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13 European Projects Found

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The INSIGHT project aims at developing a Monitoring, Diagnostic and Lifetime Tool (MDLT) for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) stacks and the hardware necessary for its implementation into a real SOFC system. The effectiveness of the MDLT will be demonstrated through on-field tests on a real micro-Combined Heat and Power system (2.5 kW), thus moving these tools from Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3 t ...
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The overall goal of ECo is to develop and validate a highly efficient co-electrolysis process for conversion of excess renewable electricity into distributable and storable hydrocarbons via simultaneous electrolysis of steam and CO2 through SOEC (Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells) thus moving the technology from technology readiness level (TRL) 3 to 5.In relation to the work program, ECo will specifi ...
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Solid Oxide Stack Lean Manufacturing (SOSLeM)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2019,

The proposed SOSLeM project will contribute to the call objectives by improving production processes as well as developing and applying novel manufacturing technologies for FC stacks. The improvements proposed by the project will sum up to a reduction of manufacturing costs of about 70%, leading to decreased capital cost of about 2.500 €/kW. Besides these outstanding economical and technical impro ...
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This project aims at improving the robustness, manufacturability, efficiency and cost of SOLIDpower’s state-of-the-art SOFC stacks so as to reach market entry requirements. We propose a focused project addressing the key issues that have manifested themselves in the course of the ongoing product development efforts at SOLIDpower SA. The key issues are the mechanical robustness of solid oxide fuel ...
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SOFCs are good energy sources to supply reliable power at steady state. Due to their slow internal electrochemical and thermodynamic characteristics, they cannot respond to electrical load transients as quickly as desired. During peak demand a battery can provide power in addition to the fuel cell, whereas the fuel cell can recharge the battery during low demand periods. The key advantage of this ...
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"The project aims at developing reliable predictive models to estimate long-term (i.e. > 20 kh) performance and probability of failure of SOFC stacks based on existing materials and design produced by the industrial partners. This will allow the realization of stacks with extended service intervals and reduced maintenance cost with respect to the present stack technology. The extension of service ...
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Solar integrated pressurized high temperature electrolysis (SOPHIA)

Start date: Apr 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

Hydrogen and other fuels are expected to play a key role as energy carrier for the transport sector and as energy buffer for the integration of large amounts of renewable energy into the grid. Therefore the development of carbon lean technologies producing hydrogen at reasonable price from renewable or low CO2 emitting sources like nuclear is of utmost importance. It is the case of water electroly ...
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Diagnosis-aided control for SOFC power systems (DIAMOND)

Start date: Apr 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

The DIAMOND project aims at improving the performance of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) for CHP applications by implementing innovative strategies for on-board diagnosis and control. Advanced monitoring models will be developed to integrate diagnosis and control functions with the objective of having meaningful information on the actual state-of-the-health of the entire system. A holistic view ove ...
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The Asterix project consortium was initiated as a privately financed initiative in 2005 between EIFER/EDF, Dantherm, Danfoss and HTceramix. The objective of the collaboration was to evaluate HTceramix’s SOFC technology in perspective of development of a residential micro-CHP application with a strong and well defined market focus.The project has achieved its goals in providing a serious evaluation ...
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Today, main expectation for SOFC stationary systems competitiveness is to exceed a durability of 40 000 h, an objective which is not today reached except for very specific designs. A better understanding and detection of the failure mechanisms and the internal condition of stacks is of major importance for the introduction of the SOFC technology. If, massive SOFC stack or auxiliary failure can be ...
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Long-term stable operation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) is a basic requirement for introducing this technology to the stationary power market. Degradation phenomena limiting the lifetime can be divided into continuous (baseline) and incidental (transient) effects.This project is concerned with understanding the details of the major SOFC continuous degradation effects and developing models that ...
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The ADEL project (ADvanced ELectrolyser for Hydrogen Production with Renewable Energy Sources) proposes to develop a new steam electrolyser concept named Intermediate Temperature Steam Electrolysis (ITSE) aiming at optimizing the electrolyser life time by decreasing its operating temperature while maintaining satisfactory performance level and high energy efficiency at the level of the complete sy ...
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Anode Sub-System Development & Optimisation for SOFC systems (ASSENT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

"The high temperature fuel cell technologies have potential for high electrical efficiency, 45-60%, and total efficiency up to 95%. SOFC has the added benefit of offering commercial applications from 1 kW residential to several MW stationary units with high fuel flexibility. Whilst much effort is devoted to cell and stack issues, less attention has been paid to the components and sub-systems requi ...
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