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11 European Projects Found

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Optimizing Miscanthus Biomass Production - OPTIMISC (OPTIMISC)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

Miscanthus is a C4 perennial rhizomatous grass that has become a leading candidate crop for production of lignocellulosic feedstocks due to its rapid biomass accumulation in temperate climates. There is currently a single commercial clone, M. x giganteus, which has a number of limitations. Research over the past 20 years has shown that a few key species and their interspecific hybrids have a high ...
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"Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) started, 20 years ago, a devastating health and food crisis throughout Europe. Classical BSE is now under control as a result of the meat and bone meal ban. However, tonsil analyses suggest that there may be an alarmingly high number of asymptomatic PrPSc positive cases. Transmission through blood transfusion is another important concern, as are recent “atyp ...
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The ongoing global economic crisis is seriously challenging advanced capitalistic economies. In the last year the GDP has fallen at dramatic rates, creating the conditions for the upsurge of unemployment, above all in areas characterized by specialization in mature industries. According to recent growth models and empirical evidence, innovation and knowledge creation represent the main factors abl ...
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RESEARCH OBJECTIVESThe overall objective of this project is to identify effective and efficient approaches for the support of successful LINSA (Learning and Innovation Networks for Sustainable Agriculture) as drivers of transition towards Agricultural Innovation Systems for sustainable agriculture and rural development.In order to achieve this objective the project will:• Explore LINSAs empiricall ...
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European Study to Establish Biomarkers of Human Ageing (MARK-AGE)

Start date: Apr 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

The rate of ageing in humans is not uniform, due to genetic heterogeneity and the influence of environmental factors. Age-related changes in body function or composition that could serve as a measure of “biological” age and predict the onset of age-related diseases and/or residual lifetime are termed “biomarkers of ageing”. Many candidate biomarkers have been proposed but in all cases their variab ...
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Description How to focus on the relevant while making financial decisions in a world of information overkill? – Ask FIRST firstThe FIRST project provides an information extraction, information integration and decision making infrastructure for information management in the financial domain. This area is extraordinarily faced with the chal ...
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In EU countries, volcanic risks assessment and management are tackled through scientific knowledge and monitoring, although there is still a need for integration between all risk management components. For international cooperation partner countries (ICPCs), the risk management depends on local situations but is often less favourable. Therefore, following UN International Strategy for Disaster Red ...
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We are a consortium of European SMEs that has identified a promising low energy, time efficient and easy to clean microwave milk processing system that can improve nutritional value and taste of milk and milk products due to shorter heating times required to reach the holding temperatures during heating. Microwave heating will enhance the advantages of UHT (Ultra High Temperature) milk by improvin ...
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"The CAP reform for the tobacco sector (EG Nr. 864/2004 from April 29, 2004, effective on January 1, 2006) has the aim to phase out the subsidy payment for tobacco cultivation. This will have a great impact on the tobacco growers in terms of income and employment. The project addresses a specific scientific and technological problem, as well as societal. It is exploring the possibilities to replac ...
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"With the ongoing growth of the organic sector and the spread of organic production across the EU, the field of organic certification has become a maze of competing labels and logos, involving different private and public standards, in addition to European law. This diversity reflects the specific conditions for organic operators in countries or regions but can also lead to confusion for both prod ...
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"Services are the dominant economic sector in modern economies and are a crucial component of competitiveness strategy and welfare in Europe. In the past public and private services have been studied in isolation of one another. At best this is misleading. At worst it produces a false understanding of the drivers, dynamics, and impact of services. The ServPPIN project addresses this problem by ana ...
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