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19 European Projects Found

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Novel Processes and Equipment in Composite Repair Technology (NEWCORT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

NEWCORT will develop and validate novel processes and equipment for the repair of composite airframes. Three key stages in the bonded composite repair procedure were identified, namely material removal & surface preparation, heating for polymerization of patch and positive pressure application for improved compaction of patch layers. In all three stages novel processes will be developed, either th ...
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... industrial applications, primarily in Transport. A technological sector dealing with composite repair solutions has emerged, now expanding proportionally to the extension of composites applications. GMI is a leading SME in this sector since 25 years, developing equipment for composite manufacturing, maintenance and repair. To ensure excellence, during the last 15 years GMI has invested in several ...
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The integration of innovative lightweight materials like CFRP into multi-material design (MMD) environments in aeronautic applications brings along a paradigm shift in initial design, manufacturing and in maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO). Essential cost reductions over the whole aircraft lifecycle demand innovative processes meeting the specific requirements of MMD in general and specificall ...
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A composite aero-structure with self-repair capabilities will offer durability, extend its service life and prolong maintenance protocols leading to lower aircraft operational costs. Despite the extensive research activities in the area of self-healing resins applied to composite materials, the research for aeronautical applications is currently very limited. To this end, the main objective of HIP ...
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"The objective of this proposal is to further focus on the application and appropriate adaptation of Phase Contrast X-ray imaging technology for the Non-Destructive Evaluation and Inspection of primary aeronautical composite structures, both during the manufacturing process and during the repair and re-use of key components. The introduction of this new methodology is expected to provide the aeron ...
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"Composite materials are starting to be used extensively in many industrial applications. This is the case for example of the transport (automotive, rail and aeronautic), marine, wind energy and construction industries. New developments such as textile preforming combined with liquid moulding technologies together with recent automation developments will support this tendency.Although it seems tha ...
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... industrial applications, primarily in Transport. A technological sector dealing with composite repair solutions has emerged, now expanding proportionally to the extension of composites applications. GMI is a leading SME in this sector since 25 years, developing equipment for composite manufacturing, maintenance and repair. To ensure excellence, during the last 15 years GMI has invested in partici ...
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Flexible Conductive Composite Repair Heaters (CONDUCTOR)

Start date: Dec 1, 2011, End date: Aug 31, 2014,

"Appropriate curing of the patch resin and the adhesive layer is an essential step to secure the integrity and the sound mechanical performance of a bonded composite repair. Today, the required elevation of temperature is usually achieved by means of resistance heating blankets, which conduct heat to the repair area, regulated through closed loop temperature control, using one or two spot temperat ...
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"The wind turbine industry is the fastest growing market area for the use of composite materials. Current state-of-the-art turbines are increasing in size, providing multi-megawatt power output. To generate such power turbine rotorblade diameters exceeding 100m along with nacelle heights of 120m are becoming standard. As turbines grow and their deployment becomes more widespread and remote, it is ...
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During the last ten years, the EU has funded an important number of research projects aiming at satisfying the need for innovative repair solutions for aircraft airframes, through the development of innovative elements that could assist in performing safer and more efficient repairs, in a faster and more economical way. However, as these innovations have been developed as the main or the secondary ...
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"The aim of MAGNASENSE is to develop the appropriate smart maintenance technologies, using magnetostrictive sensors, in order to enable self-sensing of the strain field developed in components manufactured by CFRP. For this reason, all the hardware (embedded sensors – sensing elements etc.) and software (transformation of measurements to strain readings, ispection supporting fotware, initial corre ...
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"Bonded composite patches are ideal for aircraft structural repair as they offer enhanced specific properties, case-tailored performance and excellent corrosion resistance. Bonding further eliminates stress concentrations induced from mechanical fastening of metal sheets, seals the interface, and reduces the risk of fretting fatigue between the patch and the component. IAPETUS focuses on the use o ...
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"Composite materials are being used extensively in many industrial applications with higher production needs than the yielded by current technologies. New developments such as textile preforming combined with liquid moulding technologies will support this tendency. Nevertheless, there are still some drawbacks. More repeatable and automated processes are required and tools must be developed to assi ...
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...alternative solutions will be proposed, to facilitate their efficient transfer to production standards and requirements. The project success is guaranteed from the background of the consorium: a) GMI Aero, a bonded composite repair equipment manufacturer and supplier of major airlines and MROs, with over 25 years experience in the development of repair equipment, techniques, advanced solutions and ...
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"Adhesively bonded composite repairs exhibit significant advantages in terms of mechanical efficiency compared to those effected using mechanical fasteners. However they are at the same time extremely sensitive to process parameter variations. Small deviations against the repair specifications and subsequent flaws, could lead to disproportionally larger consequences to the final mechanical perform ...
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"The required elevation of temperature for curing of composite repairs is usually achieved by resistance heating blankets, controlled through spot temperature measurements. Although this method is simple and works adequately for small repairs, when larger areas are heated, cold or hot spots frequently occur, due to variable heat losses, caused by geometrical asymmetry etc. For this reason, autocla ...
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"Appropriate curing of the patch resin and the adhesive layer is an essential step to secure the integrity and the sound mechanical performance of bonded composite repairs. Today, the required temperature elevation is achieved by means of resistance heating blankets, conducting heat to the repair area. This method is simple and works adequately for small repairs, but when larger areas need to be h ...
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"The aim of INDUCER is to provide the possibility to make high integrity adhesive repairs using a unique single multi-functional magnetic sensor for “Smart Curing” the bond and to monitor the structural integrity of the repair in service. INDUCER will produce a complete operational chain of equipment, software and sensors that will revolutionise the technology of composite repair bonding by combin ...
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"The basic problem of damage detection is to deduce the existence of a defect in a structure from measurements taken at sensors distributed on the structure. Especially in aeronautical structures, cracks, delaminations and debondings are typical types of damages often encountered. The problem is essentially one of pattern recognition. Artificial neural networks show considerable promise for damage ...
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