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6 European Projects Found

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"The main objective of NATURTRUCK is to develop injected plastic parts for the commercial vehicles industry (mainly cabin truck parts) made with thermoplastic composite materials from renewable resources (at least 80% w/w), namely physically modified polylactic acid (PLA) grades and natural fibres, with improved thermal and flame retardancy properties and high quality surface finishing to be used ...
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"SMILEY aims to develop and apply a ""bottom-up"" approach to build nano-structured devices with smart multi-functional properties: bio-mineralization, self-assembly, self-organization are an ensemble of concomitant phenomena, inspired by nature, that will be properly directed to generate elementary nano-sized building blocks organized in macroscopic devices for application in EHS (Environment, He ...
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The FIBRA network has as main target to link the research and development activities for fibre crop innovations carried out by universities and institutions in both EU and China. This proposal is set up to promote the communication between experts about the key issues of fibre crop production, processing and application, while attention towards quality and efficiency improvement, and product diver ...
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Biocomposites manufactured from natural materials such as fibres and bioderived polymers offer a sustainable alternative to traditional ones, but at present they are not available for use in structural applications. NATEX will develop aligned textiles from natural fibres suitable for use as high strength reinforcing fabrics to produce structural composite parts using bio and oil based thermoplasti ...
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Non-Food Crops-to-Industry schemes in EU27 (Crops2Industry)

Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Feb 29, 2012,

The ultimate objective is to explore the potential of non-food crops, which can be domestically grown in EU27 context, for selected industrial applications, namely oils, fibers, resins, pharmaceuticals and other specialty products and outline and prioritise crops-to-products schemes, suitable for the different Member States, which will support sustainable, economic viable and competitive European ...
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"Future Crops for Food, Feed, Fiber and Fuel" (4F CROPS)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: Nov 30, 2010,

"As different sectors – food, feed, fiber, and fuels – compete for land, the yielding potential of the future non-food crops has to be as efficient as possible in order to minimize the competition for land. The main objective of the proposed 4F CROPS is to survey and analyse all the parameters that will play an important role in successful non-food cropping systems in the agriculture of EU27 along ...
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