and infrastructure encompass ...
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Water supply involves many actors. While many management tools exist, they cannot intercommunicate and no framework is available for integrating all of them, preventing integrated water resources management to be fully achieved. WatERP will develop a web-based Open Management Platform (OMP), integrating intelligent systems through open interfaces, to enable water supply distribution chains to be m ...
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"ICT-based service and product innovation is curtailed by the growing vertical chain of dependence on poorly interoperable proprietary technologies in Europe. This issue was identified to have high impact on European innovation productivity by the Report of the Independent Expert Group on R&D and Innovation, commonly known as the Aho-report. The report demanded incentives for the convergence of sh ...
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