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18 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

CREATE-IoT’s aim is to stimulate collaboration between IoT initiatives, foster the take up of IoT in Europe and support the development and growth of IoT ecosystems based on open technologies and platforms. This requires synchronisation and alignment on strategic and operational terms through frequent, multi-directional exchanges between the various activities under the IoT Focus Areas (FAs). It a ...
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F-Interop will develop and provide remotely accessible tools to support and accelerate standardisation processes and products developments, by offsetting several cost and time barriers. It will research and develop a new FIRE experimental platform to support the development of new technologies and standards, from their genesis to the market for: online interoperability tests and validation tools, ...
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systEmic Standardisation apPRoach to Empower Smart citieS and cOmmunities (ESPRESSO) focuses on the development of a conceptual Smart Cities Information Framework, which consists of a Smart City platform (the so-called Smart City enterprise application) and a number of data provision and processing services to integrate data, workflows, and processes in applications relevant for Smart Cities withi ...
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Coordination and Support Action to stimulate the collaboration between IoT projects, between the potential IoT platforms and support these in sustaining the IoT ecosystems developed by focusing on complementary actions, e.g., fostering and stimulating acceptance of IoT technology as well as the means to understand and overcome obstacles for deployment and value creation.
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Electronic Simple European Networked Services (e-SENS)

Start date: Apr 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

The existing Large Scale Pilots have already proven that providing cross-border services can be made simpler. In numerous domains, technical building blocks have been developed and piloted that enable seamless cross-border services. The essence of the new e-SENS pilot is to consolidate and solidify the work done, to industrialise the solutions and to extend their potential to more and different do ...
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Description ANTILOPE is a Thematics Network setup on core European National organisations supporting the adoption and testing of existing eHealth standards and specifications defening and eHealth interoperability framework.Based on the results and recommendations in the Hitch project the network is set up to promote and drive adoption of tes ...
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PowerUp aims to develop the Vehicle-2-Grid (V2G) interface, involving a full development cycle of physical/link-layer specification, charging control protocol design, prototyping, conformance testing, field trials, and standardisation. Its results will ensure that FEVs smoothly integrate into emerging smart-grid networks. Thereby the efficiencies resulting from robust grid operation may be achieve ...
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Internet is going to be massively "mobile". The efficient and growing internet of services has also to take into account issues of this "mobility" as well as the mobile devices and their applications. If, at the origin, mobile internet solutions depended on the power of mobile operators, today the take-off of the iPhone and its application-platform "Appstore" upset the balance of the forces. The f ...
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Multidisciplinary networking of research communities in FIRE (MyFIRE)

Start date: Jun 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2012,

The objective of the MyFIRE project is-\tthe multidisciplinary networking of research communities addressing both technological, socio-economical and environmental aspects of the Future Internet-\tthe coordination of research experience and user-driven open innovation activities establishing common concepts, roadmaps, methodologies and tools, based on standardised approaches.MyFIRE project develop ...
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Energy Aware Radio and neTwork tecHnologies (EARTH)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2012,

Telecommunication networks and in particular mobile communications are increasingly contributing to global energy consumption. The EARTH proposal tackles the important issue of energy saving by enhancing the energy efficiency of mobile broadband systems thereby reducing CO2 emissions. It is a highly ambitious and unique proposal, applying an integrated approach to investigate the energy efficiency ...
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The need for authoritative, on-going international cooperation in respect of the European agenda for taking the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) to reality is pivotal in putting it into the global context it demands. CASAGRAS2 provides the necessary conduit for taking the next steps in international collaboration.CASAGRAS2 identifies a much broader base for international cooperation, with p ...
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The RACE networkRFID initiative has been developed to raise awareness of Radio Frequency Identification across Europe through the establishment of a federating platform for all key European stakeholders in the development and use of RFID technology and applications.The European Union (EU), through the Commission, has made a substantial investment in research, standards and regulatory developments ...
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"eHealth, the beneficial application of ICT-based systems and solutions, has been identified as potentially the key enabler to fundamentally improve patient safety in clinical contexts" . However, with ICT becoming a mission critical component of healthcare processes, the interoperability of the multitude of systems that together form the eHealth infrastructure of a hospital, region or nation, is ...
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The strategic objective of CuteLoop is to explore how Intelligent Networked Devices such as enhanced RFID-based systems, can be used to effectively 'integrate customers within an Integrated Enterprise' and with this provide an important step towards 'real' Integrated, Real Time Enterprise. Such integrated real time enterprise, having customers as integrated drivers, needs, on one side, highly flex ...
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...ean expert in public affairs/ organising events, Continua, the global industry consortium to promote the interoperability of PHS devices and systems, ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, responsible for standardization of ICT within Europe, and IHE, worldwide reference organisation for the interoperability of clinical information systems. The project lasts 12 months, and budg ...
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Global RFID Interoperability Forum for Standards (GRIFS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Feb 28, 2010,

A support action for global RFID-related standardisation activities, involving in particular organisations from Europe, China, Japan, Korea and USA is sought and additional countries have been included to give good global coverage. A world where global supply chains are the norm requires that RFID tags and associated sensors can operate, can be seen and can be interrogated anywhere in the world. ...
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Wireless Alliances for Testing Experiment and Research (WALTER)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2009,

... a standard radio platform allowing transport of upper level protocols such as the wireless USB (WUSB), wireless Firewire and the next generation of BluetoothThe European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) is producing harmonised standards to foster UWB adoption in Europe but Europe is still late compared to USA and others. If not corrected, such a situation could hinder the European in ...
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Standardisation, and associated regulations, in respect of RFID is of critical importance in realising open systems applications of global significance, such as supply chain traceability and logistics. Of parallel significance is the numbering and identification coding required to facilitate global systems applications. While much of the emphasis of European attentions to RFID focuses upon electro ...
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