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Yellow rust (YR) disease is a major threat to cereal crops and grasses worldwide, causing significant losses to the global wheat harvest each year. The long-term aim of this research is to develop new varieties of wheat with enhanced resistance to YR. To do this, it is essential to understand host specificity - the ability of the pathogen to specialize on particular grass hosts, coupled with the a ...
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Organisms rely on conserved cellular “house-keeping” processes for survival and fertility, but many of these can be upset by common environmental or cellular stresses. What happens if such a challenge becomes more than transient? Meiosis is a well-suited model for understanding how a constrained multiprotein process can evolve; it is biochemically well characterized, critical for fertility in sexu ...
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RNA plays a central role in the regulation of gene expression. The basal levels of RNA in a cell depend on the ratio between RNA synthesis and RNA degradation. RNA degradation is an active and critical process that dictates RNA levels and in part controls the relative levels of gene expression. However, despite many years of research, important and perplexing questions remain about RNA stability. ...
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Genomic hotspots of adaptation to whole genome duplication (HOTSPOT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Whole genome duplication (WGD) occurs in all eukaryotic kingdoms and is implicated in organismal complexity, adaptation and speciation. WGD is an especially important force in plant evolution and domestication. Nevertheless, despite the evolutionary potential of WGD, a sudden duplication of all chromosomes poses challenges to key processes, especially the reliable segregation of chromosomes at mei ...
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This project will (1) reveal design principles of paired immune receptor complexes and (2) elevate plant disease resistance by enabling design of immune receptors with new recognition capacities. Plant immunity is triggered upon pathogen detection by dedicated immune receptors. Like animal Nod-like receptors (NLRs), plant immune receptors have a modular structure and can work in pairs, both of wh ...
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The world demographic growth and global climate change are major challenges for human society,hence the need to design new strategies for maintaining high crop yield in unprecedented environmental conditions.The objective of TomGEM is to design new strategies aiming to maintain high yields of fruit and vegetables at harsh temperature conditions, using tomato as a reference fleshy fruit crop.As yie ...
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European Gram Negative Antibacterial Engine (ENABLE)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2020,

The intensive use and misuse of antibiotics has resulted in some level of antibiotic resistance in essentially all human bacterial pathogens. There is a growing concern that the loss of therapeutic options will present us with a post-antibiotic era where present and future medical advances are negated. Resistant bacteria dramatically reduce the possibilities of treating infections effectively, a ...
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There is a massive and urgent effort needed to ensure security of food supply for the growing world population. This challenge of doubling crop yields by 2050 provides the motivation for this project, entitled Cereal Pathology – training in innovative and integrated control of cereal diseases (CEREALPATH). Cereals are the most important source of human calories, but we lose billions of euro worth ...
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Measurement of temperature exposure and integration over time (MEXTIM)

Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

"All organisms have to cope with changing temperature and various mechanisms have evolved to protect cellular processes against thermal stresses. Many organisms also use temperature signals to align behaviour and development with certain seasons. How specific temperature cues are extracted from fluctuating temperature levels is unknown but it implies the existence of mechanisms that enable long-te ...
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The triterpenoids are one of the largest and most structurally complex plant natural products. They are widespread in the Plant Kingdom and have a huge array of structures and numerous associated biological activities. They have important roles in plant defence and signalling. They are also exploited by humans as food supplements, drugs and cosmetics across various sectors. In the past the di ...
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The Evolution and Development of Complex Morphologies (CarnoMorph)

Start date: Jun 1, 2013, End date: May 31, 2018,

Plant and animal organs display a remarkable diversity of shapes. A major challenge in developmental and evolutionary biology is to understand how this diversity of forms is generated. Recent advances in imaging, computational modelling and genomics now make it possible to address this challenge effectively for the first time. Leaf development is a particularly tractable system because of its a ...
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In the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the integration of complex developmental and environmental cues to determine flowering time occurs via tight regulation of FLC. During winter, prolonged cold quantitatively down-regulates FLC expression at the whole-plant level, acting via a cell-autonomous epigenetic switch. A long non-coding RNA, COOLAIR, is transcribed antisense to FLC and plays a key ro ...
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Nature produces a spectacularly diverse array of complex molecules that are exploited for many applications. Elucidating the biosynthetic pathways that are used to construct these complex molecules allows implementation of metabolic engineering or synthetic biology strategies that can dramatically improve production levels of these compounds. Moreover, identifying the biosynthetic genes facilitate ...
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LEGumes for the Agriculture of TOmorrow (LEGATO)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The project has been conceived to promote the culture of grain legumes in Europe by identifying priority issues currently limiting grain legume cultivation and devising solutions in term of novel varietal development, culture practices, and food uses. LEGATO will develop tools and resources to enable state of the art breeding methodology and to exploit fully the breadth of genetic resources avail ...
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A plethora of halogenated natural products documents the existence of halogenases in plants but the responsible enzymes remain elusive. Chlorinated iridoid glycosides, for instance, occur in Phlomis, a genus in the mint family. Based on knowledge of iridoid biosynthesis and a mechanistic hypothesis for the chlorination reaction, we aim to discover the underlying enzymes. We will sequence transcrip ...
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Mankind is continually screening low-molecular-weight compounds from a plethora of synthetic and natural sources in the search for molecules with novel or superior pharmaceutical, agrochemical or other biological activities. In this regard, plants are a potentially rich source of bioactive molecules. Because of their extreme diversity and complex chemistry, however, plant metabolism is still under ...
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The proposed project aims to define the molecular framework at the interface of plant immunity and temperature signaling pathways. To sense and respond to external environmental cues is critical for adaptation of plants to local environments. Temperature is a key seasonal variable controlling plant processes like developmental decisions as well as outcomes of plant-pathogen interactions. Elevate ...
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Next generation disease resistance breeding in plants (NGRB)

Start date: Apr 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

"Plant diseases represent a significant threat to global food security. One of the most notorious plant pathogens is the Irish potato famine organism Phytophthora infestans. P. infestans, the causal agent of potato and tomato late blight, continues to cost modern agriculture billions of euros annually. The most sustainable strategy to manage late blight is to breed broad-spectrum disease resistanc ...
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"The change from reproduction by outbreeding to selfing is one of the most frequent evolutionary transitions in plants. This transition is generally accompanied by changes in flower morphology and function, termed the selfing syndrome, including a reduction in flower size and a more closed flower structure. While the loss of self-incompatibility is relatively well understood, little is known about ...
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Plants synthesize a staggering variety of secondary metabolites, and this chemodiversity is a poorly used pool of natural molecules with bioactive properties of importance for applications in the pharma and food industries. BacHBerry focusses on phenolic compounds, a large and diverse class of plant metabolites, which are currently in the spotlight due to their claimed beneficial effects in preven ...
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More Medicines for Tuberculosis (MM4TB)

Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

The More Medicines for Tuberculosis (MM4TB) consortium evolved from the highly successful FP6 project, New Medicines for TB (NM4TB), that delivered a candidate drug for clinical development two years ahead of schedule. Building on these firm foundations and exploiting its proprietary pharmacophores, MM4TB will continue to develop new drugs for TB treatment. An integrated approach will be impleme ...
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"ADAPTAWHEAT will show how flowering time variation can be exploited for the genetic improvement of the European wheat crop to optimise adaptation and performance in the light of predicted climate change. It will test current hypotheses that postulate specific changes in ear emergence and the timing and duration of developmental phases, which are thought of as components of ear emergence, will i ...
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Anthocyanins are health promoting dietary polyphenols that protect against cardiovascular disease, caner and obesity in preclinical studies with animals. The ATHENA project will address how good dietary anthocyanins are in protecting against chronic disease, by addressing the following questions: • Benefits and risks: What is the dose response to anthocyanin phytonutrients? Are anthocyanins from d ...
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BK Hilden goes Europe

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 30, 2015,

The vocational college "Berufskolleg Hilden" as the sending organisation expands its international activities by searching and finding placements for students with organisations, enterprises and institutes in European countries, in order to reinforce their linguistic, inter-cultural and professional skills and knowledge. The 37 participants of the project belong to different sections: 2-year-cours ...
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 FINISHED these will identify new components in the regulatory circuit controlling nitrate uptake and utilization. The researcher brings highly complementary expertise in sugar signaling from Utrecht to the John Innes Centre that is essential for the success of the project. Her skills will be augmented by a training programme to impart additional skills, knowledge and experience required for her future c ...
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"Plants produce a diversity array of natural products (otherwise known as secondary metabolites) that have important ecological functions (Dixon 2001; Field and Osbourn 2008). Triterpenes are one of the largest classes of plant-derived natural products. These compounds protect plants against pests and diseases and are also important as drugs and anticancer agents (Papadopoulou et al 1999; Phillip ...
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Temperature perception and signal transduction in plants (TEMPEST)

Start date: Nov 1, 2009, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

We seek to understand how plants perceive temperature. Being sessile organisms, plants are acutely sensitive to changes in ambient temperature, and are able to detect and respond to a change of as little as one degree Celsius. To directly address how plants sense temperature change, we have devised and implemented a novel forward genetic screen for mutants impaired in their ability to detect tempe ...
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Linking the clock to metabolism (TiMet)

Start date: Mar 1, 2010, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

Optimal plant growth requires the orchestration of carbon metabolism over the day-night cycle, to avoid periods of starvation at night. Metabolism and growth at night are fueled by carbohydrates released by degradation of starch, synthesised from photosynthesis in the preceding day. Starch synthesis and degradation are regulated such that starch reserves are almost but not quite exhausted at the e ...
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"Flowering time plays a key role in determining yield performance as it is key for both crop adaptation and yield potential. Flowering time reflects the adaptation of a plant to its environment by tailoring vegetative and reproductive growth phases to local climatic effects. Therefore, in any given environment, flowering time affects the ability of a crop to maximally exploit good growing conditio ...
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"The diversity of forms in nature raises questions on the mechanisms by which these forms originate. In many plant species, variations in leaf shape and size between juvenile and adult leaves accompany the acquisition of reproductive competence. This is termed heteroblasty. The canonical molecular pathway controlling heteroblasty has been recently described. It is topped by miR156, a miRNA which a ...
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The main objective of BIONUT-ITN is to provide state-of-the-art training for young researchers in the highly strategic field of plant nutrition and productivity through an international programme of research, training and transfer of knowledge. The interdisciplinary training will include biochemical and genetic technology in the laboratory with field agronomy and high throughput phenotyping techno ...
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Breeding to Optimise Chinese Agriculture (OPTICHINA)

Start date: Jun 1, 2011, End date: May 31, 2014,

"OPTICHINA (Breeding to Optimise Chinese Agriculture) aims to link the crop breeding research activities carried out by European and Chinese researchers. This Co-ordination Action build on previous and ongoing collaborative research experience of European and Chinese partners collaborating in this consortium. To date there have not been specific actions devoted to coordination of breeding research ...
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...nnovative and elegant experiment to test whether they are real effectors, monitoring the collapse of effector-transfected protoplasts as a result of gene-for-gene recognition resistance mechanism.The John Innes Centre, where this project will be carried out, and the nearby The Sainsbury’s Laboratory and Norwich Research Park compose a cluster of excellence and expertise in plant biology and microb ...
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"The main objective of PLANTORIGINS-ITN is to improve career prospects of young researchers in the growing field of plant evolutionary developmental biology through a programme of research, training and transfer of knowledge that integrates new discoveries and approaches in the fields of plant morphology, systematics, and developmental genetics with the overall goal of understanding the origins of ...
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Dissection of environmentally-mediated epigenetic silencing (ENVGENE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

"We intend to achieve a step change in our understanding of the mechanistic basis of epigenetic regulation. We will capitalize on a plant epigenetic silencing system, vernalization, which has many features that allow the complete dissection of different facets of epigenetic regulation. In addition, the silencing is quantitatively modulated by the environment enabling dissection of how external cue ...
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Training in Systems Biology Applied to Flowering (SYSFLO)

Start date: Dec 1, 2009, End date: Nov 30, 2013,

We will educate and train young scientists to apply an interdisciplinary systems-based approach to complex biological questions using plant reproduction as a model system. Systems approaches are not routinely taught, have been identified as an area requiring urgent PhD-level training in some European countries and require network-scale working practices. We have assembled a team with International ...
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Plants sustainably produce low levels of secondary metabolites of high industrial value. However, they are often too complex to be economically manufactured by chemical synthesis. Advanced metabolic engineering and exploitation of plants as Green Factories has been prevented due to poorly understood metabolic pathways in plants and the regulation thereof. SmartCell brings together 14 leading Europ ...
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"Plants have evolved the ability to produce diverse terpenes to communicate, thrive and survive in various ecologies and these have profound benefits for humanity as therapeutics and bioactive compounds. While chemical novelty has contributed to the success of sessile organisms like plants, the evolutionary origins of terepene complexity are poorly understood at the molecular level. Among terpenes ...
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A characterization of the effectors of a plant pathogen (AY-WB Effectors)

Start date: May 23, 2011, End date: May 22, 2013,

Phytoplasmas are intracellular bacterial pathogens of the class Mollicutes that can replicate in both plants and insects. The genome of Aster yellows phytoplasma strain witches’ broom (AY-WB) is predicted to encode 56 secreted virulence (effector) proteins, and we have determined that the expression of most of these genes is host-specific. However, the mechanism(s) by which phytoplasma gene expres ...
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"The project will exploit recent work in Arabidopsis (in the Dean laboratory) linking RNA metabolism and chromatin silencing (Liu et al 2009). The Dean group is focused on RNA-mediated chromatin regulation of an important repressor of flowering called FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC). The concepts that have emerged from this study have wide relevance in many organisms. Conserved RNA 3’ processing factors f ...
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