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Simulation in Real Time for Manufacturing with Zero Defects (STREAM-0D)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2020,

Facts: i) Zero-defect manufacturing and flexibility of production processes are some of the main challenges for European manufacturing; ii) One of the engineering tools with higher potential is the linking of simulation tools with measurement devices for real-time control of applications. The huge potential of this synergistic loop remains untapped for manufacturing processes and could be used f ...
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Current technological demands are increasingly stretching the properties of advanced materials to expand their applications to more severe or extreme conditions, whilst simultaneously seeking cost-effective production processes and final products. The aim of this project is to demonstrate the influence of different surface enhancing and modification techniques on CF-based materials for high value ...
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WINBOXTOOL will develop a versatile prototype tooling set (80% of the tooling in common for LH & RH) for the cost efficiency Assembly and Transport of the Morphing Winglet and Multifunctional Outer Flaps of the next generation optimized wing box (reduction of 15% in time and 10% in cost). The proposed innovative approach, based on the utilisation of a fully automated all-in-one machine (Figure 1) ...
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Transforming Transport (TT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Jun 30, 2019,

Big Data will have a profound economic and societal impact in the mobility and logistics sector, which is one of the most-used industries in the world contributing to approximately 15% of GDP. Big Data is expected to lead to 500 billion USD in value worldwide in the form of time and fuel savings, and savings of 380 megatons CO2 in mobility and logistics. With freight transport activities projected ...
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Particle physics is at the forefront of the ERA, attracting a global community of more than 10,000 scientists. With the upgrade of the LHC and the preparation of new experiments, the community will have to overcome unprecedented challenges in order to answer fundamental questions concerning the Higgs boson, neutrinos, and physics beyond the Standard Model. Major developments in detector technology ...
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Worker-Centric Workplaces in Smart Factories (FACTS4WORKERS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

It is the high ambition of the project to create “FACTorieS for WORKERS” (FACTS4WORKERS), therefore a serious effort will be put into integrating already available IT enablers into a seamless & flexible Smart Factory infrastructure based on worker-centric and data-driven technology building blocks. As FACTS4WORKERS is underpinned by a clear human-centric approach: usability, user experience and te ...
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According to EUROSTAT latest statistical review, the largest EU-28 subsectors in terms of value added and employment are the manufacture of machinery and equipment and the manufacture of fabricated metal products. Additionally, the European engineering industry plays a vital role in the economic recovery of Europe and the ambitious goal to increase the industrial output by 2020 to more than 20% of ...
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IT Launch Box

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

Today although millions of Europeans are currently without a job, companies have difficulties to find skilled digital technology experts. As a result, there could be up to 825,000 unfilled vacancies for ICT (Information and Communications Technology) professionals by 2020. Moreover, there is a need for digital skills for nearly all jobs where digital technology complements existing tasks. In this ...
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Concentrating Solar Thermal Energy encompasses Solar Thermal Electricity (STE), Solar Fuels, Solar Process Heat and Solar Desalination that are called to play a major role in attaining energy sustainability in our modern societies due to their unique features: 1) Solar energy offers the highest renewable energy potential to our planet; 2) STE can provide dispatchable power in a technically and eco ...
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Innovation technologies in ground vehicle engineering require strong interdisciplinary and intersectoral investigations with an international dimension. In this context the project EVE proposes sustainable approach based on intensive staff exchange that leads to collaborative research and training between universities and industrial organizations from Germany, Belgium, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlan ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Entrepreneurial activities are an essential factor in creating employment opportunities as well as in contributing towards economic growth. There is, however, a serious gender gap in most of the EU countries in relation to entrepreneurship.The WO-MENntrepreneurs project aims at ameliorating this situation, by diminishing the gender gap in relation to entrepreneurship at EU level. This will be achi ...
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KnowHY aims to provide the FC&H2 sector with a training offer for technicians and workers featuring quality in contents, accessibility in format and language, practicality for the targeted audience, ease of scalability and update, and at competitive costs which make the training offer economically sustainable after project completion. Thanks to this project both OEMs as well as professionals can r ...
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INNOVACTIS 2015-2016

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The objective of this project is to provide innovation support services in 2015 and 2016 to SMEs in the regions covered by the consortium members. These innovation support services will be differentiated for two groups of SMEs: a) SMEs that have been selected as beneficiaries of the SME instrument, phase 1 or phase 2. For these companies, the consortium members will offer Key Account Management (K ...
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There is a high demand for the design of lightweight energy efficient structures for transport applications in order to meet CO2 emissions targets set worldwide. To achieve this designers have introduced the concept of “hybrid” structures where two or more lightweight materials are used each possessing unique properties that when joined together result in high performance lightweight structures t ...
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In-pipe flexible robot for water pipes inspection (TRACT)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

Recent studies surprisingly estimate the losses in European Water Distribution Networks to an average of around 30 to 40%, peaking to more than 50% in some Eastern European countries. It is clear that the economic impact and scarcity of public water sources mandate the development of a systemic leakage control program; while this would seem the most intuitive and feasible approach, currently no te ...
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The subject of this proposal is a three year project whose objective is an integrated framework for SOA testing automation that will be available as a Platform as a Service (PaaS) on a cloud infrastructure. The framework spans all the testing activities: test generation, execution, evaluation, planning and scheduling, on the functional, interaction, fault tolerance, security and usage-based testin ...
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As associations of the European plastic and rubber industry, one of our main duties is to monitor potential markets in order to identify novel trends and emerging market niches which can bring growth opportunities to our enterprises, mainly SMEs. In the sector of plastic and rubber seals there is clear and growing demand for higher performance, “zero-leak” seals. A seal is a device that joins mech ...
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Even without taking into account expected increases in airport capacity, ground handling crews responsible for aircraft turnaround are already operating under time constraints and in highly congested areas, often in difficult weather conditions. The outcome is damage on an extraordinary scale, to the hugely expensive aircraft they are servicing. The direct cost of ground accidents involving Ground ...
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Lean Secure and Reliable Logistic Connectivity for SMEs (LogiCon)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

Small forwarders, carriers and other logistic SMEs are in need of affordable, reliable and trusted data-interchange solutions to take part in international trade and commerce flows. LogiCon aims at setting up, testing and facilitating the adoption of low-cost, low-barrier data connectivity solutions. The above activities will be carried out in four national living labs, each one with specific obje ...
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LOGistics INNovation uptake (LOGINN)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Apr 30, 2015,

"The LOGINN CSA aims at co-ordinating and supporting RTD projects in the logistics area to improve their capabilities to bridge the gap between pilot implementation and marketable solutions. To achieve this goal LOGINN will set up a collaborative platform (Virtual Arena) to allow the main stakeholders of the logistics domain (industry, SMEs, public authorities, investors and research organizations ...
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"For many transport modes, energy reduction strategies can be effectively formulated at the level of the vehicle or vessel. New technologies can therefore be introduced to a vehicle and the direct energy savings can be readily quantified. However, such approach is not suitable to be employed for urban rail, where it is not sufficient to consider only the energy performance of vehicles; the energy ...
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LIMOWOOD solution will develop a Wood Plastic Composite (WPC) made of a recycled thermoplastic polymer and natural reinforcing particles derived from wood. The resulting material will represent a number of advantages:•Weight and density comparable to current wood-based pannels (700 kg/m3). This will provide reduction in the cost of transport of furniture items and use of cheaper fasteners and fitt ...
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Start date: May 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The objective of this project is to provide innovation support services to SMEs in the regions covered by the consortium members. These innovation support services will be differentiated for two groups of SMEs:• SMEs that have been selected as beneficiaries of the SME instrument, phase 1 or phase 2. For these companies, the consortium members will offer Key Account Management (KAM) services, which ...
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Building Energy Efficiency for Massive market UPtake (BEEMUP)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

BEEM-UP will demonstrate the economic, social and technical feasibility of retrofitting initiatives, drastically reducing the energy consumption in existing buildings, and lay the ground for massive market uptake. BEEM-UP involves the building owners at 3 sites in France, Sweden and the Netherlands to implement an innovative approach to go beyond a 75% reduction in space heat energy consumption, i ...
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Le projet TEMIS propose une recherche innovante dans le champ médicotechnique, à travers le transfert de technologie du secteur des TIC appliqué au domaine médical.La recherche médicale a démontré que le mode de vie a un impact sur de nombreuses pathologies, en particulier pour les maladies chroniques. À cet égard, TEMIS étudiera des indicateurs de santé pouvant ensuite être utilisés pour une méde ...
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Renewable energy (RE) sources have gained a great importance due to their inexhaustibility, sustainability, ecological awareness and supply of energy security. Among all RE sources, wind energy is currently viewed as one of the most significant fastest growing (at an average annual growth rate of more that 26% since 1990), commonly used and commercially attractive source to generate electrical ene ...
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Fibre Reinforced Cement (FRC) is a durable, fire and corrosion resistant material widely used in the construction industry. Coupled with the low cost of Portland cement, these properties make it ideally suited for applications such as roofing tiles and sidings. However the production of cement is associated with a large CO2 ‘footprint’, for each tonne of cement produced nearly one tonne of CO2 is ...
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Le projet e-Incorporate II considère que la force économique majeure de l'espace SUDOE sont les PME, les TPE et les travailleurs autonomes. Malgré leur importance, ces derniers manquent de services d'appui spécialisés pour accroître leur compétitivité grâce à des innovations en matière de TIC. Sur la base de la capitalisation des outils obtenus dans le projet e-Incorporate (approuvé dans le cadre ...
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Description The E-VECTOORC project brings together 11 complementary partners from industrial and research backgrounds to address the individual control of the electric motor torques of fully electric vehicles to enhance safety, comfort and fun-to-drive in both on- and off-road driving conditions. The key objectives of the proposal are: • Dev ...
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The manufacturing of plastic mouldings and assemblies is today dominated by low labour regions. This has led to a fall in the European SME market share for moulded components during the last 10 years. European SMEs within this segment need to develop more innovative products and manufacturing processes to be competitive in the market. One of the industries using increasing volumes of plastic and c ...
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"One of the challenges that currently exists for the design of large aircraft structures under natural-laminar-flow (NLF) regime is the extremely high requirements that must be achieved in terms of tolerances with the aim of ensuring that the flow will be sufficiently stable. In systems composed of many parts (such as the Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft torsion box object of study), the assembly process ...
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Las empresas que conforman las cadenas de suministro alimentarias ejecutan sus procesos en ausencia de información en tiempo real y sin colaboración entre ellas lo que provoca roturas de stock, planificación errática y la acumulación de inventarios e ineficiencias en el transporte. Esto unido a los problemas en las comunicaciones de la zona pirenaica, dificulta enormemente el intercambio de mercan ...
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Our Idea is to develop a computer controlled, advanced, profile spray quench, heat extraction system with advanced cooling rate control, closed loop thermal and dimensional control and integrated high grade heat recovery & re-use. We aim to recover 50% of the energy wasted at the profile cooling stage (for re-use in the energy intensive heat-ageing process), and simultaneously reduce scrap produce ...
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"The main scope of the NANOCORE Project is the development of a new and cost-effective production technology for sandwich structures foam core materials with non-toxic flame retardants and enhanced mechanical properties. The primary reason for this new material development is the to meet the current European requirements of the REACH -Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals- legis ...
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"The aim of this project is to develop a new wearable, functional, regulation-compliant Water-borne Wood coating in order to help two large European sectors, wood coatings and wood furniture to reverse the present declining competitiveness trend. This water-borne technology will provide a new wood coating with moderate and high functional requirements such as abrasion/scratching resistant or dirt ...
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Aunque la montaña ofrezca encantos y ventajas, no deja de ser peligrosa. Sin embargo, los riesgos conocidos (relativos al suelo, a riesgos corporales o fenómenos climáticos) pueden anticiparse o verse atenuados con una observación más precisa del suelo (teléfono por satélite, localización de las observaciones) o una asistencia médica optimizada en los refugios. Esta prevención de riesgos es el obj ...
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"The ETAG27 has been endorsed in January 2008 by EOTA. This document defines the technical performances a rock fall protection kit has to meet to get (CE) marking on the product. The rock fall protection market is growing rapidly (+17% p.a.) due to the new consciousness of safety, not only for existing infrastructures, but also for future ones for whom safety is considered at conception stage.ETAG ...
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Eco-Design for Eco-Innovation: the Green-Car case (Green-Car Eco-Design)

Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

El objetivo del proyecto Green-Car Eco-Design es la inclusión de la variable ambiental en la etapa de diseño (UNE 150301) de los componentes principales del vehículo eléctrico, y aumentar el conocimiento de su impacto ambiental a lo largo de su ciclo de vida. De esta forma, se proporcionará un valor añadido a los mismos, al reconocerlos como fabricados con un menor impacto ambiental y garantizando ...
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Start date: May 31, 2009, End date: May 30, 2012,

Se denomina grid a la innovadora tecnología que permite conectar recursos separados geográficamente para crear un gran ordenador virtual distribuido de forma que la situación física de los recursos es transparente al usuario. El grid se utiliza en ámbitos académicos y se está avanzando en su uso empresarial convergiendo tecnologías y modelos de negocio hacia estándares globales. Es necesario crear ...
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El Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón (ITA) y la Escuela Nacional de Ingenieros de Tarbes (ENIT) han iniciado, en 2004 y con la fìrma de un convenio de colaboración, el establecimiento de una red de cooperación que ofrece servicios tecnológicos comunes y complementarios a las empresas de las dos regiones. Inicialmente, la línea de investigación se basaba en la inyección de metales, que luego se exten ...
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