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9 European Projects Found

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SMILE - SMall Innovative Launcher for Europe (SMILE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Current launchers (ARIANE6 and VEGA C) will guarantee Europe’s independent access to space for the high-end satellite market. These launchers however are significantly less attractive for classes of smaller satellites.The SMILE initiative therefore addresses reliable, affordable, quick and frequent access to space for the emerging market of small satellites up to 50 kg, fulfilling the needs from t ...
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A Low Cost Active Debris Removal Demonstration Mission (REMOVEDEBRIS)

Start date: Nov 11, 2013, End date: Nov 11, 2017,

A huge amount of debris has progressively been generated since the beginning of the space era. Most of the objects launched into space are still orbiting the Earth and today these object and their by-products represent a threat both in space and on Earth. In Space, debris lead to collisions and therefore to damages to operational satellites. For both issues, a credible solution has emerged over th ...
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The QB50 Project will demonstrate the possibility of launching a network of 50 CubeSats built by CubeSat teams from all over the world to perform first-class science and in-orbit demonstration in the largely unexplored middle and lower thermosphere. Space agencies are currently not pursuing a multi-spacecraft network for in-situ measurements in the middle and lower thermosphere because the cost of ...
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DIFFERENT aims at building the foundation of a new generation of space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radars (SAR) with a significant reduction in cost, size, mass and power consumption, and enhanced performances with respect to systems currently available. The final product will be a compact, dual-band, dual-polarization radar with DBF capabilities. DIFFERENT will achieve these results setting up a co ...
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Small and Medium Enterprise Satellite (SME-SAT) (SME-SAT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

...buting a particular spacecraft subsystem. The University of Surrey will integrate these systems into the nanosatellite platform, and will also be responsible for the ADCS and CMGs of the satellite. ISIS will oversee the launch opportunity and deployment of the satellite. Astrium, as a Large System Integrator (LSI), will help roadmap the technology demonstrated in this mission to future applicat ...
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IN-orbit Validation of European Space Technologies (INVEST)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

INVEST (IN-obit Verification of European Space Technologies), aims to provide a European-wide programme for enabling a more rapid maturization of European space technologies and components by offering an integrated, multi-platform IOD/IOV community.Europe has a unique technological position in the space market and continues to invest heavily in the development of new technologies. Although new con ...
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Payload Universal Geostationary Interface (PLUGIN)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016, Developing PLUGIN will benefit the whole European industry, by providing a recurring access to GEO orbit. Developing PLUGIN will also improve Airbus DS commercial offers.Airbus DS is teaming with ISIS and SSTL., 2 innovative industry leaders. The combined experiences and mindsets of the 3 companies will allow to assess the whole variety of requests for IOD/IOV in GEO and GTO orbits.The PLUGIN ...
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Piezoelectric Assisted Smart Satellite Structure (PEASSS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: May 31, 2016,

The main objective of the PEASSS project is to develop, manufacture, test and qualify “smart structures” which combine composite panels, piezoelectric materials, and next generation sensors, for autonomously improved pointing accuracy and power generation in space. The smart panels will enable fine angle control, and thermal and vibration compensation, improving all types of future Earth observat ...
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De-Orbiting of Satellites using Solar Sails (DEORBIT SAIL)

Start date: Mar 1, 2011, End date: Oct 31, 2014,

The goal of this project is to develop and flight test a novel, low cost/riskdeorbiting device based on a 25-m squared Solar Sail with a total mass (including the satellite platform) of 3 kg. The approach will be to modify Solar Sail deployment technology for use as a satellite and/or rocket upper stage deorbiting system. The effectiveness of such deorbiting device is predicted to be high at altit ...
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