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Integrated Arctic observation system (INTAROS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2021, the different regions of the Arctic. INTAROS will have a strong multidisciplinary focus, with tools for integration of data from atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and terrestrial sciences, provided by institutions in Europe, North America and Asia. Satellite earth observation data plays an increasingly important role in such observing systems, because the amount of EO data for observing the global ...
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Integrating activities planned under MaRINET 2 build upon the achievements of the advanced community created in MaRINET FP7. MaRINET 2 will ensure the continued integration and enhancement of all leading European research infrastructure and facilities specialising in research, development and testing of offshore renewable energy systems including electrical sub systems and grid integration through ...
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The GHaNA project aims to explore and characterize a new marine bioresource, for blue biotechnology applications in aquaculture, cosmetics and possibly food and health industry. The project will determine the biological and chemical diversity of Haslea diatoms to develop mass-scale production for viable industrial applications by maximising biomass production and associated high-value compound pro ...
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The SeaDataNet pan-European infrastructure has been developed by NODCs and major research institutes from 34 countries. Over 100 marine data centres are connected and provide discovery and access to data resources for all European researchers. Moreover, SeaDataNet is a key infrastructure driving several portals of the European Marine Observation and Data network (EMODnet), initiated by EU DG-MARE ...
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AQUAEXCEL2020 aims to integrate top class European aquaculture research facilities of very diverse nature, covering all relevant scientific fields for research and innovation in aquaculture, from genetics to technology through pathology, physiology and nutrition. It will put in place a user-friendly one-stop access to high-quality services and resources from 39 installations covering both establis ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2020,

The BLUEMED Project is a Coordination and Support Action for the exploitation of the BLUEMED Research and Innovation Initiative for blue jobs and growth in the Mediterranean area, with particular reference to the implementation of the BLUEMED Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). The ultimate objective is to support the activation of sustainable ‘blue’ innovation and growth, by fosterin ...
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Marine Ecosystem Restoration in Changing European Seas (MERCES)

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2020,

The project MERCES is focused on the restoration of different degraded marine habitats, with the aim of: 1) assessing the potential of different technologies and approaches; 2) quantifying the returns in terms of ecosystems services and their socio-economic impacts; 3) defining the legal-policy and governance frameworks needed to optimize the effectiveness of the different restoration approaches. ...
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Deep water formed around the Antarctic continent drives the world ocean circulation. 50-70% of this deep water is formed within only about 10% of the Antarctic circumpolar band: the Weddell Sea. Subtle changes in the circulation of the Weddell Sea can lead to major changes in floating ice-shelves, with critical implications for global sea-level, the production of deep water and the global ocean ov ...
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ATLAS creates a dynamic new partnership between multinational industries, SMEs, governments and academia to assess the Atlantic’s deep-sea ecosystems and Marine Genetic Resources to create the integrated and adaptive planning products needed for sustainable Blue Growth. ATLAS will gather diverse new information on sensitive Atlantic ecosystems (incl. VMEs and EBSAs) to produce a step-change in our ...
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Preventing and mitigating farmed bivalve diseases (VIVALDI)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

The overarching goal of VIVALDI is to increase the sustainability and competitiveness of the European shellfish industry by improving the understanding of bivalve diseases and by developing innovative solutions and tools for the prevention, control and mitigation of the major pathogens affecting the main European farmed shellfish species: Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas), mussels (Mytilus edulis ...
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Climate change and European aquatic RESources (CERES)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

CERES advances a cause-and-effect understanding of how future climate change will influence Europe’s most important fish and shellfish populations, their habitats, and the economic activities dependent on these species. CERES will involve and closely cooperate with industry and policy stakeholders to define policy, environment, social, technological, law and environmental climate change scenarios ...
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Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance Support Action (AORAC-SA)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

The Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance Coordination and Support Action (AORAC-SA) is designed to provide scientific, technical and logistical support to the European Commission in developing and implementing trans-Atlantic Marine Research Cooperation between the European Union, the United States of America and Canada. The Coordination and Support Action (CSA) is carried out within the framework of t ...
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COMPARE aims to harness the rapid advances in molecular technology to improve identification and mitigation of emerging infectious diseases and foodborne outbreaks. To this purpose COMPARE will establish a “One serves all” analytical framework and data exchange platform that will allow real time analysis and interpretation of sequence-based pathogen data in combination with associated data (e.g. c ...
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HYDRALAB+ Adapting to climate change (HYDRALAB-PLUS)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

HYDRALAB is an advanced network of environmental hydraulic institutes in Europe, which has been effective in providing access to a suite of major and unique environmental hydraulic facilities from across the whole European scientific community.A continuation project will prepare environmental hydraulic modelling for the upcoming urgent technical challenges associated with adaptations for climate c ...
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...le access to a large set of validated crucial information to understand the global change in coastal areas.Although JERICO-NEXT already includes industrial partners, it will be open to other research institutes, laboratories and private companies which could become associated partners to the project. Added values of JERICO NEXTJERICO-RI shall send data and information in an operational mode to Eur ...
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Marine Renewable Energy Research Infrastructure (MARINERGI)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Jun 30, 2019,

The objective of MARINERG-i is to become the leading internationally distributed infrastructure in the Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) sector. Its integrated nature and co-ordinated approach will accelerate the research development and deployment of offshore wind, wave, tidal and combined energy technologies and help maintain Europe as a global leader in this industry. In addition MARINERG-i wil ...
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...promote innovation, documentation and exploitation of innovative observing systems. All AtlantOS work packages will strengthen the trans-Atlantic collaboration, through close interaction with partner institutions from Canada, United States, and the South Atlantic region. AtlantOS will develop a results-oriented dialogue with key stakeholders communities to enable a meaningful exchange between the ...
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ENVRIPLUS is a cluster of research infrastructures (RIs) for Environmental and Earth System sciences, built around ESFRI roadmap and associating leading e-infrastructures and Integrating Activities together with technical specialist partners. ENVRIPLUS is driven by 3 overarching goals: 1) favoring cross-fertilization between infrastructures, 2) implementing innovative concepts and devices across R ...
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Only about 10% of today’s global aquaculture production use genetically improved stocks. In Europe, some breeding programmes consist of only the basic components of a breeding scheme. Hence, there is large potential to increase efficiency and profit by domestication and genetic improvement of farmed finfish. The main challenge of FISHBOOST is to realise this potential into economic and social acce ...
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CSA Oceans 2 is a 36 month project with the general aim to facilitate and support the implementation of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of JPI Oceans. CSA Oceans 2 will build further on the outcomes of the FP7 CSA Oceans project.To achieve the objective above the project has been organised in five work packages:- WP1 will allow to link closely the project with the JPI Oceans st ...
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The EMSODEV general objective is to catalyse the full operations of the EMSO distributed Research Infrastructure, through the development and deployment of the EMSO Generic Instrument Module (EGIM). EGIM will provide accurate, consistent, comparable, long-term measurements of ocean parameters, which are key to addressing urgent societal and scientific challenges (e.g. climate change and hazards). ...
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Tocardo International has in the past ten years developed a technology for tidal turbines for generating tidal power from flowing water. For offshore application, integrated tidal system are needed that require low upfront investments (CAPEX), have low maintenance and operation costs (OPEX) and produce large amount of kWh. Tocardo International has developed an solution which fulfils these requir ...
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The main objective of this proposal is to develop new methods to retrieve sea ice parameters from existing (and imminent) satellite sensors to provide enhanced products for polar operators and prediction systems, specifically addressing extreme and unexpected conditions. Automatic remote sensing products traditionally provide general information on sea ice conditions such as ice extent and concent ...
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SUCCESS is bringing together an integrated team of scientists from all fields of fisheries and aquaculture science with industry partners and key stakeholders to work on solutions which shall improve the competitiveness of the European fisheries and aquaculture sector. The supply-side of seafood markets is limited from both sea fisheries and aquaculture. At the same time demand for seafood product ...
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Extending the Ocean Data Interoperability Platform (ODIP 2)

Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

The Ocean Data Interoperability Platform project is promoting the development of a common global framework for marine data management by developing interoperability between existing regional e-infrastructures. Through a series of international workshops attracting relevant domain experts a number of prototype interoperability solutions will be developed which will be implemented by the regional da ...
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Ecosystem Approach to making Space for Aquaculture (AquaSpace)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

The AquaSpace project has the goal of providing increased space for aquaculture to allow increased production. Following the call, we will achieve this by identifying the key constraints experienced by aquaculture development in a wide range of contexts and aquaculture types, taking into account all relevant factors and advised by a Reference User Group. We will then map these constraints against ...
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As stated by the marine research decision makers in Europe in the “Ostend Declaration” in 2010, a major challenge is to support the development of a truly integrated and sustainably funded European Ocean Observing System. This will be achieved with more long-term measurements of key parameters but is impaired by the costs and lack of reliability of ocean sensors in general. The NeXOS project aims ...
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Benthic ecosystem fisheries Impact Study (BENTHIS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

Benthic ecosystems provide important goods and services, such as fisheries products and supporting, regulation and cultural services. There is serious concern about the adverse impact of fisheries on benthic ecosystem which may negatively affect the fisheries yield and integrity of the sea bed. To develop an integrated approach to the management of human activities in the marine environment, in pa ...
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Fixed Point Open Ocean Observatories Network (FIXO3)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...eved through the FP7 programmes EuroSITES, ESONET and CARBOOCEAN. With a budget of 7.00 Million Euros over 4 years (starting September 2013) the proposal has 29 partners drawn from academia, research institutions and SME’s. In addition 14 international experts from a wide range of disciplines comprise an Advisory Board.The programme will be achieved through:1. Coordination activities to integrate ...
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EUROFLEETS2 is the enhancement of EUROFLEETS1, with the aim of developing a new pan-European distributed infrastructure with common strategic vision and coordinated access to Research Vessels (RVs) and marine equipment. EUROFLEETS2 will furthermore undertake specific actions to consolidate research fleets’ organization, methodology and tools through operational initiatives (like virtual fleets) le ...
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Ships and Waves Reaching Polar Regions (SWARP)

Start date: Nov 29, 2013, End date: Feb 1, 2017,

SWARP will develop downstream services for sea ice and waves forecast in the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) in the Arctic. Waves in ice are one of the most hazardous phenomena for vessels and industrial activities in the polar seas, but there are presently no services providing any information about either the waves themselves or their effects on the ice state (in particular the distribution of ice floe ...
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Research and innovation are central elements in the Europe 2020 Strategy and it is recognised that bioeconomy is an important element of the Strategy. DG RTD has issued a European Strategy “Innovating for sustainable growth: a bioeconomy for Europe” paving the way to a more innovative, resource efficient and competitive society that reconciles food security with the sustainable use of renewable re ...
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...ipate and interact through a participatory approach. The 13 OrAqua project partners form a highly qualified and multidisciplinary consortium that includes four universities, five aquaculture research institutes, three research groups in social science, a fish farmer organisation, a fish farmer and two organic certification/control bodies. The main outcomes of the project will be recommendations on ...
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European GNSS-R Environmental Monitoring (E-GEM)

Start date: Nov 11, 2013, End date: Dec 1, 2016,

...f GMES services and other Earth monitoring initiatives, and how can GNSS-R methods best respond to the identified challenges in these domains. A strong connection with the users basis as well as with institutional, public and private stakeholders interested in the development and usage of the technology, will also steer the project’s efforts, and increase the awareness of this promising technology ...
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Managing Impacts of Deep-seA reSource exploitation (MIDAS)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The MIDAS project addresses fundamental environmental issues relating to the exploitation of deep-sea mineral and energy resources; specifically polymetallic sulphides, manganese nodules, cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts, methane hydrates and the potential mining of rare earth elements. These new industries will have significant impacts on deep-sea ecosystems, in some cases extending over hundre ...
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The recent devastating earthquakes and associated tsunamis in Japan, Indonesia, and Haiti, which killed more than half a million people, highlighted how mankind is still far away from a satisfactory level of seismic risk mitigation. Among the regions around the Mediterranean Sea for which earthquakes represent a major threat to their social and economic development, the area around the Marmara Se ...
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"The MSY concept was included as a principle in the 2009 Green Paper on the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in accordance with the global imperative to manage fish stocks according to the maximum sustainable yield (MSY). This implies a commitment to direct management of fish stocks towards achieving MSY by 2015. Attaining this goal is complicated by the lack of common agreement on the ...
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Description The MORPH project advances the novel concept of an underwater robotic system composed of a number of spatially separated mobile robot-modules, carrying distinct and yet complementary resources. Instead of being physically coupled, the modules are connected via virtual links that rely on the flow of information among them. Without ...
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...ectors/groups/regions in order to design management schemes for marine governance. Finally, the project will promote the principles and objectives outlined in the MSFD across the SES.Leading research Institutes and SMEs from EU Member States, Associated States, Associated Candidate countries, non-EU Mediterranean and Black Sea countries, will join forces in a coordinated manner, in order to addres ...
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"COPEWELL aims to provide a better understanding of the underpinning mechanisms and basic knowledge about the physiology, biology, and behaviour of fishes and to give a deeper understanding of the basic mechanisms involved in coping styles. We will use an innovative hypothesis-driven multidisciplinary approach that aims to explore the links between brain function, behaviour and adaptive plastici ...
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