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G2P-SOL is a research alliance bringing together the major European and International repositories of germplasm with public and private institutions active in genomics, phenotyping and breeding in the four major Solanaceous crops: potato, tomato, pepper and eggplant. These four crops constitute 66% of the value of European horticultural production, and over 65,000 accessions are available within t ...
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Resituating the local in cohesion and territorial development (RELOCAL)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2020,

There is an increasing need for developing European Union Cohesion Policy in terms of greater sensitivity towards territorial specificities, more supportive of community-based development and the facilitation of greater civic participation. This also relates to the concern over decreasing identification with the European project among the population. Place-based development, endogenous regional de ...
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Recombination in large genome crop plants (SHUFFLE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2020,

During meiosis, recombination (crossing-over, CO) drives the exchange of genetic materials and releases genetic diversity by creating new combinations of alleles within and among chromosomes. CO is exploited in plant breeding through the generation of large populations of recombinants from which genetically improved individuals are selected. However in some economically important crops such as ba ...
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Food production is predicated on the application of nitrogen fertilisers, which can contribute significantly to the production of greenhouse gasses and eutrophication of agroecosystems. The use of nitrogen fertilisers must, therefore, be optimised.The recent development of transparent soils in my group gives great scope to unravel the processes involved in the reactive transport of nutrients in so ...
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MAGIC is a proposal coordinated by the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) in collaboration with partners which have a proven and track record in their respective fields of competence.Our objective is to open the path towards a new way of managing the Nexus in which researchers and decision makers work together in the search for ...
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Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (SIMRA)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2020,

SIMRA seeks to advance understanding of social innovation (SI) and innovative governance in agriculture, forestry and rural development (RD), and how to boost them, particularly in marginalised rural areas across Europe, with a focus on the Mediterranean region (including non-EU) where there is limited evidence of outcomes and supporting conditions. These objectives will be achieved by: 1. Develop ...
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SALSA will assess the role of small farms and small food businesses in delivering a sustainable and secure supply of affordable, nutritious and culturally adequate food. SALSA will identify the mechanisms which, at different scales, can strengthen the role of small farms in food systems and thereby support sustainable food and nutrition security (FNS). By considering a gradient of 30 reference reg ...
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The main objective of GoodBerry is to provide the necessary knowledge and procedures to facilitate the development of highly productive and top quality berry fruits, even under multiple suboptimal growth conditions, at a competitive cost. The project is based on an integrative multi-actor approach, from cultivation techniques to molecular studies, aiming the development and validation of a range o ...
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Evidence-based ICT tools for weight loss maintenance (NoHoW)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

Most adults who try to lose weight fail to maintain it. Obesity is a key economic and healthcare challenge for Europe. Effective interventions and commercial programmes for weight loss are widely available, but most people re-gain their lost weight. Currently few comprehensive solutions exist to help Europeans manage weight loss maintenance (WLM).Current research suggests the most promising eviden ...
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GROW Observatory (GROW)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2019,

The GROW Observatory (GROW) will create a sustainable citizen platform and community to generate, share and utilise information on land, soil and water resource at a resolution hitherto not previously considered. The vision is to underpin smart and sustainable custodianship of land and soil, whilst meeting the demands of food production, and to answer a long-standing challenge for space science, n ...
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The PLAID project (Peer-to-peer Learning: Accessing Innovation through Demonstration) will identify, compile and make publically accessible the topics, locations, best practices and innovative approaches to demonstration on commercial farms in the EU 28, Switzerland and Norway. PLAID will enable access to demonstration activities by creating a searchable georeferenced inventory and map covering ...
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Wheat and barley Legacy for Breeding Improvement (WHEALBI)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

WHEALBI will combine genomics, genetics and agronomy to improve European wheat and barley production in competitive and sustainable cropping systems. Germplasm representing the species diversity will be selected and characterised in unprecedented detail by next-generation-sequencing. Life history and adaptive traits will be evaluated in both transnational field experiments and a state-of-the-art p ...
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Molecular determinants of aphid host range (APHIDHOST)

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

Many aphid species are restricted to one or few host plants, while some aphids, many of which are of agricultural importance, can infest a wide range of plant species. An important observation is that aphids spend a considerable time on nonhost species, where they probe the leaf tissue and secrete saliva, but for unknown reasons are unable to ingest phloem sap. This suggest that aphids, like plant ...
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"The objective of the project is to provide a conceptual basis, evidence, tools and improved incentive and policy options to support the "smart" provision of public goods by the EU agriculture and forestry ecosystems, in the light of trade-offs and conflicts brought about by prospective intensification scenarios, using a transdisciplinary approach. PROVIDE will consider a wide range of public good ...
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The mechanism of acquired thermotolerance in potato (ACQUIRE)

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

For many commercial potato cultivars, tuber yield is optimal at average day time temperatures in the range of 14-22˚C. Further rises in ambient temperature can reduce or completely inhibit potato tuber production, with damaging consequences for both producer and consumer. Despite centuries of potato breeding, high temperature tolerance has not been significantly improved. Targeted breeding approac ...
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"NASSTEC will train 11 Early Stage Researchers and 1 Experienced Researcher in native seed science, conservation and use, so that environmental mitigation and adaptation projects can have increased impact. Without immediate enhancement of capacity and capability in this specific area of biodiversity science, the native seed industry in Europe will fail to develop towards the multi-million dollar m ...
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Ecosystem Approach to making Space for Aquaculture (AquaSpace)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

The AquaSpace project has the goal of providing increased space for aquaculture to allow increased production. Following the call, we will achieve this by identifying the key constraints experienced by aquaculture development in a wide range of contexts and aquaculture types, taking into account all relevant factors and advised by a Reference User Group. We will then map these constraints against ...
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The AQUAVALENS consortium has brought together SMEs, Industries, Universities and Research Institutes with the mission of protecting the health of European Citizens from contaminated drinking water and water used in food processing. We will achieve this by developing sustainable technologies to enable water system managers whether in large or small water systems or within food growers or manufactu ...
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Control of meiotic recombination: from Arabidopsis to crops (COMREC)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

"Global population stands at 7 billion and is predicted to reach 9 billion by 2050. It is anticipated that food production will need to increase by at least 50% to meet the demand arising from this increase in population. This will require a sustained improvement in crop yield. The nature of this challenge is exacerbated by the likely impact of climate change. These factors combine to make Food Se ...
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"Plant natural products have been utilised by human civilisation for millennia, providing vital medicines and essential dietary components. More recently bioactive compounds from plant sources have been used in cosmetics, as health supplements and are important components of feedstuffs. Despite significant investments new activities and new sustainable biosources are required to alleviate our reli ...
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Zinc Interaction with Phosphorus in Root Uptake (ZIPRU)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

"The overall goal of this project is to understand phosphorus (P) and zinc (Zn) interactions in the mineral nutrition of Brassica oleracea, a species that has been bred into a wide range of crops such as broccoli, cabbage, kale and cauliflower. To achieve this, we will develop a comprehensive understanding of key mechanisms and coordination of P-Zn cross-talk that allows high P-use-efficiency (PUE ...
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"The ancestral form of cultivated barley produces two rows of grain along the grain bearing 'spike'. However, types with six rows of grain emerged soon after the domestication of the species and quickly became the dominant form in primitive agricultural systems. This morphological and developmental switch is generally accepted to result from recessive mutations in a single gene called SIX-ROWED ...
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The overall aim of GLAMURS (Green Lifestyles, Alternative Models and Upscaling Regional Sustainability) is to develop a theoretically-based and empirically-grounded understanding of the main obstacles and prospects for transitions to sustainable lifestyles and a green economy in Europe, as well as of the most effective means to support and speed them up. The call states explicitly that for transit ...
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Towards European Societal Sustainability (TESS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

Transitions to low-carbon societies take place at multiple and complementary scales. Transition processes are highly dependent on the innovative potential of community-based initiatives and their articulation with appropriate institutional architecture. Community-based initiatives are potentially more adaptable and less constrained by current structural circumstances than top-down policies and c ...
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Plants synthesize a staggering variety of secondary metabolites, and this chemodiversity is a poorly used pool of natural molecules with bioactive properties of importance for applications in the pharma and food industries. BacHBerry focusses on phenolic compounds, a large and diverse class of plant metabolites, which are currently in the spotlight due to their claimed beneficial effects in preven ...
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The project aims at 1 providing baseline data on biodiversity in agro-ecosystems in the EU, 2 translating regional protection goals in measurable assessment endpoints, 3 defining lists of suitable bioindicators for various European regions, 4 improving knowledge on potential long term environmental effects of genetically modified plants (GMPs), 5 testing the efficacy of the EFSA Guidance Document ...
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ENVIEVAL will develop and integrate advanced evaluation tools into new methodological frameworks for the evaluation of environmental impacts of rural development programmes at micro- and macro-levels. In order to achieve this main aim, the proposed project has five objectives: i) to review implemented rural development programmes, existing monitoring and indicator systems, and new methodological ...
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The overall goal of EURoot is to help farmers to face both climate change, which is expected to result in increasingly uneven rainfall, and meet the societal demand for sustainable agriculture with reduced use of water and fertilizers. EURoot objective is to enhance the cereal plant capability to acquire water and nutrients through their roots and maintain growth and performance under stress condi ...
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European farmers need topical knowledge, training and support to remain competitive and respond to manifold demands in a continuously evolving environment. Functioning agricultural knowledge and information systems (AKIS) are needed to tackle challenges like (i) giving small-scale farmers access to relevant and reliable knowledge, (ii) bridging scientific research topics and farmers’ demands and ( ...
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Crime-fighting is a significant concern of the European Union. The EU is committed to fighting all forms of serious, organised and transnational crime. This commitment has led to the decision in 1999 to create a network of national authorities responsible for crime prevention, and later to the establishment (in 2001) of the European Crime Prevention Network and specifically, in the support of fore ...
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"A great challenge for potato production in the coming decades is to maintain or increase food production with a reduced availability of water. This can be achieved by understanding mechanisms for adaptation to water stress conditions and exploiting the existing variation in the crop and wild relatives. The specific objectives of this project include (a) to understand physiological mechanisms ...
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"To meet both the worldwide demand for food security and new environmental needs, agriculture must increase food production and quality while decreasing its ecological footprint. Ensuring sustainability and competitiveness with reduced pesticide inputs is a major challenge.PURE will provide integrated pest management (IPM) solutions and a practical toolbox for their implementation in key European ...
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Linking the clock to metabolism (TiMet)

Start date: Mar 1, 2010, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

Optimal plant growth requires the orchestration of carbon metabolism over the day-night cycle, to avoid periods of starvation at night. Metabolism and growth at night are fueled by carbohydrates released by degradation of starch, synthesised from photosynthesis in the preceding day. Starch synthesis and degradation are regulated such that starch reserves are almost but not quite exhausted at the e ...
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Current development models are leading to unprecedented environmental challenges, chief amongst them, climate change. How to respond to these challenges are key research questions. Although they are global problems, their effects are felt locally, especially by the communities that traditionally base their livelihoods in those natural resources. The relevance of these problems at global level has ...
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Crop Protection by Natural Raw Material Derived Biomolecules (NatuCrop)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2014,

The NatuCrop proposal seeks to develop a natural plant protection and biostimulant product for the SME’s customers in the horticultural/agricultural industry. The product will be a liquid formulation suitable for application to plants through existing foliar spraying systems. The product will contain an optimal combination of naturally derived biomolecules for the protection of commercial crops ag ...
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The main objective of the EUBerry project is to provide the necessary knowledge and tools to facilitate development of high quality, consumer-desirable fresh berry fruits of high nutritional quality optimal for human health at a competitive cost. The further objective is the development and validation of a set of tools to improve competitiveness of European berry production and consumer accessibil ...
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Meiotic recombination has underpinned plant breeding for the generation of new traits of agronomic, environmental and economic importance, although we still have little understanding of the controlling mechanisms involved in this process. We will combine approaches in genomics and systems biology to obtain a detailed understanding of the factors that control recombination and will provide a basis ...
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In FarmPath, we propose that increasing sustainability in agriculture is best addressed by enabling flexible combinations of farming models, which vary to reflect the specific opportunity sets embedded in regional culture, agricultural capability, diversification potential, ecology, and historic ownership and governance structures. We will enable progress towards this goal of increased regional s ...
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Understanding how freshwater ecosystems will respond to future climate change is essential for the development of policies and implementation strategies needed to protect aquatic and riparian ecosystems. The future status of freshwater ecosystems is however, also dependent on changes in land-use, pollution loading and water demand. In addition the measures that need to be taken to restore freshwat ...
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ClimaFruit will establish transnational cooperation between research institutions and the NSR berryfruit industry in order to maximize the implementation of innovative technologies and tools in the private sector to overcome challenges related to changed climate conditions. Thereby, the project will secure, sustain & grow the economic value of the NSR berryfruit industry under changing climatic co ...
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