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9 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

...ensive expertise, from academics, clinicians and the private sector. The APPROACH consortium brings together a strong tri-partite team from European clinical centers (cohorts), basic research institutes (state-of-the-art tools) and SME/Industry (certified tool analyses and logistics) which also collaborate with large US-based OAI and MOST cohorts. This group is engaged with end users in hospitals ...
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Up to 70% of cardiovascular events are not prevented by current therapeutic regimens. In search for additional, innovative strategies, immune cells have been recognized as key players contributing to atherosclerotic plaque progression and destabilization. Particularly the role of innate immune cells is of major interest, following the recent paradigm shift that innate immunity, considered to be in ...
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...rised by decreased reserve and diminished resistance to stressors. Such extreme vulnerability exposes the older individual to an increased risk of morbidity, disability, inappropriate healthcare use, institutionalization, poor quality of life, and death. Early detection and prevention of frailty are thus crucial to impede its progression and the development of its detrimental clinical consequences ...
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DIabetes REsearCh on patient sTratification (DIRECT)

Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

The overarching aims of the DIRECT consortium, consisting of 20 leading academic groups in diabetes and 5 EFPIA companies, are to identify biomarkers that address current bottlenecks in diabetes drug development and to develop a stratified medicines approach to treatment of type 2 diabetes with either existing or novel therapies.There is heterogeneity in who develops diabetes, the rate at which th ...
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We concur to the IMI on “Reclassification of SLE, connective tissue diseases and RA” call by presenting a proposal aimed at using the power of OMICs, and bioinformatics to identify new classifications for diseases known to share common pathophysiological mechanisms. Such knowledge has not been applied to individual patients, depriving them from potential benefits in terms of the use of new therape ...
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European Medical Information Framework (EMIF)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

In response to the need to tackle increasingly complex medical research questions, a growing amount of human health data is being collected, either in routine Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) databases, through research-driven cohort studies, in biobanks or related efforts. However, data sources are typically fragmented and contain information gaps which prevent their full exploitation. EMIF aim ...
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The current test systems employed by Industry are poorly predictive for Drug induced liver injury (DILI). The ‘MIP-DILI’ project will address this situation by the development of innovative preclinical test systems which are both mechanism-based and of physiological, pharmacological and pathological relevance to DILI in humans. An iterative, tiered approach with respect to test compounds, test sys ...
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The eTOX consortium proposes to develop innovative methodological strategies and novel software tools to better predict the toxicological profiles of new molecular entities in early stages of the drug development pipeline. This will be achieved by coordinating the efforts of specialists from academia and SMEs in the wide scope of disciplines that are required to move towards a more reliable modell ...
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Drug Disease Model Resources (DDMORE)

Start date: Mar 1, 2011, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Model based-drug development (MBDD) is accepted as a vital approach in understanding patient risk/benefit and attrition. At the core of MBDD lies Modelling and Simulation (M&S), a technology providing the basis for informed, quantitative decision-making.M&S facilitates the continuous integration of available information related to a drug or disease into constantly-evolving mathematical models capa ...
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