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32 European Projects Found

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Neuropathic pain has a high incidence in Europe and often affects the patient’s emotional balance and quality of life. Recent meta-analyses have shown that conventional analgesic drugs are not sufficiently effective in these patients and are limited by serious side effects. The search for new analgesics is extremely difficult despite identification of several new potential targets and enormous inv ...
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Aggression is a basic physiological trait with important roles throughout evolution, both in defence and predation. When expressed in humans in the wrong context, aggression leads to maladjustment, social impairment and crime. Despite this, knowledge about aggression aetiology is limited and current treatment strategies are insufficient. Contingent to a subdivision into impulsive and instrumental ...
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IMAging GEnetics for MENtal Disorders (IMAGEMEND)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

"Mental disorders are leading causes of disability, absence from work and premature retirement in Europe. While magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) facilities are broadly available and a vast research literature exists, few neuroimaging applications have reached clinical practice in psychiatry. A major problem is that mental illnesses are currently diagnosed as discrete entities defined clinically. I ...
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Advanced Immunization Technologies (ADITEC)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

Vaccines so far have been developed mostly by following an empiric approach. To prevent and possibly cure unresolved and emerging infectious diseases we need to fully exploit the potential of the human immune system. Progress in science and technology makes it possible to achieve what was previously deemed impossible. The scope of this project is to produce knowledge necessary to develop novel and ...
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StemBANCC, comprising internationally renowned investigators, is ideally positioned to deliver a unique European biorepository and drug discovery pipeline based upon human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC). This unrivalled opportunity will address the pressing therapeutic need in neurodegeneration, neurodysfunction and diabetes. We have immediate access to richly phenotyped subjects with a we ...
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Neurodegenerative (ND) and neuromuscular (NM) disease is one of the most frequent classes of rare diseases, affecting life and mobility of 500,000 patients in Europe and millions of their caregivers, family members and employers. This NEUROMICS project brings together the leading research groups in Europe, five highly innovative SMEs and relevant oversea experts using the most sophisticated Omics ...
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Despite dramatic advances in molecular and imaging technologies, there are currently no effective pharmacological treatments for the core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Major obstructions to this include a lack of aetiologically-driven or pathophysiologically-accurate animal models; an absence of tests that indicate efficacy; and reliance of clinical trials on DSM/ICD10 categories wh ...
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BBMRI - Large Prospective Cohorts (BBMRI-LPC)

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

In recent years, biomedical research has crossed international borders in large, collaborative studies showing the value of multidisciplinarity and scale advantage. This has yielded valuable insights and some led to new and better medicines and treatments for diseases. However, disease-focused studies provide less insight in the real disease onset, the relative disease burden in the population, an ...
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Biomarkers For Enhanced Vaccine Safety (BIOVACSAFE)

Start date: Mar 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

BioVacSafe is a concise consortium of selected academic, public, and SME participants used to co-working in industry-led projects, organised into focused Activity Cores to generate knowledge and tools to benchmark licensed vaccine reactogenicity, and create practical and generalizable guidelines and techniques to enhance immunosafety of novel vaccines from pre-development to post-marketing surveil ...
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An ideal intervention in a chronic inflammatory disease such as Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) would be a preventive one. In order to develop preventive strategies and therapies two key developments need to occur: (1) Biomarkers need to be identified that can be used to predict an individual’s risk of developing RA. (2) Modifiable disease mechanisms need to be identified and characterized in the early ...
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Pre-eclampsia, one of the most dangerous cardiometabolic complications of pregnancy, claims the lives of 50,000 mothers and almost one million babies annually. Pre-eclampsia and other hypertensive disorders of pregnancy remain the second most common cause of maternal death. The incidence of pre-eclampsia in Central Asian countries is over twice as high as in western Europe. Inter-population differ ...
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There is a striking lack in structured and standardized training infrastructure for neurodevelopmental disorders across Europe. Such training will be fundamental to promoting standards of care across Europe and will ultimately lead to strategies for the promotion of childhood mental health in Europe. The focus of this Initial Training Network (ITN) is Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome (TS), an inheri ...
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Each year more than 63,000 new cases of kidney cancer are diagnosed in the European Union. Approx. 50% of all patients have metastasized renal cell cancer (mRCC) at presentation or develop metastases during follow-up. 5-year relative survival of mRCC has been extremely poor: between 5 and 10%. In the past few years, so-called targeted therapies that suppress angiogenesis have changed the clinical ...
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Psychiatric Diagnostic and Prevention Consortium (PSYCHDPC)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

PsychDPC contains leading European centres in genetics and psychiatry, richly endowed with expertise in both clinical and basic research. The partners bring together state-of-the-art technical facilities, high academic standards as well as established training activities, which will be utilized in concert to maximise the outcome of the project. The primary aim of PsychDPC is to translate data emer ...
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The purpose of the project is to identify genome-based biomarkers for use in clinical practice to individualise treatment of epilepsy, and stratify patients for clinical trials, aiming to avoid chronicity, prevent relapse and reduce adverse drug reactions (ADRs).The need for improved treatments in epilepsy is undoubted. Epilepsy is affects 50,000,000 people of all ages worldwide. Epilepsy is serio ...
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Treatment resistant schizophrenia (TRS) is the most disabling of all psychiatric illnesses, affecting about 1/3 of patients (~1 million Europeans), a considerable economic and social burden. First-line treatments include atypical (e.g. olanzapine) and typical (e.g. haloperidol) antipsychotics. The original atypical, clozapine, is a final option, and although it is the only antipsychotic shown to b ...
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The principal aim of this ITN is to examine the history of the transatlantic slave trade and its legacies from a variety of different angles. The idea is to hire thirteen Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) and two Experienced Researchers (ERs) across Europe and a wide range of disciplines, including history, archaeology, sociology, heritage studies and genetics, to investigate various aspects of the s ...
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Despite dramatic advances in molecular and imaging technologies and nearly 1 5,000 articles on schizophrenia and depression (S&D) there are few novel treatments. We think this is because of three major “bottle-necks”: a lack of etiologically-driven or pathophysiologically-accurate animal models; a lack of tests that provide indication of efficacy in healthy volunteers; and the reliance of clinical ...
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Next generation disease mapping (NextGene)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

During the last few years, most major disease phenotypes have been studied through genome-wide association mapping. This has been a remarkably successful enterprise, resulting in the discovery of more than 500 validated SNP-phenotype associations. Yet, these associations do not explain all the heritability of many common genetic diseases and it is not at all clear how they exert their effect at th ...
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Genotype-To-Phenotype Databases: A Holistic Solution (GEN2PHEN)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

"The GEN2PHEN project aims to unify human and model organism genetic variation databases towards increasingly holistic views into Genotype-To-Phenotype (G2P) data, and to link this system into other biomedical knowledge sources via genome browser functionality. The project will establish the technological building-blocks needed for the evolution of today’s diverse G2P databases into a future seaml ...
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TREAT-OA will address the need for better treatment and diagnostics for osteoarthritis (OA) - the most common cause of disability in Europe. Currently there are no drugs that can cure, reverse or halt the disease. Nor are there yet reliable clinical biochemical markers for diagnosis or prognosis which is an impediment to the management of OA, costs of therapeutic trials and the development of dise ...
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Comparative Genomics and Next Generation Sequencing (COGANGS)

Start date: Nov 1, 2010, End date: Feb 28, 2013,

"The activity of genes is absolutely essential for all life – from viruses and bacteria to crops and human beings. Despite the many technological breakthroughs within life science research during the last 20-30 years, we are however still far away from fully understanding the activity of genes and which factor influence (regulates) the gene activity. Such knowledge is, by nature, of very high impo ...
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Copy number variations (CNV) are ubiquitously found throughout in the human genome. Their role in monogenic as well as multifactorial disorders as potential disease modifier is more and more stressed (Abecasis et al., 2007). In order to investigate the role of CNV in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Essential Tremor (ET), two frequent neurological diseases, MARKMD brings together the unique expertises ...
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Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in males in Europe, causing over 87,000 deaths in 2006. Early diagnosis and treatment are key factors in determining survival but screening methods based on the commonly-used PSA blood test have low specificity and result in excessive treatment of localized lesions that might never progress to symptomatic cancer. Biomarkers that help determine which of the ...
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European Network for Genetic and Genomic Epidemiology (ENGAGE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

"ENGAGE (European Network for Genetic and Genomic Epidemiology) has, as its central objective, the translation of the wealth of data emerging from large-scale research efforts in molecular epidemiology into information of direct relevance to future advances in clinical medicine. ENGAGE will do this through the integration of very large-scale genetic and phenotypic data already available from a sub ...
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"This project is a fundamental, comprehensive study of the host-pathogen interactions during infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae. The expectation is that the basic knowledge gained from this work will give new targets for vaccination, diagnosis and treatment. In PNEUMOPATH, academic and industrial partners will work together in six scientific workpackages. 1) The molecular epidemiology of anti ...
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Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: Aug 31, 2012,

"Osteoporosis is a common, age-related disease with a strong genetic component. With increasing age of the population, Europe and industrialised countries across the globe are facing a substantial increase in osteoporotic fractures, which account for considerable disease-burden and costs. Early identification and treatment of subjects at risk can help preventing this, and genetic susceptibility al ...
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The recent technical improvements for the study of the cytogenetic basis of disease have led to the identification of many microdeletion and microduplication syndromes. De novo copy number variants (CNVs) are seen more often than expected in autistic patients, and rare chromosomal aberrations are known to account for a small fraction of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Recurrent spontaneous mut ...
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Fighting Aneurysmal Diseases (FAD)

Start date: Jul 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2012,

"Fighting Aneurysmal Diseases (FAD) is a public health in EU, because of the ageing population. In the absence of intervention, aneurysms evolve towards rupture and death. The translational objectives of the project are to accelerate the acquisition of knowledge, and to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic tools for FAD in humans. The project innovates by integrating two different localizations ...
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This Industry-Academia Partnership and Pathways (IAPP) joins three groups which have hitherto focused on different aspects of cancer genetics. deCODE genetics (deCODE) has recently identified several genetic risk variants that are associated with increased risk of cancer, including two distinct genetic prostate cancer risk variants on chromosome 8q24. The University of Torino (UNITO) group has id ...
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A genome-wide copy number variant (CNV) association study for schizophrenia (SZ), bipolar disorder (BP) and major depression (MD) will be conducted at deCODE genetics using a discovery sample of 2400 affected (800 SZ, 600 BP, 1,000 MD) and 20,000 controls. CNV data will be generated from the newly released HumanCNV370-Duo array designed by deCODE genetics and Illumina. In this array there are abou ...
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Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure (BBMRI)

Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Jan 31, 2011,

The Preparatory Phase for a pan-European Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure (BBMRI) will focus on technical, legal, governance, and financial issues to • prepare to construct BBMRI, building on existing biobanks, resources and technologies, specifically complemented with innovative components and properly embedded into European scientific, ethical, legal and societal fra ...
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