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10 European Projects Found

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Innovative Clubs for Dual Careers

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

The objective of this project is to develop an innovative club-based pilot programme to support Dual Careers that facilitates an optimal combination of high-quality training and education to young athletes practicing water sports, namely canoeing, rowing and swimming. The Programme will target athletes between 14 and 21 years old, a critical age in which athletic, academic, psycho-social and profe ...
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Green Play

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

The overall objective of the proposed project is to encourage positive educational values in team & individual grassroots sports among children and youth. The specific objectives of the proposed project are:1. Creation of a integrated methodology enforcing positive values in individual sports, based on the pre-existing Green Play methodology for team sports;2. Implementation of Green Play methodo ...
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Co-design and co-production processes are promising horizontal governance tools to innovate public administrations and the public sector in general. In particular, co-design processes aim at improving policy effectiveness by including a wide range of viewpoints in the formulation of public policies and in the design of public services, while co-production processes are designed and managed to invo ...
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Next Station: Improving Professional Skills in Galicia

Start date: Jul 4, 2016, End date: Jul 3, 2018,

General Management of Education, Vocational Training and Educational Innovation in Council of Culture and Education in Galicia is in Santiago de Compostela and manages 205 schools with Vocational Training and 1204 schools in Galicia.Educational adviser and international program coordinator promotes and coordinates european projects with 19 Vocational Training schools with their international coor ...
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TRIGGER aims at promoting systemic interventions designed to have deep, long lasting and widespread impacts at all the different levels in 5 research organisations. The project, coordinated and co-funded by the Italian Government, assisted by an institute specialised in gender and science, involves as co-funders five universities from different EU countries (Czech Republic, France, Italy, UK, Spai ...
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Description How digital competence development brings better care servicesThe Carer+ project identified the ICT competences of care workers and informal carers (the “Digital Competence Framework”) and developed these by designing and implementing a set of learning paths and educational resources for mobile and work-based learning that res ...
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Innovative Social Services platform (InnoServ)

Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: Jan 31, 2014,

Our consortium will investigate innovative approaches in three fields of social services: health, education, and welfare. To do so, we will focus on two levels: (i) the status quo of research in these fields and (ii) the input from practitioners who have developed innovative social services. Special attention will be paid to the transferability of elements, the European value, effects on gender an ...
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Language learning fosters active social inclusion, which is a fundamental element favouring employability, full participation in society and personal fulfilment. Policy positions and recent works highlighted the need of addressing language policies for active inclusion purposes for the benefit of society, with specific regard to language training of migrants: while the EU countries share similar p ...
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In an increasingly ageing Europe, the impact of invalidating illnesses also increases and, as a consequence, the need for family care assistance grows. This puts an immediate pressure on the labor market demanding adequate workers, both in terms of numbers and of qualifications. Families are often faced with the difficulty to find outside the grey market the right person in whose hands they can tr ...
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The main objective of the proposal was the construction of a transnational partnership able to adapt and transfer the project «NETWORKING FOR EDUCATIONAL AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SUCCESS. ORGANIZATIONAL MODELS, TOOLS AND METHODOLOGIES» through the comparison-exchange with the initiatives put in action in the different territorial contexts with the aim to improve and develop models and planning meth ...
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