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Bacterial toxins cause devastating diseases in humans and animals, ranging from necrotic enteritis to gas gangrene and tetraplegia. While toxin synthesis probably endows these bacteria with a selective advantage in their natural habitats, toxigenesis is likely to represent a fitness cost. It is thus plausible that mild environments encourage bacteria to give up toxin production, or reduce the numb ...
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The complex interactions between genetic and non-genetic factors produce heterogeneities in patients as reflected in the diversity of pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, response to therapies, disease development and progression. Yet, the full potential of personalized medicine entails biomarker-guided delivery of efficient therapies in stratified patient populations.MultipleMS will therefor ...
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IMAJINE aims to formulate new integrative policy mechanisms to enable European, national and regional government agencies to more effectively address territorial inequalities within the European Union. It responds to evidence that spatial inequalities within the EU are increasing, contrary to the principle of territorial cohesion embedded as a third dimension of the European Social Model in the Tr ...
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Integrated Arctic observation system (INTAROS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2021,

The overall objective of INTAROS is to develop an integrated Arctic Observation System (iAOS) by extending, improving and unifying existing systems in the different regions of the Arctic. INTAROS will have a strong multidisciplinary focus, with tools for integration of data from atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and terrestrial sciences, provided by institutions in Europe, North America and Asia. Sate ...
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The Mediterranean, a key socio-cultural, economic and political crossroads, has shifted its relative position recently, with profound effects for relations between the peoples associated with its diverse parts. Crosslocations is a groundbreaking theoretical approach that goes beyond current borders research to analyse the significance of the changes in relations between places and peoples that thi ...
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Personalized oncolytic vaccines for cancer immunotherapy (PeptiCrad)

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2021,

This grant application proposes to develop a novel, customizable and personalized anti-cancer vaccine: peptide-coated conditionally replicating adenovirus (PeptiCrad).Anti-cancer vaccines represent a promising approach for cancer treatment because they elicit durable and specific immune response that destroys primary tumors and distant metastases. Oncolytic viruses (OVs) are of significant interes ...
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Every fourth woman suffers from uterine leiomyomas (ULs) – benign tumors of the uterine smooth muscle wall - at some point in premenopausal life. ULs, also called myomas or fibroids, cause a substantial health burden through symptoms such as excessive uterine bleeding, abdominal pain and infertility. These tumors are the most common cause of hysterectomy. Considering the impact that ULs have to wo ...
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Atmospheric aerosol particles play a key role in regulating the climate, and particulate matter is responsible for most of the 7 million deaths per year attributed to air pollution. Lack of understanding of aerosol processes, especially the formation of ice crystals and secondary particles from condensable trace gases, hampers the development of air quality modelling, and remains one of the major ...
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Age-Selective Segregation of Organelles (Age Asymmetry)

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2021,

Our tissues are constantly renewed by stem cells. Over time, stem cells accumulate cellular damage that will compromise renewal and results in aging. As stem cells can divide asymmetrically, segregation of harmful factors to the differentiating daughter cell could be one possible mechanism for slowing damage accumulation in the stem cell. However, current evidence for such mechanisms comes mainly ...
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RECAP: Research on European Children and Adults born Preterm (RECAP)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Mar 31, 2021,

The project’s overall aim is to improve the health, development and quality of life of children and adults born very preterm (VPT, < 32 weeks of gestation) or very low birth weight (VLBW, < 1500g) – approximately 50 000 births each year in Europe – by establishing an ICT platform to integrate, harmonise and exploit the wealth of data from 20 European cohorts of VPT/VLBW children and adults and the ...
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PRevention Of Malnutrition In Senior Subjects in the EU (PROMISS)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2021,

PROMISS (PRevention Of Malnutrition In Senior Subjects in the EU) is a multi-country project aiming to turn the challenge of tackling malnutrition in community-dwelling older persons into an opportunity for healthy ageing for the future. The PROMISS consortium contains worldwide expertise in epidemiology, clinical trials, geriatrics, nutrition, physical activity, microbiomics, as well as in behavi ...
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The European network for observing our changing planet (ERA-PLANET)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2021,

In the last decade a significant number of projects and programmes in different domains of environmental monitoring and Earth observation have generated a substantial amount of data and knowledge on different aspects related to environmental quality and sustainability. Big data generated by in-situ or satellite platforms are being collected and archived with a plethora of systems and instruments m ...
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The transition to a biobased economy puts strong challenges on researchers and industry to develop sustainable processes. 2G biofuel plants use waste streams as substrates, but themselves generate a new waste stream of lignin-rich sludge that is left after saccharification of the carbohydrates. This waste stream is expected to exponentially increase with an increasing number of 2G bioethanol plant ...
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Towards Early Molecular Diagnostics of Schizophrenia (SZ_TEST)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Schizophrenia (SZ) is a severe mental disorder affecting more than 0.7% of the adult population. One of the most disabling and emotionally devastating illnesses known to man, SZ is also associated with considerable socioeconomic burden. In general, the chronic nature and the high degree of patient disability make SZ the fourth leading cause of disease burden across the globe with the management co ...
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Experimentation in mesocosms is arguably the single most powerful approach to obtain a mechanistic quantitative understanding of ecosystem-level impacts of stressors in complex systems, especially when embedded in long-term observations, theoretical models and experiments conducted at other scales. AQUACOSM builds on an established European network of mesocosm research infrastructures (RI), the FP ...
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The proposed project “Readiness of ICOS for Necessities of integrated Global Observations” (RINGO) aims to further development of ICOS RI and ICOS ERIC and foster its sustainability. The challenges are to further develop the readiness of ICOS RI along five principal objectives: 1. Scientific readiness. To support the further consolidation of the observational networks and enhance their quality. Th ...
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The goal of this multidisciplinary project is to comprehensively characterise high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGS-OvCa) at single-cell level, identify the best combination of drug combination to kill HGS-OvCa populations and commercialise a predictive biomarker kit for finding the right therapeutic regimen to the right patient.This project takes an advantage on prospectively and longitudinally ...
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Neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a major cause of death or long-term disability in infants born at term in the western world, affecting about 1-4 per 1.000 life births and consequently about 5-20.000 infants per year in Europe.Hypothermic treatment became the only established therapy to improve outcome after perinatal hypoxic-ischemic insults. Despite hypothermia and neonatal inte ...
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According to ECDC, over 4 million healthcare-associated infections in the EU cause 37,000 deaths and cost EUR 7 billion/year. Half of them are related to medical devices (i.e., catheters, implants) and 80% of these are related to bacterial biofilms. A recent EC report highlighted the medical device sector’s role in driving EU economic growth, employing 500k people in 25k companies (80% are SMEs) w ...
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COSYN integrates outstanding European academic and three large Pharma to exploit genomic findings for intellectual disability (ID), autism, and schizophrenia. We capitalise on comorbidity, from clinic to cells and synapses, and have access to large existing samples. We focus on rare genetic variants of strong effect in patients with clinical comorbidity. Our aims are: (1) Understand comorbidity by ...
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Atmospheric simulation chambers are the most advanced tools for elucidating processes that occur in the atmosphere. They lay the foundations for air quality and climate models and also aid interpretation of field measurements. EUROCHAMP-2020 will further integrate the most advanced European atmospheric simulation chambers into a world-class infrastructure for research and innovation. A co-ordinate ...
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Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry Master's Course

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2020,

REFERENCE: 564486-EPP-1-2015-1-FR-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB_ASCTITLE: Master's course in Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry, ASCObjectiveThe Master's Course in Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry (ASC) aims at preparing students to become experts and develop international skills towards doctoral studies and professional industrial careers in chemical analysis and characterization of the structure of materials ...
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Molecular pathogenesis of most immune-mediated disorders, such as of autoimmune diseases, is poorly understood. These common maladies carry a heavy burden both on patients and on society. Current therapy is non-targeted and results in significant short- and long-term adverse effects.Large granular lymphocyte (LGL) leukemia is characterized by expansion of cytotoxic T- or NK-cells and represents an ...
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Mitochondria play a central role in the energy metabolism of our bodies and their defects give rise to a large variety of clinical phenotypes that can affect practically any tissue. The mechanisms for the tissue-specific outcomes of mitochondrial diseases are poorly understood. Mitochondrial energy production relies on two separate protein synthesis machineries, cytoplasmic and mitochondrial, but ...
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The project RiP aims to provide a groundbreaking new interpretation of late medieval theories of mind and cognition by focusing on the influence higher cognitive (rational) powers exert on lower (sensory) ones in the neglected tradition of Augustinian philosophy of perception. Due to increasing difficulties in explaining the unity and objectivity of perceptual experience, late medieval authors cam ...
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Organisms in the wild are constantly challenged by environmental variation in e.g. resource quality. The goal of this project is to move beyond laboratory experiments to understand the mechanisms that allow organisms in the wild to cope with environmental stress. Understanding the responses and mechanisms operating in wild populations is critical for assessing the eco-evolutionary consequences of ...
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Bio-Imaging of Zoonotic and Emerging Bunyaviruses (BIZEB)

Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2020,

We aim to understand host cell entry of enveloped viruses at molecular level. A crucial step in this process is when the viral membrane fuses with the cell membrane. Similarly to cell–cell fusion, this step is mediated by fusion proteins (classes I–III). Several medically important viruses, notably dengue and many bunyaviruses, harbour a class II fusion protein. Class II fusion protein structures ...
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Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability, leading to great personal suffering to victim and relatives, as well as huge direct and indirect costs to society. Strong ethical, medical, social and health economic reasons therefore exist for improving treatment. The CENTER-TBI project will collect a prospective, contemporary, highly granular, observational dataset of 5400 p ...
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Eradicating minimal residual disease (MRD) in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is an area of high unmet medical need. AML is a deadly rare disease that affects both children and adults. Approximately 45% of younger AML patients who are treated will be cured, and in older patients (>60 years of age), 85% will relapse and die within 2 years.Immunotherapy has great potential for treating M ...
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Key words: Atmospheric secondary organic aerosol, chemical ionization mass spectrometryThe increase in anthropogenic atmospheric aerosol since the industrial revolution has considerably mitigated the global warming caused by concurrent anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. However, the uncertainty in the magnitude of the aerosol climate influence is larger than that of any other man-made climate ...
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Billions of tiny computers that can sense and communicate from anywhere are coming online, creating the “Internet of Things” (IoT). As the IoT continues to expand, more and more devices need batteries and plugs. According to Gartner (, there will be nearly 26 billion devices connected to the IoT by 2020. Therefore, together with improved batteries, advanced computation and communic ...
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European Gram Negative Antibacterial Engine (ENABLE)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2020,

The intensive use and misuse of antibiotics has resulted in some level of antibiotic resistance in essentially all human bacterial pathogens. There is a growing concern that the loss of therapeutic options will present us with a post-antibiotic era where present and future medical advances are negated. Resistant bacteria dramatically reduce the possibilities of treating infections effectively, a ...
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DARIAH ERIC Sustainability Refined (DESIR)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Europe has a long and rich tradition as a centre for the arts and humanities. However, the digital transformation poses challenges to the arts and humanities research landscape all over the world. Responding to these challenges the Digital Research Infrastructure for Arts and Humanities (DARIAH) was launched as a pan-European network and research infrastructure. After expansion and consolidation, ...
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The main focus of TreatER is conducting a randomized, placebo-controlled, first-in-human, proof-of-concept, safety and efficacy study of intracerebrally administered CDNF protein therapy in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), using a neurosurgically implanted Drug Delivery System (DDS), which will also be clinically validated in the study. Thus the TreatER project has two independent goals, ei ...
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The Research Infrastructure (RI) ACTRIS – Aerosols, Clouds and Trace Gases - is the pan-European RI that consolidates activities amongst European partners for observations of aerosols, clouds, and trace gases and for understanding of the related atmospheric processes, to provide RI services to wide user groups. ACTRIS is composed of 8 connected elements: distributed National Facilities (observatio ...
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Nowadays computers are used to process huge amounts of information, for example a major search engine processes tens of thousands of searches per second. Still the future of the information age is at risk. Computer architectures will not be resilient enough for the next information challenges. It is not only a matter of word size or clock cycles. New DNA sequencing technologies are evolving much f ...
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Alcohol addiction ranks among the primary global causes of preventable death and disabilities in human population, but treatment options are very limited. Rational strategies for design and development of novel, evidence based therapies for alcohol addiction are still missing. Within this project, we will utilize a translational approach based on clinical studies and animal experiments to fill thi ...
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Major depressive disorder, dementia, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse affect a substantial part of the European older population. Over 70% of Europeans reside in cities, and this percentage will increase in the next decades. Urbanization and ageing have enormous implications for public mental health. Cities pose major challenges for older citizens, but also offer opportunities for the design ...
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Nanomedicine: an integrative approach (NANOMED)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Nanomedicine (NM) is regarded as one of the most promising applications of nanotechnology, as it would allow the development of tailored therapies, with a high level of selectivity and efficacy. Although much research has been performed over the past decades, translation from academia to commercial application remains disappointingly low. Reasons that explain the current moderate success of NM are ...
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RISCAPE will provide systematic, focused, high quality, comprehensive, consistent and peer-reviewed international landscape analysis report on the position and complementarities of the major European research infrastructures in the international research infrastructure landscape. To achieve this, RISCAPE will establish a close links with a stakeholder panel representing the main user groups of the ...
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