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Internet of Food and Farm 2020 (IoF2020)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020, and food chains in Europe.It will consolidate Europe’s leading position in the global IoT industry by fostering a symbiotic ecosystem of farmers, food industry, technology providers and research institutes.The IoF2020 consortium of 73 partners, led by Wageningen UR and other core partners of previous key projects such as FIWARE and IoT-A, will leverage the ecosystem and architecture that was es ...
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EU Pig Innovation Group (Eu PiG)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2020,

The European Union (EU) is the world’s second biggest producer of pigmeat and is the market’s largest exporter. In order to maintain an economically viable and sustainable pig industry, innovation is a key factor. EU PiG specifically aims to more effectively connect producers with the latest science, husbandry techniques and technologies from within their industry via fellow producers, academics a ...
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SALSA will assess the role of small farms and small food businesses in delivering a sustainable and secure supply of affordable, nutritious and culturally adequate food. SALSA will identify the mechanisms which, at different scales, can strengthen the role of small farms in food systems and thereby support sustainable food and nutrition security (FNS). By considering a gradient of 30 reference reg ...
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"NanoPack will demonstrate a solution for extending food shelf life by using novel smart antimicrobial surfaces, applied in active food packaging products. It will run pilot lines in operational industrial environments to manufacture commercially feasible antimicrobial polymer films, accepted by consumers. It will minimize the amount of preservatives required to maintain freshness, add value and a ...
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Northern Runoffs into Profits (WaterPro)

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2019,

Description (EN): While the agriculture and mining extractive industries are important sectors for the economy of Northern Periphery and Arctic (NPA) areas, their activities cause significant risk to the vulnerable environment through water and land pollution. Nutrients in agricultural runoff are one of the major contributors to eutrophication and algae blooms. The overreaching goal ...
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Start date: May 15, 2015, End date: May 14, 2019,

Euromix aim to develop an experimentally verified, tiered strategy for the risk assessment of mixtures of multiple chemicals derived from multiple sources across different life stages. The project takes account of the gender dimension and balances the risk of chemicals present in foods against the benefits of those foods.Important concepts for this new strategy are prioritisation criteria for chem ...
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EMPHASIS is a participatory research project addressing native and alien pests threats (insect pests, pathogens, weeds) for a range of both natural ecosystems and farming systems (field crops, protected crops, forestry, orchards and amenity plants).The overall goal is to ensure a European food security system and the protection of biodiversity and of ecosystems services while developing integrated ...
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Ensuring the Integrity of the European food chain (FOODINTEGRITY)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

...point for harmonisation and exploitation of research and technology for insuring the integrity of European food. Comprising an inner core of project participants from industry, academia, research institutes, technology providers and a global network of stakeholders, FOODINTEGRITY will rationalise and harmonise capability to provide a coherent structure and process for assuring the food supply.FOOD ...
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The TBVAC2020 proposal builds on the highly successful and long-standing collaborations in subsequent EC-FP5-, FP6- and FP7-funded TB vaccine and biomarker projects, but also brings in a large number of new key partners from excellent laboratories from Europe, USA, Asia, Africa and Australia, many of which are global leaders in the TB field. This was initiated by launching an open call for Express ...
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This proposal is related to the work programme topic Twinning, H2020-TWINN-2015. The specific challenge of the will be achieved by significant strengthening of the research capacities of the Institute for Food Technology, Serbia (FINS) in the area of FOOD TECHNOLOGY in close collaboration with internationally-leading research institutions: Teagasc - Agriculture and Food Development Authority, Irel ...
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Emerging evidence indicates that the gut microbiome contributes to our ability to extract energy from the diet and influences development and function of the immune, endocrine and nervous systems, which regulate energy balance and behaviour. This has led to hypothesize that developing microbiome-based dietary interventions can be cost-effective measures to prevent diet-related and behavioural diso ...
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South East Asia Academy for Beverage Technology

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

Currently Thailand clearly lacks in capacities to supply the beverage industry with adequately trained students and qualified non-academic staff. There are either technical engineers with technical knowledge & skills, but lacking of deeper knowledge on food quality, hygiene, production processes, etc., or food scientists, less skilled in engineering and without deeper knowledge in beverage technol ...
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AGRIFORVALOR will close the research and innovation divide by connecting practitioners from agriculture and forestry to research and academia as well as with associations and clusters, bio -industry, policy makers; business support organisations, innovation agencies and technology transfer intermediaries in multi-actor innovation partnership networks. Theses networks will be managed by three Biom ...
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Utilisation of the Arctic Sea Urchin Resource (URCHIN)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

Description (EN): This project aims to gather the existing expertise from Norway, Iceland, Ireland and Greenland, together with knowledge from Canada and Scotland to optimise the fishing of high value sea urchins in Northern and Arctic areas. Furthermore, roe enhancement technology for roe fattening to increase the value of low value sea urchins once they have been collected in the ...
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The DROPSA consortium will create new knowledge and understanding of the damage and losses of fruit crops resulting from pests and pathogens, with a specific focus on the new and emerging threats due to Drosophila suzukii and quarantine pathogens Pseudomonas syringae, Xanthomonas fragariae and X. arboricola. The project will deliver a cost effective approach that can be widely implemented by the E ...
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Microalgae are a promising feedstock for sustainable supply of commodities and specialties for food and non-food products. Despite this potential the implementation is still limited which is mainly due to unfavourable economics. Major bottlenecks are the lack of available biomass at acceptable costs and the absence of appropriate biorefinery technologies. The 4-year MIRACLES project aims to resolv ...
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Engaging the EGI Community towards an Open Science Commons (EGI-Engage)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Over the last decade, the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) has built a distributed computing and data infrastructure to support over 21,000 researchers from many disciplines with unprecedented data analysis capabilities. EGI builds on the European and national investments and relies on the expertise of - a not-for-profit foundation that provides coordination to the EGI Community, includin ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

The purpose of the event is to bring together 60 students and 30 teachers from different European countries each year in another region to celebrate the rich variety of traditions relating to Christmas, in the areas of food, costumes, legends, and music. This year's edition takes place in Italy. In December 2016, students and teachers will gather in San Benedetto del Tronto, a town on the Adriatic ...
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Up to 20 million European citizens suffer from food allergy. However management of both food allergy (by patients and health practitioners) and allergens (by industry) is thwarted by lack of evidence to either prevent food allergy developing or protect adequately those who are already allergic. iFAAM will develop evidence-based approaches and tools for MANAGEMENT of ALLERGENS in FOOD and integrate ...
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The TRADEIT project is a multidisciplinary, multi-sectorial collaborative project supporting a Network of Traditional Food SMEs and Food Researchers in the areas of Collaboration, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Knowledge and Technology Transfer to increase the competitiveness and inter-regional advantage of Traditional Food Producing SMEs. This will be achieved through focused regional coordination ...
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...novative integrative modelling tools to further strengthen our understanding of ecosystem and biodiversity changes (space & time); such tools can be used by statutory bodies, SMEs and marine research institutes to monitor biodiversity, applying both empirical and automatic data acquisition. This objective will demonstrate the utility of innovative monitoring systems capable of efficiently providin ...
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Industrial food production serves to satisfy basic human needs and the dairy industry accounts with 13% turnover for the total food and drink industry in Europe. The aim of the project SUSMILK is to initialise a system change within the whole process chain for market milk and milk products to minimise energy and water consumption and establish renewable energy resources. Milk processing is charact ...
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The objective of the FIGARO project is to significantly reduce the use of fresh water on farm level through developing a cost-effective, precision irrigation management platform. The platform will be structured for data acquisition from monitoring devices and forecasting tools, data interpretation, system control, and evaluation mechanisms enabling full decision support for end users at farm scale ...
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Food security is a global challenge. Within the overall increased demand for food, and particularly meat production, there is also an urgent need to increase supply of protein from sustainable sources. The principle objective of the international and multidisciplinary PROteINSECT consortium is to facilitate the exploitation of insects as an alternative protein source for animal and human nutrition ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

The main purpose of the event is to bring together students and teachers from different European countries each year in another region to celebrate the rich variety of traditions relating to Christmas, in the areas of food, costumes, legends and music. This year's edition took place for the first time in Luxembourg, one of the institutional seats of EU. In December 2015, 60 students and 31 teacher ...
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"The MSY concept was included as a principle in the 2009 Green Paper on the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in accordance with the global imperative to manage fish stocks according to the maximum sustainable yield (MSY). This implies a commitment to direct management of fish stocks towards achieving MSY by 2015. Attaining this goal is complicated by the lack of common agreement on the ...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

This project will focus on biological threats having the capacity to affect and damage agriculture, infect plants and ultimately affect the food and feed at any stage in the food supply chain.Traditional thinking and planning regarding bioterrorism has focused primarily on humans as the primary target. If the perpetrator’s objectives can be met solely through the creation of human illness, death a ...
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Managing Risks of Nanoparticles (MARINA)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

While there are standard procedures for product life cycle analysis, exposure, hazard, and risk assessment for traditional chemicals, is not yet clear how these procedures need to be modified to address all the novel properties of nanomaterials. There is a need to develop specific reference methods for all the main steps in managing the potential risk of ENM. The aim of MARINA is to develop such ...
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...f microbiology problems and ichthyopathologies. Project promoted also the development of several new diagnostic services for aquaculture farms through the strengthening of the Croatian Veterinary Institute (CVI) diagnostic tools and implemented a web GIS application for the surveillance of molluscs biological safety conditions. In addition, the collection and analysis of data on shellfish bacterio ...
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Energetic Algae (EnAlgae)

Start date: Oct 31, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

Aim Energetic Algae aims to reduce CO2 emissions and dependency on unsustainable energy sources in NWE. by accelerating the development of sustainable technologies for algal biomass production. bioenergy and greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation from pilot phase to application and marketable products. processes and services. This is achieved by bundling know-how. finance and political support. The plan ...
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The South Est Europe (SEE) economic area is a SME-based economy in which the sectors of horticulture and animal breeding play a vital role regarding economic growth and employment opportunities. However, SMEs face severe common problems in sustainably keeping up their competitiveness in their national and on the European market. Project partners have decided to tackle the urgent need to improve bu ...
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Agricultural Need for Sustainable Willow Effluent Recycling

Start date: Oct 31, 2010, End date: Oct 30, 2014,

Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) Willow (Salix spp.) can take up large amounts of water and nutrients and is therefore ideally suited to use for the biofiltratfion and bioremediation of effluents and sludges. All three regions (Northern Ireland, border areas of the Republic of Ireland and South West Scotland) have difficulties with the environmentally sustainable disposal of sewage effluents. There ...
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APP4 INNO project sets as starting point the need of creating transnational networks among small and micro-enterprises capable to establish permanent innovation processes and to mobilise critical mass. To this purpose, it intends to set up a transnational competitiveness support system for exploiting the innovation potentials of the agricultural SMEs across the SEE regions, allowing to create the ...
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The project develops on the basis of three elements: the awareness that innovation in the agro-food sector can contribute to sustainable development; the conviction that to innovate it is necessary to enhance young researchers ideas thanks to the support of entrepreneurs with innovative spirit (and thus the merging between research demand and supply); the presence, in all countries of the target a ...
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"According to 2007 Eurostat statistics, there is a robust need to better understanding the nutritional existing barriers to healthy nutrition of 79 million EU-27 citizens at-risk-of-poverty. These European subclusters and ethnic populations have in common low purchasing power, limited education and the highest risk of diet-related diseases due to sub-optimal nutrition. CHANCE project will i) defin ...
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Plant food supplements, or botanicals, have high acceptance by European consumers. Potentially, they can deliver significant health benefits, safely, and at relatively low costs. New regulations and EFSA guidance are also now in. However, concerns about safety, quality and efficacy of these products remain, and bottle-necks in risk and benefit assessments need to be solved. PlantLIBRA (PLANT food ...
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It is widely accepted that a lowered input of pesticides on a farm level will also reduce leaching and outflow of pesticides to marine environments. In order to minimize input of pesticides on a farm level, several challenges exist as: a) weeds, pests and diseases are not homogeneously distributed in time and space, b) different weeds, pests and diseases have different negative impact in different ...
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"The proposed Coordination and support actions (Coordinating, CSA) has the overall objective to disseminate state-of-the-art research results in food safety and quality topics through a series of symposia, expert working group meetings, an online platform with best practise examples and coordination of cooperation and a plan for the preparation of future activities. In addition to the aim of disse ...
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This proposal is intended to take into account the ongoing and previous integrating initiatives (AMPERA, marinERA, Marifish,...) so as to constitute a stable and durable structure for coordination and integration of national and regional marine and maritime research programmes with the major goal of providing a clear reply to the need for developing and implementing common research strategies and ...
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Project aims at building the capacity of institutions supporting innovation in the food sector and promoting public awareness on benefits of innovation, making the sectoral innovation easier through transnational cooperation of the national food technology platforms and related institutions. Although food industry has specific importance in SEE economies, the level of innovation in the region is n ...
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